Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Eryn Bloomfield Hopes To Reunite With Her Son (Who Is Accused of Murdering His Dad) Over The Holidays

Eryn Bloomfield, the mother of an 8-year-old boy suspected in the shooting deaths of his father (Vincent Romero) and another man (Tim Romans), says that her son "loved his dad." Vincent Romero and Tim Romans were found dead in Romero's house in St. Johns, Arizona. Eryn Bloomfield maintained her son's innocence on ABC's "Good Morning America."

Prosecutors in Apache County, Arizona, recently dismissed one of the two murder charges. (This apparently was the charge for the murder of his father.) A videotape of the boy's police interview initially denied any involvement in the shootings, but later said he had shot his already-wounded father "because he was suffering." Boy interview with police » The video may not be admissible because no attorney or parent was present. Interrogation 'out of bounds'

The boy lived with his 29 year old dad in St. Johns, Arizona. His mom lives in Mississippi.
The mother had weekly visitation rights and holiday visitation. Tim Romans rented a room in Romero's home. Both were killed with a .22-caliber weapon. Why the interrogation is troubling »
Bloomfield will be allowed 48 hours with her son at home over the Thanksgiving holiday. Otherwise, he is in a juvenile detention facility. A court-appointed guardian will be present during the visit.
Listen to the tapes. The boy does not sound like a killer. Was he coerced into a confession?


  1. Lock the little dude up and throw away the key if he is guilty!

  2. I heard he accidently shot his dad and then put him out of his misery with a second shot. Any one else hear that?

  3. That interview is freaky!

  4. After following the links and hearing the tapes, I think the boy has been trapped into a confession for a crime he did not commit!

  5. The boy should not have been interrogated without a parent and lawyer present!

  6. Let the little boy go home for a while to his mother and get him counseling. Then in 12 months lets see what is going on...

    He does not belong in juvenile detention right now. No matter what may have happened. He is innocent until proven guilty.

  7. Give me a break... if guilty, lock his carcass up just like an adult.

  8. Won't that confession be thrown out? Case dismissed until further evidence? . . . I used to watch L.A. Law ya know!

  9. Kids and guns do not mix!

  10. The confession will in fact most likely be thrown out. He did not have proper representation.

  11. I just dont believe that the 8 year old little boy did this!!!!

  12. the real killers are still on the loose. i highly doubt an 8 year old with a single shot rifle could have made the head shots and the lung and heart shots in tim romans.
    the chief of the pd had lawsuits hangin over his head wwhere he come from.
    dps crime lab told the local pd to remove the bodies and theyd be there in the morning stupid move if you ask me.
    this kids life in st johns is over he will have to leave with his mom.
    confidence is high on a dismissal
    if someone saw anybody do this chances are theyd never tell anyone.id never set foot in that town with less than 2 weapons at least !!!

  13. What would be the motive of a killer?

  14. my heart goes out to the Romero family. i am currently majoring in criminal justice. when i am done i will be able to work as a probation officer. when they interviewed this little boy. why couldnt he have a lawyer his mothet or a legal guradian in the room with him? if i was his lawyer i would have everything threw out of court. he was never read his mridan rights. how can a 8 year old understand what " cope a deal is" he cant. i hope that he gets off of all charges that is brought against him

  15. Likely the confession will be thrown out.
