Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Erica Blasberg Mysteriously Dies While Rafael Morales Escapes Marriage By Being Murdered

A beautiful popular golfer (no, not you, Tiger) is dead and Nevada police want to know why. Erica Blasberg was found dead in bed without any apparent signs of trauma. The cause of death for the 25 year-old golfer has not yet been revealed. Was it suicide, homicide or neither? One thing is clear, Erica was found Sunday in bed in her Henderson, Nevada home with no obvious signs of trauma. She failed to appear for a golf tournament on Saturday in Alabama although her bags had been packed for the trip. A toxicology screening will be performed by the Clark County Coroner. Most feel that suicide is an unlikely cause. Blasberg Didn't Commit Suicide. Police found Blasberg after responding to a 911 call. (Apparently an unidentified friend found Erica's body in bed on Sunday and there were no obvious signs of trauma to her body.) While the cause of death remains a mystery for the time being, it is already clear that Erica will be missed by her family and friends.

Nine are dead in Beijing, China and the cause of death is no mystery. The deaths occurred after a man attacked a kindergarten in northwestern China . He killed his victims with a kitchen cleaver. The dead include a teacher, the teacher's mother and seven kindergarten students. The perpetrator then returned home and committed suicide according to the Xinhua news agency. This just goes to show that all countries have losers...

While we may want to add China to the list of where not to go on vacation, Mexico remains the number one place to avoid. Four men were kidnapped from a wedding in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Their bodies have now been found in the bed of a pickup truck in the city. The kidnapped men included the groom, Rafael Morales; his brother, Jaime Morales; and their uncle, Guadalupe Morales. Municipal police did not release the name of the fourth victim. All of the bodies showed signs of torture. The FBI indicates that Rafael Morales was a U.S. citizen from La Mesa, New Mexico. The others may be citizens as well. The men were all kidnapped at gun point in the church during the wedding ceremony. A fifth man was apparently also shot to death during the incident. Some have theorized that the groom was connected to La Mesa. To date, police do not know the actual motive for the murders; however, no one thinks it was motivated by MARRIAGE STRIKE.
Update 8-25-10: Erica Blasberg's death is ruled a suicide. LINK.


  1. Erica had too much to live for to commit suicide.

  2. More bad news for the world of golf.

  3. What an unrelated collection of incredibly bad news.

  4. Let's wait before we pass judgment on what happened to Erica.

  5. The gunmen who killed Rafael showed no respect for the sanctity of the Church.

  6. How dare they invade a church to do their dirty work. they interrupted the best day of this poor woman's life with this senseless male violence.

  7. some guys will do anything to avoid tieing the knot.

  8. That comment is uncalled for. He could have just got a prenup.

  9. violence in mexico is not funny

  10. Erica Blasberg's death was ruled a suicide.

  11. some guys will do anything to avoid tieing the knot.

  12. Marriage Strike AdvocatNovember 1, 2012 at 8:03 AM

    Will allegedly do anything Lawrence....

    Marriage strike appears to be gaining wide spread momentum in the U.S. Growing trend of couples deciding to raise children together but without the property rights of marriage. Perhaps someday the States will get out of the marriage business and marriage will be left up to the churches as a religious ceremony instead of a legal contract. We shall see...

  13. That comment is uncalled for. He could have just got a prenup.

  14. prenups still invight litigation. it is all about the lawyers...
