Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is Jerico Scott Too Talented For Youth Baseball or Is He Unfairly Being Targeted?

Civil rights issues once again rear its head in sports. Does a nine year old boy have a constitutional right to play youth baseball? The court system in New Haven, Connecticut may end up deciding this question as it pertains to nine-year-old Jericho Scott. (Photo at Left courtesy of A.P.) Jerico Scott is a good right-hand pitcher who can throw a 40mph fastball. The Youth Baseball League of New Haven has allegedly told Scott's coach that Scott could not pitch any more. When Jericho attempted to take the mound last week, the opposing team forfeited the game. The league has eight teams and about 100 players. It intends to disband Jericho's team (Will Power Fitness) and redistribute its players. Jericho's coach, Wilfred Vidro, allegedly resigned over the incident. But Vidro claims that he has not quit and the team refuses to disband. Players and parents protested Saturday requesting that Jericho be allowed to pitch. (Apparently Jerico has never hurt any one and by most accounts is an accurate pitcher.)

Is there a deeper, more sinister plot? Some say Jerico may be unfairly targeted because he turned down an invitation to join the defending league champion team which is sponsored by the employer of one of the league's administrators. The league denies any such reason. League attorney, Peter Noble, claims that the only reason in banning Jericho from pitching is that his pitches are just too fast for a co-ed developmental league of 8 to 10 year olds.

Attorney John Williams may meet with Jericho's parents to discuss legal options. Will a court soon be deciding if playing youth baseball is a right or a revocable privilege?


  1. How dare they use girls as an excuse! Girls are usually better athletes at 10 and under than boys.

    Using safety for coeds as an excuse infuriates me!


  2. They should just cut off his other arm to make things fair.

  3. Yup, also make all the faster kids wear lead boots to slow them down to normal speed on the bases.

  4. Hey, lets also even out things for fat kids. All of the average and underweight kids need to carry weights when they run the bases.

  5. Oh. Oh. And make strong kids bat off handed. Right handers need to bat left handed etc...

  6. Ian and friends,

    y'all are funny. Shell, they always blames us gals ...

    So does this kid have a case I wonder?

  7. I think it is prejudice because he looks like he could be one of Obamas long lost relatives.

  8. He has a case. A case of too big of an ego now that his so called talent has hit the media.

  9. Its more than a so called talent.

    This kid is a future Major League Baseball player.

    This is some serious BS!!!!!

    They did this same shit to 12 year old, 6'1" Jaime Nared. They kicked her off the boys basketball team cause she was too good.

    Its BS!!!! This really pisses me off!!!

  10. kid is a killa on the diamond...
