Monday, December 21, 2009

Be Careful Whose Car You Hit With A Snowball ~by Surfer Dude

Hitting cars with snowballs could be hazardous to your health. A massive snowball fight occurred in Washington and at least one cop apparently didn't like it. Now, Washington police are investigating whether an off-duty officer drew his gun in the midst of a snowball fight. It may be hard to make too many conclusions. Apparently, a couple hundred people were involved in the snowball fight. A video from a local media outlet failed to show the officer with his weapon drawn. However, "additional images and statements that would seem to support the allegation that the off-duty member did pull a gun" have apparently surfaced.

About 200 people from a D.C. neighborhood participated in the massive snowball fight. CNN Video The overwhelming sentiment that the fight was a good time for all until the gun came out. Apparently, an off-duty, plainclothes officer was driving in the area of the snowball fight when several snowballs hit his vehicle. Allegedly, the officer exited the vehicle and yelled at the crowd. Some say, the officer than drew his gun. A uniformed police officer subsequently arrived was holding a gun at his hip, but he returned it to his holster apparently after realizing the plainclothes officer was the one who had allegedly drawn a gun. The official police statement is that, "there is no evidence that [officers] pointed any weapons in the direction of the crowd or at any individuals."

Okay. Moral of the story: hit other folks with the snowballs, not cars. Folks tend to be over protective of their vehicles. Imagine... we don't have these problems at the beach.


  1. Splat! Stop or I will shoot. Splat. Go ahead punk, make my day!

  2. I agree...people are protective of their vehicles.
    When i was young we would throw snowballs at cars just for the excitement of being chased down by the one ever drew a gun on us...ever!

  3. That's ridiculous!!

    He needs anger management STAT!!

  4. We tried to avoid the nice cars as their drivers tended to run faster and punch harder.

  5. Maybe it's just me, but throwing snow balls at random people in WASHINGTON, DC will lead to consequences and repercussions. Now, maybe if this had been a sanctioned snowball fight in a designated area, (instead of an idea that originated with a bunch of DC residents on Twitter), then anyone entering that area would be doing so at the risk of getting pelted with a snowball (assumption of risk). That however was not the case. The result was assaulting (yes! assaulting) the wrong man (you just never know in DC).

  6. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
