Thursday, August 28, 2008

Anna Goeldi Unjustly Executed For Practicing Witchcraft! - by Blond Bombshell

This goes under the heading of "duh!" A woman accused of being a witch was beheaded in 1782 in Switzerland. Anna Goeldi was accused of causing a girl to convulse and spit pins. Now 226 years later she was exonerated. (Little good that does for a headless corpse.) Ms. Goeldi was the last woman unjustly executed as a witch in Europe. Before clearing her name, the Swiss consulted with both the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches. (So that is what murderers call confessing one's sins these days...)

Ironically, the Swiss village of Mollis, where Anna Goeldi was executed now houses a museum detailing Goeldi's execution for witchcraft. Such things infuriate a real witch like me. (Want male references for my qualifications?) Goeldi was never a witch. Had she been a real witch, she would have nagged the men to the extent that they were so busy performing honey do's that the men would have had no time for frivolous witch hunts. Goeldi is just another example of ignorant male chauvinistic stereotypes that plagued the U.S. and the rest of the world for all too long. Now I will come off my soapbox, grab my broom and fly off to work in Denver. Real witches have important jobs to get completed before all of the convention delegates sober up!


  1. Shell you crack me up.


  2. Denver will never be the same!

  3. Witch witch is the wicked witch?

    Guess Halloween is coming up...

  4. Anna Goeldi worked as a maidservant for Johann Jakob Tschudi, a physician. Dr. Tschudi told authorities that she put needles in the bread and milk of one of his daughters. Supposedly that was witchcraft...

  5. Ever hear of epilepsy? That is what caused the girl to convulse...

  6. I know all about "honey do's!"


  7. Shell,

    I was unable to see this until now ... great one!

    Watch out Denver!

  8. The system does work. And all headless corpse applaud.

  9. The legal system is a way to get A HEAD!

  10. NOw if we can just vindicate the headless horseman so he can get off the darn horse...

  11. What a fricken witch hunt this thread is... All the women with horns have come out.

    It is just like hitting the bars in mid evening like shooting fish in a barrell.

  12. Some how I get the feeling that with your personality, you miss even the fish in the barrel.

