Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Michael Brewer Serves As A Burning Example Of The Need For Stricter Punishment Of Juveniles

We all know that kids can be cruel. Now it is time to deal with cruelty with the harshest of penalties. Specifically, the teens that set Michael Brewer on fire deserve life in prison. Then we shall see just how funny it is to watch another teen burn. Five juveniles are detained in juvenile custody for intentionally setting 15-year-old Brewer on fire at a Deerfield Beach, Florida, apartment complex. Punishment should begin by releasing the juveniles names, but society frowns on that. Society needs to change.

Brewer has second-degree burns over 80 percent of his body. According to police, a couple of the accused juveniles laughed about the incident. Only one apparently felt genuinely sorry about it. This makes it clear to the undersigned that some of today's youth simply do not know right from wrong. What makes matters worse is that all of the teens attend school together. Brewer apparently owed one of the suspects $40 for a video game. So the "creditor" allegedly stole Brewer's father's bicycle. Brewer reported the bicycle stolen and the suspect was taken to a detention center and released to his parents within 24 hours. Watch Alleged Motive.

On Monday, the suspect in the bicycle theft and two other people approached him. The apparently yelled, "He's a snitch, he's a snitch" and "pour it on him." Then the suspects accomplice apparently threw rubbing alcohol on Brewer from a plastic jug and set him on fire. Five were arrested. Five arrested. One is charged with attempted murder. 15-year-old charged with attempted murder

Provindencia Maldenero apparently witnessed the event. Another apartment complex resident apparently used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. Brewer then jumped into the swimming pool. Malissa Durkee, Brewer's sister said that her brother was in critical condition. Brewer is expected to be hospitalized for several months.

This heinous crime is inexcusable. To laugh about it simply intolerable. Now if found guilty, punishment must be severe and harsh so as to teach teens what apparently some are lacking, a sense of right and wrong.
Update 10 -15-09: As Video Guy reminds us, history repeats itself. Remember the teenage girls who set another girl on fire? VIDEO LINK.
Update 12-23-09: Michael is now out of the hospital. He still has a long way on his road to recovery.
Update 9-2-10: Due to excessive spamming, all future comments must be emailed to Comments will be then posted appropriately.


  1. What the heck has happened to our youth?

  2. These lads did wrong, but don't they deserve a second chance at life outside prison walls?

  3. We see examples of this type of bizarre behavior in school all the time. Parents protect their children from the ill effects of their behavior, and their sense of moral responsibility is lost - a feeling of "anything goes" takes over.

    As a society we have allowed our children to act or react in any way they choose and, we have protected them from ANY negative consequences of such actions. When they act in ways we ourselves learned as children to be unacceptable, everyone wonders where we went wrong.

    Surprise! Behavior CAN be bad, unacceptable, or socially misguided, but protecting kids from the consequences of such behaviors ultimately creates a callous and morally bankrupt young adult.

    Society in general should listen more to those of us who work with large numbers of children. Where better to get a feel of how a style of upbringing is affecting a society’s children other than from those who deal with children when they are out-of-reach of their parent's control?

    Teachers have warned for years of the directions America's youth were heading. Well, here we are!

    BTW - The poor boy is not even in the hospital a couple days and someone is already speaking of "second chances" for the perpetrators. They haven't even been sentenced for their evil deed yet!

    Some people will never learn!

  4. Come on. There are no such thing as bad boys. Just misguided children whose parents have failed them.


  5. I agree! Let's start naming names.

    Jeremy Jarvis, 13, and his brother Denver Jarvis, 15, appeared in court Tuesday. They are apparently charged in connection with setting Brewer (15)on fire. Three other teens were also charged in connection with splashing rubbing alcohol on Michael Brewer.

    Who actually did what still remains to be seen.

  6. The Broward County Sheriff's Office news release indicates that 15-year-olds Matthew Bent, Denver Jarvis, Steven Shelton and Jesus Mendez and 13-year-old Jeremy Jarvis were charged with aggravated battery. Mendez was also charged with attempted second-degree murder because authorities say used the lighter.

  7. All of these boys are just boys, not men. They are capable of learning from their mistakes and leading a productive life. Don't give up on these kids. they are not bad people, just misguided youths.

  8. Bullsh@t! The five were not one time offenders. As it is they are getting off too easy! All five were not charged as adults! Their names were released because they were charged with a felony. The Sun Sentinel said that all five boys had prior criminal records.

    Step up and charge them as adults!

  9. This has happened before in 1992, only it was four teen girls that burned to death while alive a 12 year old girl named Shanda Sharer.

    I wonder if these teen boys had been aware of this crime and the results that last for the rest of their lives, would they have made a different decisions?

    we claim that young teens need to be sheltered from the knowledge of such violence, but i believe that if they knew, and were taught about the true consequences, they would make better decisions.

    I knew a thing like this would happen again because of lack of information provided to young people, so I guess I'm now allowed to say...I told you so!

  10. Yes, in my opinion the horror of the consequences should be shared and be given a chance for deterrence.And yes, video guy, you can say that you told us so.

  11. Update 10 -15-09: As Video Guy reminds us, history repeats itself. Remember the teenage girls who set another girl on fire? VIDEO LINK on the front page.

  12. This is a horrible story! Video Guy, what's scary to me is that this will probably bring about more copycat cases ... Sheeesh!

  13. Ms. C. Kind of like the song, my flag boy said to your flag boy I'm going to set your flag on fire...

    Bad examples all around...

  14. Miss Calabaza...YES, there is a chance of a copy cat, but if they knew what the two girls who have been released from prison have to go through NOW, and for the rest of their lives they would THINK!

    Hope Rippey says people call hear at work, get in her face and scream MURDERER! She limits her movements and knows not who to trust.
    Toni Lawrence is only now beginning to realize that her actions will be passed on to her children...they will always be referred to as the children of the "Murderer of Madison"

    Shandas mother, Jacque has went on to speak to young people, many as young as her daughter was at the time...12-13 years old. One message I received from youtube was from a young man who had heard Jacque speak when he was 12 years old, he stated to me he was horrified when told the story. Jacque just may have prevented another crime of this nature by this boy had he not heard of Shanda's story.

  15. One of the few instances where I am left speechless.

  16. And even that is not enough punishment!

  17. These kids know right from wrong.

    Put their asses in jail and throw away the key!!!

    If Michael Brewer was your kid, you wouldnt be saying..."don't give up on them (the perps)."

    These damn kids emulate thugs and gansters. "F" these wanna-be thugs. They deserve to spend the rest of their lives locked up!!!

  18. If a woman faces 15 years in prison for "joining" her cousin in line at walmart......

    then these idiots should be thrown under the jail!!!

  19. Anon 10/14 at 10:58 am. I agree whole heartedly with your assessment of this situation.

    IMO,for whatever reason they do it, even love, parents who shield their children from the consequences of their own behavior are actually committing a form of neglect.

    I remember when one of my nieces was getting in trouble and acting out, my sister took her to counseling. The counselor told her she had to let her daughter suffer the consequences of her actions in order to learn her behavior was wrong. My sis thought he was nuts and never went could she risk her daughter being hurt to teach her a lesson?

    Well now that she had to step in and take a child from her daughter she is following a much different tact in raising her granddaughter. I guess you could say my sis had to learn the consequences of her behavior in raising her child and my niece ultimately paid the price. :`(

    What these kids did was just plain evil and they need to suffer the severe consequences of their act. They are young enough to learn, but they won't until they actually suffer the consequences of their behavior.

  20. Kids need to be kaned and then imprisoned. That is what would happen in Thailand.

  21. Sure, lets do as they do in some 3d world country!

  22. Kane, kane go away, come again to punish boys another day.


  23. Kane, kane go away, come again to punish boys another day.


  24. It seems teens need supervision. If they aren't mature enough to understand the consequences of their actions, then they shouldn't be free to roam in gangs and cause problems. Anyone who buy their kid a car or allows them to spend hours in their rooms texting, and sexting, and creating a teen-only world online is not doing their duty as parents.

  25. I would love to see how you stop the teen texting. It is 24 seven among teens today.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. This is a burning example of why I have little tolerance for today's youth.

  28. This is a burning example of why I have little tolerance for today's youth.

  29. Anyone find it ironic that the young man these nasty boys tried to cook was named "Brewer?"

  30. The whole concept of setting a human on fire is nothing short of sick.

  31. I have heard that Michael is back in school trying to get on with his life.

  32. it is all about keeping it real =]
