Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dalai Lama Supports Freedom of Speech But Not Violence ` by U.P.

The Dalai Lama supports China's hosting of the Summer Olympics but says nobody has the right to tell protesters demanding freedom for Tibet "to shut up." The Dalai Lama went on to say,"We are not anti-Chinese. Right from the beginning, we supported the Olympic games... I really feel very sad the government demonizes me. I am just a human, I am not a demon." While The Dalai Lama said demonstrators have a right to their opinions, he called for nonviolence. Chinese authorities have tightly restricted access to Tibet and Tibetan areas of western China. We also know that China blocks access to Legal Pub. Tibetans have demonstrated in a request for more personal freedoms for almost two decades.

Japan's government remains quiet. Out of deference to Beijing, Japan apparently does not communicate officially with the Dalai Lama. However, the spiritual leader regularly visits Tokyo. Buddhism remains one of Japan's main religions. While I personally know little of the Buddhist faith, The Dalai Lama stance on nonviolence is refreshing and is worth consideration.


  1. Sounds like a hip modern day buddhist version of Martin Luther King!

  2. I used to play with dollies, but now I am interested in Dalai Lamas...


  3. wow, a changing world

  4. Seems like this has been a real embarrassment to the China. Good.

    Unfortunately, China has us and most of the world over a barrel because they have loaned us so much money, and they try to act capitalistic and modern but their government is controlled by the same thugs that have been there for decades.

    It does not look good for the Tibetans . . . Free Tibet

  5. Those Tibetan Monks sure do sing pretty...

  6. Yesteday's news showed a verbal confrontation (in San Francisco) between supporters of Tibet and supporters of China. The Chinese supporter was Chinese.

    The irony is mind-numbing. Why live in the US if you're going to support a totalitarian dictatorship that permanently silences any opposition???

    By moving to China, she could be sure she would never again have to face a 'Free Tibet' protester.

  7. Kung Fu confrontation!
