Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sexism is Alive And Well As Illustrated By Gov. Ed Rendell's Inappropriate Remark ~ by Blond Bombshell

Sexism is alive and well in America. On Tuesday, the lectern mic at the National Governors Conference picked up Pennsylvania's Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell's inappropriate remark. Offering an opinion about President-elect Barack Obama's choice for heading Homeland Security he said about Janet Napolitano: "Janet's perfect for that job. Because for that job, you have to have no life. Janet has no family. Perfect. She can devote, literally, 19-20 hours a day to it."

This would never be said about a man! Current Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is married with two grown children. His predecessor, Tom Ridge, also was a family man. Just when we start to think this country is making progress toward ending sexism and racism, idiotic comments like those of Gov. Rendell bring us back to reality. ~Shell

P.S. A Girl Scout leader and her husband may not be setting the best example for young girls either. Michael Schumacker and his wife were arrested after an emaciated, terrified and nearly naked 17-year-old showed up at a gym with a chain locked to his ankle. The boy claims Schumacher and his wife had held him captive. Tracy Police Department is investigating the allegations of torture.

34-year-old Michael Schumacher and Pam Lau (believed to be his wife) have been charged with torture and other counts. Police were also seeking the boy's aunt (Caren Ramirez) concerning an outstanding felony warrant for an earlier alleged assault against the teen. Ramirez had become the boy's guardian after child welfare removed him from the home of his allegedly abusive father.

According to the Troy teen, he had been held captive for nearly a year. Police arrested
Kelly Layne Lau, 30, and Michael Schumacher, 34. Charges of torture, kidnapping and child abuse are now pending. The couple are being held at San Joaquin County jail in lieu of bail in the amount of $1.2 million each.

Lau has been a local Girl Scout leader since September according to Pam Saltenberger, chief executive of Girl Scouts Heart of Central California.
On her MySpace Web page, Lau describes herself as a stay-at-home mom and says her husband worked as a contractor. She posted photos of her family, friends and pets. Maybe Gov. Rendell is right, perhaps Lau would not make a good Homeland Security head... there simply are not enough ankle chains.

"All Suspects are innocent until proven guilty," says Legal Pub.


  1. Shell, why do actresses and models feel that their opinions on politics and political correctness are worthy of other people's attention?


  2. U.P. Can't speak for "all models or actresses" but Blond Bombshell submits good stories and that is why Legal Pub publishes them. If you don't like her opinion, either don't read it or rebut it.

  3. UP,
    you obviously don't know Shell's intellect. Furthermore, you sound like a jerk.

  4. U.P.

    Up yours! Shell rocks!


  5. Look, she is a T.V. witch. Not a real witch. Not even a politician witch like Hillary. So the Gov didn't know the mike was on. Give him a break. He is lots better then big ARNOLD in Cal!


  6. Holy cow BB, the Govenor sounds a little bitter, ya think he wanted that job? You are right, he wouldn't say that about a dude.

    As far as your ps. If true, this story is too sad. I have a gut feeling there is a lot more to this story to come.

  7. Shell, I think you may have touched a nerve. U.P. sounds a little bitter. Perhaps from being rejected by actresses and models???

    With regard to the Gov, I didnt find his comment sexist. I thought he was just abrasive.

    He's just keepin it real. She has the perfect circumstances for working 20 plus hours a day.

    If the second story is true, Michael Schumacher and Pam Lau are kooks! Thats some seriously depraved *ish!

  8. Shell your P.S. kicks @ss! It goes to show you that you don't mess around with the girl scouts or their leaders...

  9. U.P. only wishes he could be so lucky as to be rejected by Shell.

    You go girl. Great article.


  10. Is the Gov a sexist?

    Me thinks he is...

  11. No doubt, sexist pig, he is, he is.

