Friday, December 18, 2009

Linda Kaiser Uses Cheyenne's Death To Advocate For Product Recall

Product reform is often fueled by product liability litigation. Yet, at other times, the moving force is the tireless effort of a parent. Linda Kaiser is such a parent. Her 1-year-old daughter, Cheyenne, pulled the cord off a window shade and strangled herself seven years ago. After seven years of lobbying, on December 15, 2009, there was a national recall of millions of shades and blinds similar to the one involved with Cheyenne's death. Mother's Crusade

Cheyenne apparently died when she caught her neck in the cord of a window shade. Since her daughters death, Linda has fought to eliminate exposed blind cords. Linda Kaiser, of Elgin, Ill., was a typical mom. She worked as a dental assistant who stayed home to care for her three children. Seven years after Cheyenne's unexpected death, Linda runs the national grassroots organization, Parents for Window Blind Safety." Her efforts culminated in the national recall by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The recall was supported by Window Covering Safety Council, includes products from some of the largest retailers in the country. The Wall Street Journal.

About 5 Million Roman shades and about 3 million roll-up blinds are sold each year. Many parents know to tie up the pull cords. But cords that run along the back of the shades are easy to pull away from the fabric. Apparently, since 1991, the federal agency has received reports of more than 200 children dying from window shade pull cords, many of which may have involved death from exposed back cords.

Child-proof outlet covers, safely stored medications, and tied up the shade cords are all good safety precautions when it comes to kids. But sometimes, it simply is not enough. The world needs more safety advocates like Linda Kaiser. Legal Pub salutes, Linda Kaiser, a true advocate for consumer safety.


  1. Good reminder for all!

  2. Kaiser the consumer products natzi in a good way?

  3. She is just plain a nice lady with a great heart looking out for the rest of us bozos!

  4. I don't understand how a child could hang themselves in a window blind cord..??
    Do they wrap the cord around their necks themselves??? HOW!!! ??

  5. Yes, often times they do. Not sure why. It is an attractive nuisance it just is. The strong but slight rope is just so fun for a kid to play with. But the fact that it is so strong is what causes death because the weight of the child will not break the chord.
