Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Was Lois K. Feldman Unjustly Terminated Because Of Metrodome Sex With Ross Walsh?

Football can be very exciting. Especially this time of year, when each game has significant bowl implications. Unfortunately, the implications of games are not limited to what happens on the football field. Lois K. Feldman, 38 of Carroll Iowa, allegedly had sex with Ross Walsh in the handicapped stall at the Metrodome during a college football team. She recently said that the incident ruined her life. She claims that she was so drunk on wine that she did not remember hooking up with Ross Walsh. (Does that sound like she lacked the ability to consent or does it sound like an excuse?)

Who is Lois K. Feldman? Feldman is an attractive married woman who is the mother of three. She apparently is a good church going mom by most accounts. Feldman told a newspaper that she was fired from her job as an administrator at an assisted living center because of the incident. If Feldman's next statements are true, her termination is very troublesome.
“I don’t know what happened... “But I don’t deny that it did happen, because, obviously, there are police reports.”
Feldman says that said she had never met Walsh prior to this incident. Yet, how could she not know what was happening when she was cheered on by a crowd of football fans during the sex?
Walsh was not married; however, he did have a girlfriend at the game. Is he proud of nailing an older, hot woman if she was so drunk that she can't even remember having the sex? Was she so drunk that he should have known that she was not capable of consenting to sex. Or is this just a fib by Feldman to make her sound less culpable for the incident? If it is any indication of what the police think, they have closed the investigation.
In the day of the internet, it is possible to learn more than by conventional means. Ross Walsh has an accessible Myspace. Is Ross a stud? Was he a good listener who swept the hot MILF off her feet with his sensitivity? Or was Ross a bad boy who was just irresistable? Or was Ross a real bad boy who should have known better? In any event, the Hawkeyes won the game and that in and of itself may heal the debates on this restroom topic among the Hawkeye faithful.


  1. Wow, she is hot! Who could resist this? No harm no foul! This was just sporting sex!

  2. What guy has not imagined this? Beautiful woman, good college football game... romantic celebration in stall.

    I don't buy that she did not know what she was doing. Own up to it girl. You are a Hawkeye. Accept your fame and enjoy your moment of fame with a Playboy pictorial. $250,000 will make it all seem better...

  3. It's double standards. The guy is seen by his friends as a stud. But she is seen as an adultress.

    Societies labels are not fair nor should we accept them.


  4. Who would not want to tap both ends of that MILF? No crime there. Never would she be accused of indecent exposure!

  5. Ross seemed to move up a few spots and played over his head to land this chick. Too bad she was married, but maybe it was an open marriage?


  6. Sounds like she used bad judgment and now is searching for an excuse!

  7. Any guy would have loved to tap into both ends of Lois! She has a bright future in Playboy if she is smart enough to sell her story and pictorial!

  8. Shell is absolutely right!

    BTW, I don't really follow football but is this considered a touchdown or a punt? ... and is she no longer a tight end? Just thinkin'

  9. Nope, Ms. C., she is definitely still a tight end. In fact, Lois could become a legend. She has simply done what many male fans dream about. Why does she need excuses. I put both her and Ross in the "legends" category.

  10. I never dreamed this chick would be so hot! When I heard about it on the news, I was thinking a 300 lb Iowa woman...

    What is she complaining about? Get on the talk shows, make a few bucks with the magazines and then get back with your life. From what I have heard, her hubby has forgiven her so why not cash in?

  11. I knew there was a reason I keep going to Cubs games even though they never get to the Series!

    Joey C.

  12. Another example of the middle America midwestern values we’re always being hit over the head with? Or is this the new moral majority? In any event, she ought to cash in on her new fame!


  13. The husband does not blame her. he blames himself for not going to the bathroom with her. Either a saint or maybe he wanted her to have a little fun.

    Now it would be a sad story if somehow a guy had taken advantage of her. But that does not seem to be the case because supposedly
    the police report said she was angry when the cops tore them apart.

    If this is true, Lois, stop complaining and start cashing in! You are hot. Both in looks and marketablity. Don't play the victim. Hit the magazine and talk show circuit.

    You may be then next Madona!

  14. Come on, who hasn’t gotten drunk and tried to get some “strange” in the rest room?


  15. Ross' photo belongs in the hall of fame!

  16. When asked to respond to Feldman’s suggestion that she is a victim of a crime, Hestness ( the investigating cop) said: “...the actions went on for some period of time with many witnesses on hand and no one reported either party was objecting.”

    Hestness said Feldman made no allegations to the officers at the scene about the incident being non-consensual.

    According to the officer, both parties declined the officer’s request to submit to an (alcohol test) so the extent of intoxication cannot be demonstrated.

  17. She should cash in on her looks and this notoriety!

  18. Move over Shell, there is a new bad girl in town!

  19. No victim no crime. If she doesn't cash in, she is a fool not to sign away the movie rights!

  20. Open advice to Lois:

    Apologize to your family and friends and then move on...
    NO more interviews about being a victim. If you have a drinking problem - seek help. Your lawyer should be able to get you your job back if you have a medical condition.

    Then immediately get an entertainment lawyer and agent. Follow their advice. Girl, play it right and you got a great future.

    Good Luck and enjoy the fame and fortune!

  21. My goodness, Lois. Do you realize what you can do with all this recognition? You may be the next Mae West! Take advantage of it while you can. You go girl!


  22. Give her back her job and then some!

  23. I agree. She should not be fired for a misdemeanor!

  24. Free Willy, I mean Lois.

  25. Ross is or perhaps was in the military. Would someone in the military face any discipline for something like this? Since military regulations are much stricter, I could see him probably facing more repurcussions than she would. No matter what, they are both still my sporting fans of the year!

  26. Police described both Feldman and Walsh as upset, drunk and uncooperative.Chuck Miner, deputy chief of the University of Minnesota police department, said officers tracked down Feldman’s husband.

    “I’m not sure how they made contact with her husband, but they needed her husband to help identify her” because she’d given the wrong middle name.

    Asked to respond to Feldman’s claim that she was too drunk to recall the incident, Miner said: “That’s probably an accurate statement.”

    Walsh wasn’t immediately available for comment.

  27. According to the DesMoins Register, Lois remembers sitting in the stands one moment and the next “being slammed around by a cop and screaming.”

    “Apparently I was panicked and very uncooperative,” she said.

    Feldman said she “ran away” from her husband the Metrodome after the incident. A woman she didn’t know offered her a ride home about 11 p.m. Feldman gave her husband’s cell phone number to the woman, who called Kelly Feldman for directions to the couple’s hotel.

    Lois Feldman said her attorney has encouraged her to fight the ticket.

  28. If she keeps this up, she will blow her Mae West gig!

  29. Feldman, a married mother of three, has been the target of Internet jokes and prank telephone calls today. She was fired this morning from an assisted living center, where she had been an administrator.

    Feldman said her husband, Kelly, has been supportive. She said he faults himself for not going with her when she left her seat to use the restroom before halftime.

    All I can say is poor poor pitiful me. Lord have merch on me. Woe is me.

  30. Miner, the campus police officer, said fighting the indecent conduct charge could be a long shot.

    “It’s spelled out in the law in Minnesota that intoxication is not a defense to any crime,” he said.

  31. Maybe her hubby recognizes that his wife has a chance to be a famous rich bad girl?

  32. Most men I know consider it immoral to engage in activity with a woman who is drunk - and would not think of it as something to brag about. But maybe he was drunk as well?

  33. I'll bet hubby does feel bad. I guess he realized she was in no condition to be left alone but let her go anyway.

    Hindsight is 20/20.

  34. Where are those girls from America's next top model when you need them? The ones who got their drunk friend out of the hot tub while she was making out with the hot dutch guy, and made him go home?

  35. They were both drunk. But by most accounts, it was a consensual. In fact, the police report alleges says that she was pissed at the police for trying to separate them.

    Perhaps, Ross is really good, even when drunk?

  36. Might be hubby did not care because the Hawkeyes won and that trumps an otherwise bad day?

  37. Bottom line, Lois is now a legend. She can either live in shame or cash in on the fame.

    Rather simple choice if you ask me, Lois.

  38. We had "Larry Legend" = Bird

    Now we have Lois Legend = Hot MILF

  39. Who can blame either of them. They got drunk. She is so hot, it seemed like the right thing to do at a cold football game.

    Only problem is that the metrodome is indoor and is heated...

  40. Well, now we know how they heat the metro dome, silly.

  41. Ms. Calabaza, I consider this one a TOUCHdown. You can't score a better one then Lois, I don't care whether it is the Indy 500 or the Superbowl, she is TOP NOTCH!

  42. Well I think it is BAD A$$ when women like sports...especially the ones that i like....college football, NFL, NBA, and golf.

    Your woman should want to attend events to please you.

    My GF loves Nascar....don't get me wrong, I like it...been to some races but I would much rather go to a Longhorn's game or a Spurs game. Nasscar is not my favorite so in the past I have let her go alone. Something about 150,000 rednecks in one place gives me a creepy Deliverance type feeling. But after reading about Lois, I think I will be attending all future events with my gal. And if she needs to go to the bathroom, I will be there for her...

  43. I don't blame you dude. I bet your innocent little "Church Lady" Nascar lover may have gotten busted too if Lois had not exposed what can happen at "sporting events."

    We are all into sporting sex if it doesn't involve our wives or daughters!

  44. In response to the question posed in the title of this entry, heck yeah it's unjust. This doesn't have anything to do with her ability to perform her job. I think she should keep her mouth shut to the press and get a lawyer.I'm not a legal eagle but this doesn't seem right.
    On a less serious note......

    Lois Feldman she drank too much wine.
    At the john she'd not stand in line.
    Her husband watched football.
    While she screwed Ross in the stall.
    But I don't remember shit she'd whine.

  45. Love your poem Katfish. And you are right. She does not deserve to lose her job. And the sex was in a stall. That is not indecent exposure.

    It was just too crazy Iowa fans having fun at the game.

  46. Thanks to Lois, our minds are no longer preoccupied with "bailouts" or recessions.

    Lois, you are not only a legend, you are a hero. Now quit whining and cash in on your fame.

  47. So no one finds the irony that she can refuse a Breathalyzer test but not a dick in her ass? She's a hoeeeee.

  48. Kevin...

    Tell me you would have turned her down...

    You wouldn't. Why is she to be condemned for something most men would do?


  49. I am with Jenny. If I do a man like this, I am a hoe but he is a stud. That is an old fashion double standard.

    If she was too drunk to consent, how is it her fault? If she did it willingly, how is it anything other than sporting sex?

    Mary P.

  50. Sometimes, girls deserve a little fun too. If this was not fun, then that is another matter.

    But I am with you Lois, no matter what happened.


  51. Lois needs to hook up with Hugh Heffner and make some cash!

  52. I need to meet more girls like you who have no problem banging random strangers. You go girls!

  53. Kevin, women don't advertise it. But we have needs too. One of those needs is to have fun every now and then. I can't speak for Lois, but, I can speak for myself. If I was horny and the guy was game, I might very well do the same thing she did. Only difference is that I would not get caught.

    Any guy who says he would not do it is either gay or has some real hang ups with fidelity. While I can respect it if it is true, I have never had a man turn me down. EVER!

    Mary P.

  54. Duh Kevin...

    Women can be "sports" too you know.


  55. It would be hard for any one to pass up "sporting sex" with any woman who is as hot as LOIS.

  56. She is so hot............. That would be hard to turn down

  57. I am with Mary P., sometimes, a girl just wants to have fun. What is good for guys is good for gals. Lois, you ought to be standing up for us women and helping get rid of these double standards.

    Guys pat other guys on the back for such accomplishments. Lois, as a fellow "sport" I salute you.

    See ya at the super bowl.


  58. Lois, I promise to become a die hard hawkeye fan and go to all games if you promise repeat performances.


  59. Lois, to some of us girls, you are a hero! You can help break through the wall of stereotypes. IF a man is a stud for doing it, so is a woman!

    You go girl!


  60. Lois, you are smoking hot! 78% of internet responders voted you hot. If you would have kept your mouth shut about the victim stuff, your approval rating would have crushed Pres. elect Obama's.

    Men here is the truth. We love sex, in fact, we are crazy about having anonymous sex, as evidenced by this season's finale of "Mad Men." We also love alcoholic beverages. As for the football … well, as long as it's somewhere public, and there's a chance of being arrested, our panties are probably already wet. Most of us have at least fanticised about getting laid while you watch your precious game.

    Honestly, there is no greater turn-on than missing part of a sporting event that we're not all that interested in to have annonymous sex. Nothing is hotter than getting it on in a public place with a chance to get caught.

    There is something about alcohol, being all bundled up in clothes and then going into a warm stall and getting naked that gets us hornier than a moon lit carriage ride.

    So Lois, just come right out and be our leader. It's time we get out of the closet and into a few more stalls!


  61. This should have been the story of the year.

    P.S. Kate, I want to party with you!

  62. Several months later, and I still would like to be on the pounding end of pointing out that Lois is hot.

  63. Lois may or may not be loose, but she is definitely a MILF. I admit it, if her husband launches her, I want to be first in line to take her to all of my favorite sporting events. Lois you are all right by me!


  64. No argument here. Lots of us support Lois. Chicks who think she is just doing what any man would do under the circumstances and men who wish they were Loisl partner.


  65. Back on point. Unless she had some contractual clause on morality, it was wrong to fire her. Would they have fired a man for this? Unlikely. Rather, there would be a reprimand and behind closed doors some of the male co workers might say, "atta boy."

  66. I would hire her in a second!

  67. I would hire her too. We need more "team players' in the corporate world. She seems like she would fit in with the other guys and not look down upon others for their mistakes.

  68. Apply for a job at our company too. She seems like a good sport.

  69. Wish Lois nothing but the best.

  70. Lois renewed my interest in HAWKEYE FOOTBALL!

  71. Lois turned me into a sports fan again!

  72. Wonder if she still goes to games?

  73. What is so heroic about what she did? Is your life so lame that you find inspiration in the tale of a woman who is obviously embarrassed and is being mocked nationwide? Are you that hard up for a sense of independence and "fun" that the idea of banging some guy (probably without a condom) in a stinky-ass bathroom at an IOWA GAME seems fun?

    What's that? "Yes, it just might be", you say? How about wondering if he gave you an STD or if you are pregnant?

    It is illuminating to me that even for women, sex and fun are so seperated that they see Lois and something liberating. Why not just go park behind the Walmart some weekend night and watch all the high school girls slurping up the varsity team? You might just discover your muse.

    Lois = hoe
    Dude = sleazy opportunist

    Yes, I know, marital fidelity is a silly thing, but guess what, her husband must be the nicest guy (and possibly) the biggest joke in town.

    Nothing, and I mean nothing, is worse than having your wife be some other guys hoe. If you are going to be "in the mix" as they say, do it the proper way: have some other guy's wife be your hoe.

    So Sayeth the Sheppard!

  74. Annon,

    She did not do anything that a man would not want to do, if he could

    If Lois had not been married, she would be seen as a hero. The marriage thing is not good. But don't make assumptions. You don't know a condom wasn't used. And don't think she is nationally humilated because, in many folks eyes she is not.

    Some see it as Lois was drunk and made a mistake. Some even believe she did not have the capacity to make a rational choice. Others see her as an example of double standards. If a man does it, he is labeled a stud. If a woman does it, she is labeled with a derrogatory term.

    There are still others that label Lois as a sexy MILF. So don't assume that everyone who does not hang out at the parking lot of Walmart has such a low opinion of Lois.

  75. Wow she is hot but her husbands new lady is even hotter. Her husband divorced her a year later and is very happy with his new smokin HOT 30 year old. Lois has always been a cheater and she always will be. Her poor children have to live with her psychotic ways I feel for them. GOOD LUCK LOIS POTHOFF

  76. Lois, whether single or divorsed is still A MILF. Sorry to hear of her divorce. I hear that folks should not worry about Ross Walsh ...he was in the running for a lucrative deal with VH1.

    "The (Bathroom) Pick-up Artist" starts in February...set your TIVOs.

  77. I heard thatlois's husband divorced her a year later. He apparently has a smokin HOT 30 year old, so things worked out okay for him.

    Lois apparently has found Jesus and is now a BIBLE study teacher. She is still gorgious but is a little insecure in public...

  78. As sexy as Lois is, I would have given her another chance if I had been her hubby. Share the blame and enjoy the make up!

  79. Not when some of the most experienced sorcerers among us cant even control her. She found her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him, although she still couldnt see. We may have even convinced ourselves that we dont feel what we feel for them. Eyrhaen thought to watch Tykir suck him. She clutched him, snatched at her thoughts like fireflies flitting about her. They sat on the dusty floor of a wide cavern. You need someone as test subjects, and it might as well be us. Im so proud of you. Nialdlye stood to one side, directing. Clearing her throat, she stepped back and turned to face Nialdlye again. You havent said please in ages. Dont expect me to like it, and dont expect me to let you tease me! Lanthans grip eased on her wrists, only to be replaced by Tykirs hold. Tykirs cock slid deliciously through her hands, the oils from his skin coating her palms. Her pussy wept, neglected, but she wouldnt have stopped him for anything. He was too tall for her lips to meet his normally. Theres no reason I should flourish. A page had been called to provide service for a hasty nineday. She ached for them after a life so long denied. She freed her other hand so she could wrap both arms securely around his neck.

  80. Don't know anything about the above gibberish, but Lois is now a sports lore icon. She will forever kindle optimism whenever a man goes to the bathroom at a sporting event.

  81. Don't know anything about the above gibberish, but Lois is now a sports lore icon. She will forever kindle optimism whenever a man goes to the bathroom at a sporting event.

  82. Let the poor girl live in peace.

  83. lois didb get a divorce a year later....however it was because she had a few affairs on her husband not just this incident.

  84. NO one knows why a divorce occurred unless they are the actual participants in the divorce proceedings.

  85. a lot of rumors around carrol area who knows whats true.

  86. Have known Lois for a long time...I believe she was a victim and the rest is just small town rumors. She is a very dedicated mother of 3 really good boys..just great kids.
    Wish the best for her.

  87. Most on here are Lois supporters. Even if she did what she is suppose to have done, she got the shaft. She was likely not able to think straight if she was real drunk.

    Poor girl didn't do anything that most men wouldn't do under similar circumstances.
    But in a messed up society, the woman gets a reputation and the man is labeled a stud. Totally unfair...

  88. Lois ought to consider cashing in on her name recognition.

  89. they got a divorce because Lois's brother inlaw caught her husband in bed with a cousin of hers, and was cheating with someone else also, she's no saint though. wish my friend would quit standing up for her after what she did to him.
    she's a cheater too and he knows it.

  90. for those who are supporting lois...
    lois was married to a guy who would go to hawkeye games and end up watching other guys have sex with thier girlfriends. Lois's own family caught him in bed with her cousin, then Lois finds out he's having another affair, follows him to town where he works (LAKE CITY)and catches him redhanded having sex, so LOIS is so pissed she finds this guy from her hometown and decides to have an affair with him, then files for divorce, but is cheating with a guy who she had an affair with 2 years prior to all this minnesota stuff. You would think after embarrasing her self and her family and hometown she would learn...she hasn't changed a bit folks. This has been going on for her entire life and she got caught period. So those of you who stand up for her...please don't, she has done it to herself.

  91. Nothing changes the fact that Lois is hot and that she did not do anything that most men wouldn't do if they had the opportunity.

  92. wow can't believe some of the things being said still.
    Sounds like Lois is hot but it appears she's a very insecure women. It's not a good combination for a women to be hot and insecure, women like this crave attention and are attracted to guys who would bang them anywhere, I mean really...a filthy bathroom stall while married with kids while people cheer them on. Ya..thats the kind of stud you should be looking for Lois. It appears she is still insecure and will be making the same mistakes over and over. Interesting read though.

  93. " Lois is still hot and didn't do anything a man wouldn't do"

    What kind of man? are you kidding me, she was married with 3 kids, the guy was at the game with his girlfriend. I'm not a prude but for Christ sake you know how stupid that sounds.
    Classy couple, bet they yelled out the names of the kids with every thrust. That is a dangerous women with severe problems to think she's hot so bang every young stud available. How could a pretty women like that be so insecure.

  94. Maybe Lois has a high sex drive. Can you honestly tell me that most men would not screw a hot woman in a stall if they had the chance?

    Lois's partner in crime was a hot guy. They were drunk. Maybe they didn't realize what they were doing. Or maybe, they were just into sporting sex. It's fun and no one gets hurt if no one finds out about it.

    I know of someone who hooked up in the bathroom of a comedy club. No big deal. Lots of fun. No one got hurt.


  95. Lois's partner in crime was hot..the guy looked like gomer pile.
    Ya Kristy no big deal, picture this you idiot, kids home watching game eating their popcorn drinking their mt dew, Iowa scores TD and one say to the other...hey wonder what mom is doing right now...getting banged in the ass in the bathroom while 15 people clap and cheer. Hope to God u never have kids you moronic idiot. High sex drive??...then by a vibrator, but married with 3 kids watching the game while your grunting away with ole gomer pile. where do u people come from...seriously. U my friend should never get married and have children.

  96. Dude:

    You either don't understand sporting sex, have never been a swinger or you are just plain rude.

    Sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of. Consenting adults are free to make their own choices. Why so judgmental and rude?

  97. Kristy,
    of course sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of, but when your MARRIED and have 3 kids and you get caught the way Lois did in this situation you really are not thinking of your kids...are you. And when you bring home guy after guy you really are not setting too good of an example for your children...are you? If Lois is out banging every dude she comes across and is not MARRIED fine. But does she really want any one of her boys to date or be involved with this kind of women???? What if one of her boys married a women and she did this to him...think she would look at him and say...honey, people have high sex drives so let it slide. DO YOU??? And what if one of her boys married a women, had children(lois's grandchildren) and the women screwed around on her son, ruined the family, and became the laughing stock of the town, made a fool of her son, how do you think Lois would feel about that?? Think before you speak you dumb ass!!!

  98. Anon:

    It is too difficult to intelligently discus this topic with you because you are apparently a closed minded individual whose sense of morality interferes with his ability to reason and communicate. Rather than call you names, I have attempted to merely state coherent argument and discourse.

    I don't know Lois. But I do know myself. I have an open marriage. When my children are old enough to decide for themselves, I would be content with them choosing to be in an open marriage or relationship. I have no shame nor should they.

    With contraceptives use, sex is just a biological function. Intercourse does not have to have any meaning other than an opportunity for two consensual adults to enjoy each other's company.

    I pass no judgment on Lois. I don't know her thoughts or her state of inebriation at the time of this event. What I do know, is that most guys and at least some women, would not pass up the opportunity to have a fun, exciting, adventure like celebrating a victory in the stall.

    What the media has done to blow it all out of proportion is ridiculous. Lois losing her job ought to be actionable. Her ex employer better hope some one like me is not on her jury.

    I am not trying to change your mind. I am merely sharing with you an alternative view, a view that is surprisingly more common then you might suspect.

  99. I think ANON has it all wrong! He ought to be EMBRACING the way Mary P. and Kristy think.

  100. I don't think Lois is all that hot personaly. Her ex husband and first boyfriend after her divorce are both with much more attractive women. And she appears to be dating a guy with long greasy hair and no job, people have seen them hangin out in the bars a lot.
    I think a some people in Carroll are just sick of her playing this church going mom while she lives a different lifestyle, jumping from guy to guy. I used to stay in Carroll and know a lot of people there. Nice little town. The hawkeye player on trial for rape got me thinking of this incident.

  101. Disagree. Lois may not be on my nice list, but she is hot. To say otherwise is sour grapes.

  102. Lois likes BBC my friends.

  103. Wonder if Lois was at Iowa's spring game?

  104. Lois, I feel so sorry for you and I wouldn't mind seeing you again. OK???

  105. To Joe M.

    This is not a dating site! Pretty fair coverage and commentary on this site. Lois apparently did something most men would have done and been proud of. Sorry for the kids, but Lois has nothing to be ashamed of.

  106. I was there. Lois' husband left her in the stands with Ross' group as they were passing by to get to their own seats. Lois was too drunk to realize she'd been left. She tried to get Ross' girlfriend to go to the bathroom with her and was hitting on the girl! The girl was uncomfortable and told Ross to get rid of her....

  107. sports fans that drink too much sometimes make bad judgments. All of these folks are probably pretty good Hawkeyes and they simply had a bad day which was just a blip on the radar screen of life.

  108. Come on, who hasn’t gotten drunk and tried to get some “strange” in the rest room? Spitz

  109. Some women simply like anonymous sex that they can walk away from and never look back. I once left for a job overseas. During my last week in the US, five women asked me out. They wanted to go out with someone they wouldn't be running into again. It's not uncommon.

  110. Always figured it you took them home, consider them sold. Go figure on the women who want anonymous whoopy.

  111. Saved as a favorite, I love your site!
