Thursday, December 31, 2009

Charlie Sheen And Brooke Mueller To Face The Wrath Of Child Protective Services?

Should it really surprise us when Hollywood bad boys get in trouble? Why is it even news? Domestic violence is a serious problem. But why is it headline news? Don't we have more news worthy topics to place on page one? Apparently not. So what is Charlie Sheen's defense? It may be just that, "self defense." The old, "yeah I was wrong but so were you" argument. So is it surprising that the old attack the victim routine is being employed? has paraphrased Sheen's wife, Brooke Mueller's criminal history from Florida. If accurate, it's not pretty. Mueller has apparently been arrested twice: once for DUI and damage to property in 1996 and once for possession of cocaine, a 3rd degree felony, in 2001. But why are these relevant to her Christmas Day altercation with Charlie Sheen? Normally, they would not be important. However, since the altercation, Brooke's past is being looked into by the Los Angeles County's Department of Children and Family Services who wants to determine if the couple are fit parents.
Sheen's history of domestic violence and substance abuse along with Mueller's alleged problems with alcohol and drugs may lead a court to determine that the couple are unfit parents. Will their children be temporarily placed with a guardian? Possibly. Nine-month-old twin boys, Max and Bob, would be welcomed by almost any foster parents. In the mean time, expect Charlie and Sheen to be asked to submit to regular drug testing. Sheen is accused of using a weapon in an alleged case of domestic violence against his wife. The couple had allegedly been drinking heavily before the incident. Sheen spent part of Christmas Day in a Colorado jail. He was released on Friday and has yet to be formally charged. Sheen posted $8,500 bond. Prosecutors ultimately will decide if formal charges will be pursued. Possible charges may include second-degree assault, a felony, and criminal mischief, a misdemeanor. Charlie Sheen has denied all allegations.
(Sheen apparently said that the couple exchanged heated yelling and hit each other's arms but there was no other physical contact or threats.)

Charlie Sheen Domestic Abuse Case
Sheen, Mueller Could Lose Boys

Will social services take the couples kids? If this were not a famous couple, what would be the protocol? When this happens to our neighbors, it rarely makes the news. When it happens to celebrities, it is headline news. Should there really be such a disparity in how the news media handles such cases?
Note: Even in Brooke's mug shot and Charlies mug shot, the couple still demonstrates their photogenic ways... As always, all suspects are innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.
Update 1-19-11: Charlie Sheen got into trouble at his hotel: LINK. He broke up with his wife but now it looks like deja vu. Charlie and estranged wife Brooke Mueller are reportedly discussing getting back together. The Palm Beach Post.


  1. If Charlie held a knife to his wife's throat, than he lost the right to any privacy he may have had...

  2. Two and a half men should not need a knife on one foxy milf.

  3. Typical Hollywood mug shots, don't ya think?

  4. If you think for one minute that Charlie Sheen and his family are going to let CPS destroy their family without fighting back, you're living in a dream world. CPS is about the most corrupt agency in America. These children are prime merchandise here. Of course any foster parent would take them in, they'll come with millions upon millions of dollars! Talk about a cash cow!!! CPS is going to keep this crap up and they're gonna get knocked to their knees. He has the money...and the fight these legally kidnapping a$$es. Good!!! I hope he brings them to their knees.

  5. Divot Dog. hope you are right. Someone needs to put some checks and balances on child protective services.

  6. CPS is out of freaking control. I have yet to see a more corrupt organization. If you're interested in learning just how corrupt they are, feel free to visit my blog at There is no accountability and did you know that if a CPS agent (social worker usually) lies in court, they have absolute immunity??? They make tons of money off of ASFA (the Adoption and Safe Families Act), Medicaid, and Title IV-E funding. It's outrageous!!! I'm hoping that by them attacking the rich, famous and powerful, that they WILL fight back and prove to America just how bad it really is out there as far as Child Protective Services is concerned. That's such a joke name because CPS doesn't protect anything or anyone except themselves.

  7. I too have seen CPS abuse their authority because they are basically unchecked.

  8. I'm glad that people are becoming aware of just how corrupt CPS has become. They have absolute power and absolute immunity. If they fail to protect, they hide behind fake "confidentiality" laws. They're even allowed to perjure themselves in court without fear of punishment. How fair is that?

  9. I hate to over generalize. But yes, the potential for abuse by CPS is there. I would like to think that it is the rare worker who oversteps their bounds. Perhaps I am mistaken about the frequency, but I sincerely hope not.

  10. I wish it were rare but unfortunately I have the facts to back it up. There's a lot of good blogs out there proving how corrupt and out of control they are. I have many friends who have been through this and lost. They were not abusive or neglectful, yet the state took the children, terminated their rights, and had them adopted out of the foster care system. The states can make between $30,000 and $150,000 per child/per year. Genetically sound, attractive, healthy babies are at a premium, especially the blonde-haired, blue-eyed variety. Once CPS gets a hold of them, they do NOT let go.

    The very children that laws like ASFA (adoption and safe families act) was designed to help, they're still languishing in the foster care system. It is NOT about child protection, it's about money and, of course, power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. They have a gun at your head once they have your children and that, my friend, is absolute power!

  11. Divotdawg...I have heard some bad things about CPS in relation to what you are saying...I'm going to visit your blog soon and read it.

  12. If VIDEO GUY turns his efforts and energies toward exposing CPS look out. The dude is good...

  13. Video guy, thank you. Don't just read blogs, do Google searches too. There's a lot of other blogs even better than mine out there. Go to and Google Hassani Campbell, Gabriel Meyers, Marcus Fiesel, Haley Gray, Adrianna and Tyler Payne, Daneial Kelly, Emma Thompson, Zoey Sanderbox, just to name a few children who have died under CPS' watchful eye. They were either killed in foster care or in homes where CPS was involved and refused to do anything. Emma Thompson was just 4 years old, had a sexually transmitted disease, and CPS in Texas did NOTHING. She was killed shortly after. Don't take my word for it, research it. The information is out there for anyone who wants to find it.

    Oh, and Google ASFA and Title IV-E funding to find out about the money issue.
