Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Five Best Things to Say if You Get Caught Sleeping At Your Desk and What Not To Put On MySpace ~ by K.M.

Before discussing the disturbing YouTube news involving a teacher and another capturing an alleged beating of a girl by her peers, let's explore the FIVE BEST THINGS TO SAY IF YOU GET CAUGHT SLEEPING AT YOUR DESK:

5. "They told me at the Blood Bank this might happen."

4. "This is just a 15 minute power nap they raved about in the time management course you sent me to."

3. "Whew! Guess I left the top off the Whiteout. You probably got here just in time."

2. "Did you ever notice sound coming out of these keyboards when you put your ear down real close?"And the NUMBER ONE best thing to say if you get caught sleeping at your desk...

1. Raise your head slowly and say, " Jesus' name, Amen."

Now to discuss disturbing MySpace incidents. First, A Baltimore teacher, Jolita Berry, said she was attacked by a student in her classroom and that a video of the attack was posted on MySpace. School police apparently didn't know about the incident until contacted by WBAL TV 11 News. A cell phone video purports to show a classroom fight. Berry is the person being beaten. Berry, an art teacher at Reginald F. Lewis High School, apparently told a student to sit down and behave. Apparently the students friends cheered her on when she got physical with the teacher. Who threw the first blow is not clear from the videos floating around on the net.

MySpace also generated controversy by capturing video of several Florida teen age girls apparently beating another teen age girl. (See Polk County Police Photo above.) Eight girls are accused of severely beating a cheerleader because she allegedly "trashed talked" them on MySpace. The girls apparently used cell phone video to document the beating and someone put it on MySpace. The 16-year-old victim is punched, kneed and slapped. Even though she huddles in the fetal position, or stands and screams at her attackers, the apparent assault continues. The 16-year-old Lakeland, Florida Teen was hospitalized with blurred vision, hearing loss, and a swollen face.
Update 4-11-08: Suspects range in age from 14 to 18. All face charges of kidnapping, which is a first-degree felony, and battery according to Chip Thullbery, a spokesman for the Polk County state attorney. Six will likely be tried as adults. Three are may also be accused of tampering with a witness. One or more could face life in prison if convicted! All suspects are innocent until otherwise proven guilty!


  1. The teen violence needs to be prosecuted to the fullist!

  2. It's funny that kids need to confess and now with YouTube and My Space they seem to need to video tape . . . clever, indeed.

    This morning I checked my facebook, (a family member asked me to open an account so we can all keep in touch) and I found some new pictures my niece added to her profile . . . oh Lord! If my brother saw these he'd freak!
    Me, I know nothing!

  3. Kids on U tube and My space are way out of controll

  4. The number one reason is very funny.

    One time I fell asleep at work. I was a teller and someone walked up to my window and just stood there and then they walked back to the line to wait for another teller. My supervisor saw what happened and came over to me and woke me up. Luckily I didnt get in trouble.

    As for these crazy kids. Their parents need to beat their asses! And I agree that they need to be prosecuted!!

  5. The teacher getting beat up by a student is ridiculous. If these kids need violence, then let them learn in prison.

  6. If there is any proof that our education system is on a downward spiral, it is the stupidity of students constantly providing the evidence with which to hang themselves. Of course, the fact that any of this happened makes even a bigger statement about the society climate in schools.

  7. Update 4-11-08: Suspects range in age from 14 to 18. All face charges of kidnapping, which is a first-degree felony, and battery according to Chip Thullbery, a spokesman for the Polk County state attorney. Six will likely be tried as adults. Three are also charged with tampering with a witness. Some could face life in prison if convicted!

  8. Some people think trash talk deserves a beating, just saying it may not be all so innocent on the part of the victim.

  9. It disturbs me that some young people think that "trash talking" warrants a physical beating. Did your mom never teach you that "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names and faces shall not harm me?"

  10. Fights happen. Boys will be boys and now days, girls will be boys too!


  11. These girls were not boys, they were animals in my opinion.

  12. Animals who should be severely punished

  13. no good way to prevent teen violence has ever been discovered.

  14. Almost two years later the teen beating incident is still scary.
