Friday, September 19, 2008

Wendy Brown Deserves A Chance To Relive The ChildHood She Never Experienced

Drew Barrymore played the role of an undercover reporter who returned to high school as a student in Never Been Kissed. Wendy Brown of Green Bay has apparently pulled a similar stunt, but there does not appear to be a happy ending like Drew Barrymore experienced. Wendy is a 33-year-old woman accused of stealing her daughter's identity in order to go back to high school and be a cheerleader. Ms. Brown now faces a felony identity theft charge after enrolling in Ashwaubenon High School as her 15-year-old daughter. Brown's daughter lives in Nevada with Brown's mother.

Before we all condemn, Wendy, how can we blame her for wanting a second chance? Wendy Brown wanted to get her high school degree. She dreamed of being a cheerleader. Wendy apparently felt that she did not have a happy childhood and wanted to experience the teen age years that she'd missed. Brown was not entirely unsuccessful. She apparently attended a few preschool cheer leading practices, received a cheerleader's locker and went to a pool party at the cheer leading coach's house. Unfortunately, problems began when a $134.50 check Brown gave to the cheer leading coach for her uniform bounced. Kim Demeny, a high school employee, told investigators that Wendy looked older than a student but had the demeanor of a high school girl. A school liaison officer started investigating after Brown attended the first day of class.
Assistant Principal Dirk Ribbins discovered that Brown's daughter was actually enrolled at Pahrump Valley High School. The story would make for a great movie with a possible happy ending but unfortunately, Brown apparently has a history of identity theft crimes. Bond was set at $8,000. If found guilty, Wendy faces up to six years in prison and a $10,000 fine. This seems too harsh of a punishment for trying to fulfill childhood dreams. Wendy needs a good Wisconsin attorney, can any one help her?


  1. Wouldn't we all like a second shot at high school? Free Wendy.

  2. Heck, free wendy and someone help finance her dream. Can we take a collection for the cheer leading uniform?

  3. Reminds me of moms living their cheer leading dreams through their kids. Wendy just took it a step further. At least she didn't ask her kid to do something she wouldn't or couldn't do...

  4. Wendy needs help alright. Good old fashion mental health help!

  5. This chick wouldnt have fooled me. Especially at the pool party. She looks way too old to be a high school student.

    Doesnt she know that they're cheerleading teams for grown ass women?

    She needs meds!!!

  6. I just contacted Gloria Allred. She said she will get back to me . . .

  7. Too old looking to pass for a tight @ss cheer leader!

  8. Everyone deserves to relive their childhood, and if she had a bad one and wanted to do it then I think that she should be able to. I don't know if I would have taken the steps to do it like her though. There are All Star cheer squads that she could of joined. I would love to get her a uniform and cheer shoes If I knew that she could get out.

  9. I agree. I would also contribute toward buying her cheer equipment.

    Let's not penalize the poor woman for wanting to correct her childhood disappointments.
