Monday, October 27, 2008

Sibling Order As A Predictor Of Occupation?

Competitions, name-calling, hair pulling and blame shifting, why can't we all just get along? No, this is not about Obama and McCain. It is not even about the rift between Sarah Palin and John McCain aides. This is about sibling rivalry. Ask any first born and they will tell you that parents are stricter with first borns. Generally speaking, later-born kids probably do have fewer rules because parents grow weary. Middle children are sometimes overlooked. By the time the youngest comes along, near anarchy is tolerated.

So does birth order influence personality and the propensity to commit crimes? Well, sociologists and behavioral specialists pontificate that firstborn children tend to be more extroverted and confident. Second-born kids tend to be more rebellious and open to new experiences. The youngest child tends to be the most creative and manipulative. How does this translate into one's occupation? Some studies suggest that firstborns and only children tend to achieve higher education, obtain greater prestige and according to career, make more money. The middle child is more likely to be less educated and less wealthy. For more information consult, "Why Firstborns Rule the World and Last Borns Want to Change It" by Michael Grose.

Whether birth order can predict a propensity to break the law is still subject to debate. Intuition tells us that birth order has an impact on development. Firstborns are believed to be ambitious, assertive, dominant and disciplined. Firstborns have a strong desire to succeed yet are fearful of failure. As a result, they are defensive about errors and mistakes. The oldest tend to become involved in careers in the field of medicine, government, engineering or law. An Ohio State University study is in accord.

Middle children are often versed in the field of compromise. They tend to be more easy-going and diplomatic. According to, middle children tend to earn $35,000 per year less than firstborn or youngest children. Middle children can often be found in society as nurses, policeman, firefighters and factory workers. While they may make less, middle children generally have higher job satisfaction.

Youngest children seek the spotlight. They can be charming, creative, have a good sense of humor. But youngest children use their charm and humor to manipulate others to get their way.
Youngest children often become involved in art, outdoor jobs, journalism, advertising, sales and athletics. According to, most last borns work in administrative and clerical level positions. They tend to have the least amount of job satisfaction.
While the youngest are motivated to conform to parental expectations, they tend to have problems delegating work. While they are more confident, articulate and imaginative than other children, they are poor at handling any criticism. So does birth order predict a propensity to break the law? Look for the answer to be played out in your local court room as more data is gathered. In the mean time, a young child asked me what is the scariest costume that he could be for Halloween. My answer was simple. Dress as my 401 K!


  1. This made me cry, then in the end smile. Then mad as heck, because I realize just how scary eveyone's 401k is about now.



  2. So this is what is meant by a bear market.

  3. Yup, read em and weep.

  4. I was a middle child. I suppose that explains everything...

  5. I was a primo, guess that explains why I am number one!

  6. Oh carp,
    I don't want my three sisters to see this. I have told them for years it's a proven fact that middle born, specifically 2nd born, are known to be the most well adjusted siblings. This piece seems to support that, but in my study the oldest and youngest are whack jobs because parents don't know what they're doing the first time around and they're worn out with the last. Oh well...gotta older banker sister is taking me to lunch and then to the park to see our baby sister perform at an outdoor concert for the poor.

  7. katfish, you are very cool!


  8. Where does horizonal occupation fit into the birth order.

    Street Walker
