Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Does Jessie Lunderby Have A Right To Pose Off Duty?

Can an employer control choices of an employee when she is on her own time? We are not talking about breaking the law. We are talking about failing to meet an employer's perception of what constitutes good judgment. An Arkansas sheriff's office put Jessie Lunderby, a female detention officer, on administrative leave for posing nude on According to the sheriff department, Jessie's photos taken off-the-clock are "unbecoming of a law enforcement officer." Specifically, Jessie Lunderby has been placed under review by the Washington County Sheriff's Office for posing as a "Cyber Girl of the Week." The 21-year-old blond is scantily clad in pink lingerie. In some photos she appears to be completely unclothed. But one has to wonder out loud how this is much different than the firefighters who pose for provocative calendar shots...

Lunderby has worked for the sheriff's office for almost three years. She told KHOG that "I'm happy with what I did." (By the looks of her, so are viewers of ) Lunderby will likely fight the disciplinary action. Legal Pub would invite Jessie to share her views on this subject by emailing We will be happy to publish her side of this argument concerning freedom of choice. In the mean time, for those that want a quick peak, feel free to go to WARNING ADULT LINK.


  1. What if this were your daughter, would you want her to pose?

  2. That's not the issue. The issue is whether an employer has a right to regulate otherwise legal behavior while the employee is off duty. It's a legal issue.

  3. I agree with the first poster. How can you separate the moral issue from the equation. Do you wanted a naked jailer serving as a role model to children?

  4. L.P. Congrats for jumping in on a controversial topic. No sitting on the fence on this one.

    Seems to me jailers are not typically role models for kids. I doubt many kids interact with jailers.

    They may be role models to prisoners. Perhaps their jail time would go by faster if they had her picture instead of just their imagination on those long lonely nights...

  5. The more I think about it, the more this is an example of men trying to control women. Women have a right to control their own bodies. If it is not illegal to pose, then there should be no penalty for doing so on one's own time.

    Seems to me this is paternalistic chauvinism designed to keep a good girl down.


  6. She definitely has the potential to launch a career with these photos. She has classic good looks!

  7. Never thought about that... this oould launch her career.

  8. Always rights of the employee. How about the rights of the employer? Shouldn't the Sheriff have a right to choose the type of moral person he wants working for him?

  9. Wow, she is a knock out in the photos!

  10. She is even more fine than Debra Lefevre feautured a few years ago.

  11. Her looks have nothing to do with her right to choose any legal activity that she wants to do while off duty!


  12. "Right to pose off duty?" It depends on the employment contract. Sometimes a condition of continued employment is to refrain from otherwise completely legal activities. You take it or leave it when presented with the contract. Unless that contract provision is determined to void (because it violates a public policy), they are usually kosher.

  13. What contract? I bet she was an employee at will!

    This is just paternalism... or worse chauvinism trying to keep a woman under the control of men.

  14. Nuttin wrong with Jessie in those photos...

  15. Why is it so different if a male firefighter poses with his shirt off?

    Other than different shaped curves, what's the big difference?

  16. B/c men don't look like this sizzling firecracker!

  17. That is because she is located in the Bible belt where the do-gooders are always trying to force their opinions and beliefs down your throat, as they commit some of the most horrendous crimes to man, behind closed doors…Mark Souder comes to mind here, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

    I’ll bet that sheriff beat his meat raw looking at her picture while at home, but has to put on the morality act in public.

    Some of these employers are trying to control every aspect of ones life now days and taking away more of the employee’s off-duty rights…even telling them how to vote.

    In a truly FREE country, YES she should be allowed to pose for Playboy…especially Playboy with their classy, artistic photography.

  18. 100% right on Video Guy!

  19. It is all about control! Men need to control every aspect of a woman's life so that men do not feel threatened.

  20. Nuttin wrong with Jessie in those photos...

  21. saw her movie sexual witchcraft in Peru. carlos ramirez Lima
