Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Were Gregory Jacobs Organs Harvested For Transplant Before He Was Dead?

Sometimes the time of death is real clear. For example, when a crocodile ate an 11 year old girl who was swimming too close to dinner time in Australia, the ending was pinpointed. Other times, the time of death is much more controversial. For example, an Ohio couple claims that doctors harvested their son, Gregory Jacobs' organs before he was declared dead. the eighteen-year-old from Bellevue, Ohio suffered a "closed head injury" two years ago while snowboarding in Findley Lake, N.Y.

His parents feel his organs were prematurely harvested and they are backing up their claim with a lawsuit. Parents Sue Medical Officials

Two years ago, the teen was airlifted to Hamot Medical Center in Pennsylvania. The teens parents' lawsuit claims doctors and a representative of The Center Organ Recovery & Education (CORE) prematurely caused the teen's death by administering medication and by removing his breathing tube. Michael and Teresa Jacobs believe that Gregory had not been formally declared brain dead prior to surgeons beginning to harvest his organs.
Hamot and CORE deny any wrongdoing. Hamot claims that proper consent was received in order for his organs to be donated and all protocols were followed.

Plaintiff's apparently claim that records would suggest that they started harvesting procedures including the incision when he was alive. They further believe that he was pronounced dead 29 minutes after the procedure began. Plaintiff's are represented by attorney, Dennis Boyle.


  1. I heard about both of these cases. The girl should not have been swimming wher crocodiles eat. As for the transplant, come on. A consent for the procedure had been given. No way their son was going to recover.

  2. It is all about getting the best quality organs to save lives. I don't know all the facts, but come on. These organs came from some one who could not be saved and yet they were used to help others that could be saved. It is the ultimate act of love and forgiving that opens the gates to heaven.

  3. To anonymous and J.J, you both are missing the point. The issue is not that the boy consented to being an organ donor (that's fine and is not being disputed). What is being disputed is whether his organs were being harvested before he was actually dead. There is a huge difference between the two.

    The argument that he was a “goner anyway” will not fly in court. Even if there was nothing that could be done for the boy, the choice to take him off of life support or what have you, is never the hospital’s to make (baring certain extreme circumstances). That choice always belongs to the family (husband, wife, parents, or children) or someone with the power of attorney. The plaintiffs are arguing that the choice to take their son off of life support was taken away from them and pieces of his person were being taken away while he was still alive (no matter what state he was in).

    When someone agrees to be an organ donor, it is an agreement to allow your organs to be harvested, AFTER you are dead. That point can not be stressed enough. If doctors are harvesting your organs before you are dead, all types of procedural protocols are being violated, and they should be sued.

    Thus, if the parent’s claims are proven to be true in a court of law, CORE and Hamot Medical Center are going to have to fork over some serious cash.

  4. Mr. No Face:

    Good analysis, but I think the Dad did sign the consent to harvest his organs. I think he takes the position that he signed the consent based on false information...


  5. Mr Noface: Good analysis. I'm an organ donor and have discussed the issue with several people who will not become donors fearing precisely what these parent allege. This should be an interesting case in court.

  6. Nottin rong with sharing body parts.

    Knocked up women do it all the time with thar babies.

  7. To anonymous & J.J.,
    You are so completely wrong. The boy was NOT an organ donor. The Dr. and a CORE rep. came out to the dad, told him his son was brain dead and that he should sign consent to have his son's organs donated. If someone extremely close to you was injured and their Dr. came out and told you they were dead but that their life can mean something by donating their organs what would you do? Unless you're a Dr. yourself or know one personally how would you know if that person really was dead?
    For the record, I think it's horrific to think that Dr.s don't know what they're doing anymore...it's just ridiculous. I have so much sympathy for that family.

  8. above: you are right in many ways. but the boy would never have regained consciousness. the dad did the right thing by letting his sons organs save another.

  9. Because the facts of organ donation are so fuzzy (most of it is advertizing language) people fly into their blanket emotional position on it rather than consider the specific issue at hand.

    Greg Jacobs was presumed a donor because his family looked like they might go along with it. This is exactly like magazine salesmen or telemarketers scoping out areas for the greatest success for their efforts.

    Hospital staff see a lot of people and people come in types. There IS a type who will donate more than others. This type is the white, college educated (high school or lower won't do it as much, they don't care to be seen as merciful or politically correct). The polar opposite to this group is also prone to donate i.e. the fundamental or passionate Catholic because "Jesus gave the gift of life."

    Michael Jacobs' big mistake was being a little bit interested in donation. This is because he probably agreed with the idea in principle before Greg was injured.

    Compare this with salesmen at the door. You have to foil them right at the beginning by having a peephole to see it's them and not answer the door, or open the door, quickly say, "No thanks, I'm not interested and close it again."

    The hesitation on Mr Jacobs' part will be the issue in this lawsuit. He did play a pivotal part here. Poor man, he must be going through hell. Thank goodness he is telling others to be more sure than he was.

  10. Poor family. Bet they are second guessing themselves.

  11. okay first off, fuck all you who did not know Greg Jacobs. Or the real story. His dad, Mike, signed for the donation after they told hime Greg was brain dead and not going to make it. The truth is the Greg had a small chance of recovery. Thus, they went on with the operation. Also he was pronounce dead 29 minutes after the donation process was started.

  12. Not sure what you mean ANON RIP. Who do you think did what?

    It is clearly a tragedy for Greg with or without the transplant. May he rest in peace.

  13. Greg Jacobs father should have said NO to donation even if Greg had been pronounced brain dead. Never say YES to donation because it is wrong. Tranplants are wrong. Greg would be alive if his father had said NO. Even if the hospital lied to him. A person's defence is saying NO.

    RIPgreg doesn't quite get this.

  14. Not all transplants are wrong.

    In fact, Greg lives on in another person whom his organs saved.

  15. WHAT?
    Greg was killed, man!

  16. Part of Greg lives on...

    It is water under the bridge now. Part of Greg, his memory as well as some of his organs continue on.

  17. Drs might have jumped the gun a bit, but that can't bring this young lad back. R.I.P.

  18. unfortunate all around...

  19. Never a winner in such cases... but if Greg's organs saved another's life, its hard to imagine Gregg not smiling about that in heaven.

  20. I grew up with Greg and knew him very well. the point most of you seem to be missing is the fact that the doc's told Michael that Greg was brain dead and had no chance of survival or recovery whatsoever, and asked him to sign the consent for for donation. Truth be told, at the time the father was informed of this, one; Greg was NOT brain dead, there was proof of brain stem activity still-which proves brain activity which is obviously NOT brain dead- and two; the organ removal procedures were also started 29 minuted before Greg was declared legally dead. Bottom line, docs lied about Greg being brain dead, his chance of survival, and cut him open and started to remove organs while he was still alive. In short, the hospital, staff, and the CORE member present took advantage of a family whos son was on the verge of death, and basically sped up the process of him passing on so they had a better chance of getting the healthiest organs possible. There is NOTHING that gives any hospital the right to lie to patients/families for any reason even if good intentions were behind it. Had they been honest, who knows, maybe he could have recovered even to a slight degree and still be with us all who miss him everyday. No one will ever know, but the hospital violated many MANY laws and civil/constitutional rights of Greg's and his families. It's BULLSHIT!!!

  21. If true, the hospital truly messed up. But no amount of money will bring back this young man. Sorry that you lost a loved one.

  22. the sad thing it is very hard to see stories like this the media buries it donor is big big buisiness

  23. the hospitals get big money people who receive the organs ( insurance pays out big money ) they stand behind you will save someones live good marketing procedure people will believe what they want no matter what you tell them

  24. the organ donor donations are at the trauma hospitals all the time looking for new replacement parts and this is the truth . ugly but the fact. people wake up they are rushing to prounounce people dead before they are, many cases we wont hear about . that is why they now use the joke of brain dead supply was short with the heart. fairy tales, until you live thru the nightmare you wont believe the horrific details

  25. I suspect that this is all too common.

  26. As long as doctors are allowed to harvest organs from living people they claim are dead, they will never search to repair those dying. My sister in law was pronounced Brain Dead, and the hospital threatened us that they did not need her husbands permission to harvest because she had given her permission when she got her drivers license at age 16. The hospital bullied us and tried to tell us that we were uneducated when we refused to consent to allow them to harvest her organs and kill her. When I demanded to speak to the doctor and when I threatened to sue the hospital for everything under the sun the hostility escalated from the hospital saying that they had complete control and did not need the families permission to harvest or pull the plug. She said the hospital can and will end her life support. This was less than 12 hours after Sandra was admitted into the hospital. where was all the protocol. the testinging? It was only when I said that I knew people on the hospital's board and I would have her fired that she agreed to allow us to speak with the doctor. This was hostil, a real shocking fight, and fierce exchange with the hospital! Finally they allowed me to speak to the doctor and the doctor agreed to put her on dialysis and treat all of her symptoms since he said that she had gone into a renal coma and was now brain dead with no chance of recovery!!! Then my brother fearing the hospital stayed with her in her room. I never expected her to be alive, I believed the hospital when they said that she was dead. Her parents sided with the hospital to allow them to prepare Sandra for harvesting, and I, well I was just standing up for my grief stricken brother and fought like a tigress to have the hospital keep his wife on support for a few more days. Guess what???We took her home the NEXT DAY!!!! are you getting this??? She was alive, talking, walking. RE think the garbage that you are being fed by the organ donation people. We should not kill / murder sick people to heal others!!!!! There is more to this story a month later Sandra would slip into another renal coma, she was taken to the same hospital, she was pronounced Brain Dead again, the same hospital administrator came to us all compassionate after Sandra had only been in the hospital 4 hours and said all the same crap about no recovery, how she could save the lives of children. and I looked up and said. You don't remember us? We were here last month and you said all these same things and we took this same person home as she was talking, obviously alive, we took Sandra home, this once brain dead person, she interrupts and says no brain dead person has ever recovered its is impossible, and then I said them you mis diagnosed her. As crazy as this sound we spoke to her doctor and he placed her on dialysis and we again took her home as she was alive, and talking and very much alive.
    She would die eventually at home much later after all we are mortal and she did have terminal cancer. There is much more to our first hand story. The hospital was ruthless with us. They first tried compassion, then tried to make us feel uneducated and selfish and then the teeth and threats came out. Hospitals are rushing to declare people dead that are not dead and no one cares, no one listens. so when you loved one is declared brain dead will you just accept it without challenging it? Prepare to fight to save your family member! The protocalls are not followed, they are not clear an din reality do not exist!!!!

  27. As long as doctors are allowed to harvest organs from living people they claim are dead, they will never search to repair those dying. My sister in law was pronounced Brain Dead, and the hospital threatened us that they did not need her husbands permission to harvest because she had given her permission when she got her drivers license at age 16. The hospital bullied us and tried to tell us that we were uneducated when we refused to consent to allow them to harvest her organs and kill her. When I demanded to speak to the doctor and when I threatened to sue the hospital for everything under the sun the hostility escalated from the hospital saying that they had complete control and did not need the families permission to harvest or pull the plug. She said the hospital can and will end her life support. This was less than 12 hours after Sandra was admitted into the hospital. where was all the protocol. the testinging? It was only when I said that I knew people on the hospital's board and I would have her fired that she agreed to allow us to speak with the doctor. This was hostil, a real shocking fight, and fierce exchange with the hospital! Finally they allowed me to speak to the doctor and the doctor agreed to put her on dialysis and treat all of her symptoms since he said that she had gone into a renal coma and was now brain dead with no chance of recovery!!! Then my brother fearing the hospital stayed with her in her room. I never expected her to be alive, I believed the hospital when they said that she was dead. Her parents sided with the hospital to allow them to prepare Sandra for harvesting, and I, well I was just standing up for my grief stricken brother and fought like a tigress to have the hospital keep his wife on support for a few more days. Guess what???We took her home the NEXT DAY!!!! are you getting this??? She was alive, talking, walking. RE think the garbage that you are being fed by the organ donation people. We should not kill / murder sick people to heal others!!!!! There is more to this story a month later Sandra would slip into another renal coma, she was taken to the same hospital, she was pronounced Brain Dead again, the same hospital administrator came to us all compassionate after Sandra had only been in the hospital 4 hours and said all the same crap about no recovery, how she could save the lives of children. and I looked up and said. You don't remember us? We were here last month and you said all these same things and we took this same person home as she was talking, obviously alive, we took Sandra home, this once brain dead person, she interrupts and says no brain dead person has ever recovered its is impossible, and then I said them you mis diagnosed her. As crazy as this sound we spoke to her doctor and he placed her on dialysis and we again took her home as she was alive, and talking and very much alive.
    She would die eventually at home much later after all we are mortal and she did have terminal cancer. There is much more to our first hand story. The hospital was ruthless with us. They first tried compassion, then tried to make us feel uneducated and selfish and then the teeth and threats came out.

  28. Thanks for sharing.
