Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Julian King, Darnell Donerson and Jason Hudson All Murdered Without Compassion! Update 12-2-08

Jennifer Hudson's 7-year-old nephew, Julian King, was found shot to death in an SUV on Monday. The FBI continues to investigate the murders. official said. Julian was identified by medical examiners at the request of the Chicago Police. Police are searching surveillance tapes from all over the city for clues. Police have yet to determine a motive.

Deputy Chief Cmdr. Wayne Gulliford said police found the body after responding to "a call about a suspicious auto" on Chicago's West Side. Julian has been missing since Hudson's mother, Darnell Donerson, and her brother, Jason Hudson, were found dead on Friday. Julian King is Julia Balfour's son. Julia Balfour's estranged husband, William Balfour, may be a person of interest. William Balfour was questioned over the weekend. He was subsequently transferred to prison on a parole violation charge. However, no charges had been filed against anyone in connection with the murders. Balfour, 27, apparently spent over six years in prison for attempted murder, vehicular hijacking and possessing a stolen vehicle. Balfour's mom, Michelle Davis-Balfour has urged the public to find the real killer as her son had nothing to do with the killings.

Jennifer Hudson has appeared in "Dreamgirls" (2006); "Sex and the City: The Movie" (2008)and "The Secret Life of Bees" (2008)

As Michelle Davis-Balfour reminds us, all suspects are innocent unless otherwise proven guilty! Watch Davis-Balfour's emotional appeal

Update 12-2-08: Police arrested the estranged brother-in-law of Jennifer Hudson on Monday in the deaths of the entertainer's mother, brother and young nephew. William Balfour was arrested at Stateville Correctional Center and released to detectives as he awaited formal charges in the shooting deaths according to Chicago police spokeswoman Monique Bond.


  1. I hope Jennifer is able to recover from this emotional tragedy.


  2. I know suspects are presumed innocent, but this looks bad for the estranged brother in law, given his past. But sure, I will keep an open mind...

  3. What has Obama been doing to keep violence down in his home town of Chicago? Do we really want his show on the road for the rest of the country?

  4. This is so horribly sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her sister. I just had a feeling that little boy was going to be found "too late". It breaks my heart. What the H^ll is wrong with people!

  5. Oh give me a break. Obama has nothing to do with safety in Chicago. He is not a cop. He is not a municipal leader. You are just some disgrunted republican grasping at straws.

  6. Dreamgirls do not always lead the dream girl life off stage...

  7. Of course we would all want to be considered innocent until proven guilty, particularly in a court of law.
    While investigating a homicide though, it seems neccessary to work from the opposite perspective...one where you would consider anyone possible of guilt until they are eliminated.I'm not in LE, but short of an eyewitness or confession how would anyone be charged? Just wondering.

  8. Well, you start an investigation with facts, not suspects. You look for evidence. What physical evidence exists. Who last saw the victim. Where were relatives and persons of interest when the victim was last seen.

    Then there are the station interviews of witnesses. Persons of interest may become suspects. Alibas are checked out, verified or refuted.

    The investigators meet with the prosecutors to see if there is enough evidence to have probable cause to arrest, detain and/or charge a suspect.

    That is it in a nutshell.

    Law Man

  9. Thanks Lawman! It's always best to hear from one who knows! ;-)

  10. It seems that they are focusing very hard on William.

    I think he's going down for this one.

    I had a feeling that the boy wouldn’t survive. He was a witness to the other murders. Generally thugs like that don’t leave witnesses.

    This is very sad. I'm sure Julia is going to have a very hard time recovering from this. In her Myspace post it seems she feels a little guilty and apologetic because she brought this hoodlum into her families life. I feel sorry for her and Jennifer.

  11. It is not over til its over!

  12. They're closing in on him.

    I think he did it and had a little help after the fact.

  13. Just as the noose gets tighter, he may slip out. I am not so sure...

  14. That dude is done!!

    As soon as ballistics and the results from the other tests come back its a wrap!

    If Julian died after Friday then he had help.

    Law and Order has me a little spoiled. They always solve the crime in an hour.

  15. There was at least two involved...

  16. Update 12-2-08: Police arrested the estranged brother-in-law of Jennifer Hudson on Monday in the deaths of the entertainer's mother, brother and young nephew. William Balfour was arrested at Stateville Correctional Center and released to detectives as he awaited formal charges in the shooting deaths according to Chicago police spokeswoman Monique Bond.
