Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis Contributing to Family Demise And Rising Divorce Rate? ~by Legal Pub

The quest for a more simple life is getting even more difficult. A small house, two cars, two kids and a dog all surrounded by a picket fence has become all but an illusion. As foreclosures rise, so does the divorce rate. "Historically, the three most likely reasons for foreclosure problems are: loss of job, loss of health and loss of spouse. On top of that, these days, escalating mortgage payments are exacerbating the divorce problem," said Nicholas Retsinas, the director of Harvard University's Joint Center for Housing Studies.
Do we really need a study to us what we already knows? The mortgage crisis is causing increased stress on couples. Faced with pressure it is easier to blame one another than attempt to work together to resolve the problem. What with tax laws that penalize marriage, it often becomes easier to separate than struggle. As a regular contributor observed, “When times are good, people are happy. They love and laugh in unison. When times are bad, people get ugly with each other. Human nature is cruel that way."

Financial planners have observed that many couples can't face the reality of mounting bills, higher mortgage payments and declining sex drives. (See Blondbombshell’s Why Women Stop Having Sex. LINK ). Speaking of mounting problems, a young woman was recently discussing with a secretary her broken engagement. The conversation went like this:

Secretary: Why did you break the engagement? Your ring was so pretty.

Girl: Yes the stone was fine, but he had mounting problems. By the way, what happened to your engagement to the guy who collected 30 years of sports illustrated magazines in his apartment?

Secretary: I ended it. He simply had too many issues.


  1. Yes, it is all the fault of the real estate crisis!

    Realitor in Marriage Counseling

  2. No, I think it is men with too many issues. I agree L.P. don't get involved with magazine colletors.

    Actually, the problem with marriage is that women seek men who have problems with commitment. If women would just start dating resident patients at mental facilities, they would find mates capable of commitment.


  3. Iron Mike said...

    Right Shell, it's the man's fault.

    Fact is, most women know how to drive their man crazy...

    marry them!

    Iron Mike

  4. Hey LP,
    you can make a difference. Indiana will be crucial for Obama/Hillary contest now . . .

    No pressure here.

  5. Not sure I want to get involved in this one. I suspect Hillary will take Indiana. I sincerely doubt any candidate will cure the mortgage crisis.

  6. Those jokes in the article are good!

  7. Any good woman knows how to drive her man crazy.

    Marry him... Iron Mike, you are such a hoot.


  8. Too many issues....
    that was funny.

  9. This site is great! What a way to start or end a day!

  10. How do you cure a nymphomaniac?

    marry her!

  11. Makes me want to think about refinancing.
