Monday, September 22, 2008

Is Viktor Bout The Merchant of Death?

Some times, film art accurately portrays reality. Other times, it does not. Viktor Bout, was allegedly portrayed by Nicolas Cage in the 2005 movie "Lord of War" as an evil powerful man. In the nonfiction world, Viktor Bout is some times called the "The Merchant of Death." Bout was arrested in Thailand on March 6, 2008 and has now been indicted in the U.S. on four terrorism charges.

Bout denies any guilt despite being labeled as one of the world's most-wanted arms traffickers. Bout is accused of conspiring to kill Americans, U.S. officers and employees, and providing materials to aid terrorists. Chained at the ankles, the 41 year-old Bout made no comment in Bangkok's Criminal Court. However, defense attorney Preecha Prasertsak requested that the court dismiss all charges because the Russian had been illegally detained. The judge has taken the motion under advisement.
Bout continues to fight extradition. A June 9 hearing was postponed when Bout's attorney at had heart problems. Interesting commentary may be found here: Indictment.
A court-appointed attorney failed to show up for the rescheduled hearing on July 28. Bout was then assigned representation by Preecha.

Bout was arrested after a sting operation where U.S. agents posed as Colombian rebels.
Bout has a long list of alleged clients including African dictators and warlords. It could make for a whose who of terrorists should they be called to testify. If convicted, Bout faces a life sentence.


  1. Trust me. This is one dangerous man!

  2. Viktor is the bomb. Literally.

  3. Terrorists, once convicted, should be executed. Why does he only face life in prison?

  4. Sorry, I have no sympathy for terrorists.
