Monday, October 12, 2009

Pistol Packing Momma Murdered While Web Chatting

Meleanie Hain made headlines as a pistol packing soccer mom in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, while chatting with a friend via web cam she was apparently murdered by her husband, Scott Hain, who then went upstairs and shot himself. Oh how times can change so quickly. Hain, 31, made headlines last year as the mother who carried a loaded, holstered Glock (handgun) to her 5-year-old daughter's soccer game. Nine days after the incident, her permit to carry a handgun was revoked by the Sheriff for showing poor judgment. Judge Robert Eby reinstated her permit. Now a year later, one wonders if she had been wearing her gun in her own home, would she still be alive? Watch Hain Controversy.

The male friend Meleanie was chatting with did not actually see the murder but heard the shot and a scream over his computer. When he looked back at the monitor, he allegedly saw Scott Hain firing several rounds from a 9 mm handgun. (Meleanie's body had apparently already fallen to the floor by the time the friend looked at his monitor. Soccer Mom Dead. After Meleanie was shot, Scott Hain apparently went upstairs and shot himself with a 12 gauge shot gun.

Upon investigation, Meleanie's fully loaded 9 mm handgun was found in her backpack hanging on the back of the front door. Obviously, it did little good not on her person. Apparently the couple's three children were in the home at the time of the murder but were unharmed. Police have the computer but the conversation was not recorded. But that does not mean that a motive is unknown. Four months ago, Meleanie Hain apparently told her attorney, Matthew B. Weisberg, that she was separating from her husband. However, the couple still appeared to be living together at the time of the murder.

Was this incident another example for pro and anti gun advocates to debate? Or is this another example to support Legal Pub's solution to domestic violence? LEGAL PUB PROPOSAL


  1. Women need to unite against these Apes!


  2. Too bad she did not have her gun so she could shoot back.

  3. Why didnt the guy Meleanie was chatting with warn her???

  4. the other chatter was looking away from the screen when he heard a scream. Then he allegedly saw the murderer (husband) firing a gun.

  5. Household may have been like the Okay Corral had she been armed.
