Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dr. Jorge Mario Gonzalez Senseless Murder Brings A Touch of Urban Reality to Rural Bellville

Dr. Jorge Mario Gonzalez was murdered near Houston, Texas. But in Texas, most murders do not go unpunished. The Texas Rangers have arrested Misael Sotollo, 18, and brothers Cristobal Galvan Cerna, 23, and Moises Galvan Cerna, 18 in connection with the murder. Dr. Jorge Mario Gonzalez was chief of the critical care section at Houston’s Methodist Hospital and a leader in his field. He was shot on August 22. Deputies responded to a 911 call of a burglary in progress at his weekend ranch, near Bellville, Texas.

Dr. Gonazez's ranch was a hobby. His wife of nine months, Charleen Gonzlez, was also present at the time of the shooting. At the ranch, Gonzalez raised cattle and drove a tractor with his son on his lap. Gonzalez apparently grew up in Guatemala. His dad was the chief of external affairs for United Fruit Co. Dr. Gonzalez graduated with from the Universidad de San Carlos in Guatemala City and the medical school at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
Noel Galvan Cerna, a ranch hand, was also wounded in the shooting. Two of the men charged with murdering Dr. Gonzalez were brothers. The third suspect, Sotollo, is the cousin of the Cerna brothers. The three supects are held without bond.

Keep in mind, all suspects are to be considered innocent unless otherwise proven in a court of law.
Update October 14, 2009: Four relatives accused of being involved in the killing of the doctor pleaded not guilty to capital murder charges in an Austin County courtroom on 10-13-09.


  1. Pure waste of life!

  2. I think it was a murder for hire.

  3. While it could be murder for hire, I doubt it. Robbery is a legit motive. Stringem up if they are guilty.

  4. I hope all three will end in an electric chair.

  5. Update October 14, 2009: Four relatives accused of being involved in the killing of the doctor pleaded not guilty to capital murder charges in an Austin County courtroom on 10-13-09.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. While we welcome comments, it is not appropriate to place accusations against an attorney in a non related story. The comments concerning Joe D. Milner have therefore been deleted.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Public Justice.

    Your comments about Milner et al are not appropriate under this story. If you have a valid dispute, let the courts decide it. In the meantime, please post comments only related to this story.

  10. Hispanics don't have a value for life. They will stab you just for looking at them funny. The women are just as bad. Eventually, I'm certain that scientists will find an "evil gene" within Hispanics.

    1. stop posting racial comments this Doctor was hispanic and I'm sure he dedicated his life to help save lives and to in every race there is criminals not only hispanics

  11. Really Anonymous? An evil gene? Please go back to whatever small town bigot hole you came from. Evil is evil to me, whether Hispanic or White or Black. Now these 4 people are clearly trash but adding racism to the pot does nothing positive.

    I hope I run into you on the street sometime anony (you know who you are) so I can teach you some Texas manners.

  12. Violence is violence. Crime is crime. Punish the offenders if convicted.

  13. No place for racism

  14. every won makes mistakes and I was in the same cell of moises galvan cerna 18 boy ....and u can ask any body in the jail even the guards he is a good person. .. and he tried to help u in any way he can and share anything he has even if he only has just a pice he cut it in have just to help u.... we share cell whit 30 others guy and I never found out what he did in til now because wen I got out I look it up onlie ....
