Friday, August 28, 2009

Jaycee Dugard Surfaces Alive And Well In The Backyard of Phillip and Nance Garrido

Back when it happened in Austria (Josef Fritzel Link) could never happen in the U. S. Now we know that it can happen. Jaycee Dugard was an 11-year-old, blue-eyed, blond when she disappeared from her California home eighteen years ago. Now she has surfaced as a 29-year-old mother of two children. Apparently, Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped and kept locked away in a backyard compound of sheds and tarps by a man and woman accused of abducting her. Her kidnapper, Phillip Garrido, was a registered sex offender prior to the kidnapping.

In 1991, Jaycee was apparently snatched from her front yard in South Lake Tahoe, California by Phillip and Nancy Garrido. Jaycee was then apparently kept in a locked shed in the Garrido's backyard in Antioch, California for 18 years. The Garridos have now been arrested and are charged with kidnapping. Kidnap victim kept in shed

Concealed in the back yard behind brush and trees were a series of sheds with a make shift bathroom and shower. Electricity was supplied by an extension cord. Dugard grew up and allegedly had her captor's children there. Neither Jaycee nor her children ever attended school They are in good health despite never having seen a doctor. Jaycee has two daughters, age 15 and 11. All indications are that Jaycee, her daughters, were well kept despite the primative conditions.

Phillip Garrido has a story to tell. Garrido, 58, is being held for investigation of various kidnapping and sex charges. Garrido was spotted Tuesday with two children as he tried to enter the University of California, Berkeley, campus to hand out religious literature. (Garrido had become a religious fanatic in recent years. ) Officers questioned him and did a background check revealing that he was a parolee and registered sex offender. Garrido appeared for a parole meeting and arrived with Dugard (who identified herself as "Allissa," his wife, and two children.) During questioning he allegedly admitted to kidnapping Dugard. (Garrido denies the admission to police.)

His 54-year-old wife, Nancy Garrido, was with him during the kidnapping in South Lake Tahoe. Both are scheduled to appear at an arraignment hearing on today. Garrido claims that he was a bad person but reformed. He begs the public not to rush to judgment. While in his own mind it may be true, one suspects he will be doing a lot more reforming behind by bars. However, in the meantime,


  1. To me its just plain sick!

  2. Spooky how the victim identifies with the kidnapper over time.

  3. Who says brainwashing is impossible...Adolf Hitler new this to be true if it is started at a young enough does our government, corporations, and all religious organizations.

  4. This guy was a religious nut. He was probably brainwashed too.

  5. This man talks about how "from the time his first child was born, his life turned around". But he STILL impregnated his captive a SECOND time, four years later - there are TWO children. That's not a turnaround, it's sick justification by a religious man who thinks his belief in Jesus justifies child molesting.

  6. Rarely are comments edited or deleted. T's comment was deleted and then rewritten here without the specific names that she included because without knowing all of the facts, it maybe unfair to name names. So here is a rewritten edited version of T's comment:

    T said:

    Fry the B@stard. I know of a similar situation where a relative of mine fathered a baby with my sister. He too used religion as a means to control.

  7. Yup, if he is so reformed why did he impregnate her a second time?

  8. I have read that the kids in his neighborhood referred to this perp as "Crazy Phil".
    His neighbor once called the police and told them there were children living in a tent in his backyard...the cops just questioned Crazy Phil on his front porch than left.

    The neighbors and their kids all knew there was something wrong with this guy and his yard, when told the cops do nothing....but sure as sh*t if one is driving without a insurance card all hell will come down on you!

  9. It's really hard to believe that this was able to go on for as long as it did. The whole story really makes me ill...

  10. This "crazy Phil" guy supposedly raped someone in the 70's.

  11. JJones...I checked out the link, but its not clear whether or not they were baptized witnesses. It makes a difference. You're not recognized as a real Jehovahs Witness unless you've been baptized.

    This is a really sick story. I hope these two get exactly what they deserve!!!

  12. it just keeps getting creepier!

  13. Here at Legal Pub we share your dislike of spamming. The post has been removed. If you suspect spamming, email a copy of the post to or

  14. Who says brainwashing is impossible...Adolf Hitler new this to be true if it is started at a young enough does our government, corporations, and all religious organizations.
