Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Charlie Viullanueva Serves To Remind Us Not To Post While On Duty!

If one refuses to rehash the AIG bonuses or discuss the latest comedy "He Just Isn't Into You," then the attention turns to blogs. Blogs have become big time. Audiences have grown and so have the number of posters. Even famous posters. Even writers helping other writers on their upcoming stories.

Some sites, like Legal Pub encourage anonymous entries. Others let identities be known. No where is that more clear then in the sports arena. Recently, Milwaukee Bucks coach Scott Skiles caught one of his players, Charlie Villanueva, posting from the Bucks' locker room during halftime of a game. Charlie posted on a popular basketball site from his mobile phone.
His coach was understandably upset.

Using the screen name "CV31" — Villanueva's initials and jersey number — Villanueva posted
"In da locker room, snuck to post my twitt. We're playing the Celtics, tie ball game at da half. Coach wants more toughness. I gotta step up." While Villanueva went on to play a good game, Coach Skile's message is clear that no more posts from the locker room will be tolerated.

So, for you Judges on the bench, attorney in the court room, actors and actresses on set, policeman walking the beat, soldiers keeping the wolves at bay, heavy machine operators, drivers of motor vehicles, or moor comedians on stage, please curtail your posts to Legal Pub until you are off duty.


  1. LOL. That does not look anything like me.


  2. If it did, Shell, you would be badly in need of a shave.

    Iron Mike

  3. Why not talk about AIG? You know Pub man, your Legal Pub has saved my marriage. After 53 years of marriage, my wife actually finds our conversations interesting. I owe it all to you and your contributors.


  4. Dan Leone, who worked as a west gate chief for the Eagles, was unhappy the team let Brian Dawkins sign with the Denver Broncos. ncy. According to the Enquirer newspaper, Leone posted the following on his Facebook page: "Dan is [expletive] devastated about Dawkins signing with Denver ... Dam Eagles R Retarted!!"

    The Eagles fired him!


  5. LOL at the rule! Why, though? What's wrong with posting while on duty. Congress persons and News personalities do it all the time.

  6. Hey, Can't we post if we are without a job but working part time out of our home?

  7. Yeah no-face and congress persons are doing such a great job. . .

  8. Most of us are all in at least partial unemployment these days...


  9. @ Ms Calabaza

    Touche...perhaps congress is not the best example in this case. LOL
