Monday, April 21, 2008

Ryan Schallenberger's Parents Are True Heroes - by Legal Pub

Finally some parents taking action instead of making excuses for their kid. Ryan Schallenberger, an 18 year old high school student was arrested after his parents informed police that 10 pounds of ammonium nitrate (key ingredient in explosives) arrived at their home in Chesterfield according to Police Chief Randall Lear. The ammonium nitrate was apparently bought by their son on eBay. Ryan had not yet assembled a bomb, but he apparently had the ingredients and the know how.

According to the teens mom, "He seemed to hate the world. He hated people different from him -- the rich boys with good-looking girlfriends." The police chief said Schallenberger's journal detailed his sympathies for the teenage gunmen in the 1999 shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado. (15 people died including the shooters.) Unlike Columbine, Schallenberger apparently planned multiple explosions at the school. Ryan apparently made an audiotape apparently to serve as a most massacre explanation. Ryan apparently had not set an actual date for the disaster.

By most accounts, Schallenberger is a decent looking kid, ambitious and smart. He does not fit the profile of the loner usually associated with such killings. Fortunately, his parents did the right thing. They are true American heroes. Legal Pub salutes them for their unselfish proactive behavior.

Ryan Schallenberger is presumed innocent until otherwise determined in a court of law.


  1. Had to be tough on the parents!

  2. Took a lot of guts on the part of the parents.

  3. Hope Ryan gets some help.

  4. Parents, thanks for saving lives.

    A greatful reader

  5. I agree, it must have been a very difficult thing to do for the parents and we are all grateful. I hope this kid gets the help he needs.

  6. Looks like he will be charged with a federal crime of of attempting use WMD. Ryan could receive a sentence of life imprisonment

  7. I was thinking the same thing. It had to the hardest phone these parents have ever had to make.

    Do you think part of their motivation was to avoid being blamed or charged?

  8. The parents did it because it was the right thing to do, not because of fear of liability.

  9. Good strong parenting...
