Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Governor Spitzer's Wife Must Be a Saint As She Stands By His Side Despite His Apparent Involvement With Prostitution Update 3-13-08 ~ by Legal Pub

Client number 9 a.k.a. Governor Spitzer is in trouble. Prosecutors have unsealed an affidavit that involves Spitzer and a prostitute in a Washington hotel room last month. Spitzer is a Democrat which of course prompted James Tedisco, Republican minority leader in the New York State Assembly to suggest that the Governor resign.

Tedisco said, Spitzer's push to reform government "loses all validity if he was involved in something illegal like that." Spitzer took office in January 2007 after serving eight years as the state's attorney general. Spitzer has not been charged with any crime. The Governor, is married with three children. His family was at his side at his press conference when he confessed to a personal indiscretion and acting "in a way that violates my obligations to my family, that violates my or any sense of right and wrong."
He did not take questions. Watch Spitzer's apology

Could he be innocent? Spitzer was caught on a federal wiretap. The prostitute, identified only as "Kristen" worked for the Emperors Club. The club apparently charged between $1,000 and $5,500 an hour. It operated in New York; Los Angeles, California; Miami, Florida; London, England; and Paris, France. Temeka Rachelle Lewis is accused of working as a booking agent for the club.

The real question, when will one of the family members of these politicians say enough is enough? It must take a special person to stand by a spouses side when such allegations become public. I sincerely doubt that most spouses would tolerate such indiscretion.

Update 3-12-08: Speculation is that Spitzer may have spent between $4500 and $80,000 for services rendered. That had to put a hurt on the family budget!

Update 3-13-08: An affidavit states "Client 9" paid $4,300 for 2½ hours and arranged to meet at Washington's Mayflower Hotel, with some of that a deposit on a future session. He also paid for train tickets, cab fare, mini-bar and room service charges for "Kristen." Kristen is apparently 5' 4", 109 pound brunette who appears to be Ashley Youmans a.k.a. Ashley Alexandra Dupre. The Governor may have used the Empire Club services as many as 8 times. While the alleged breach of trust and violation of his marriage vows are inexcusable, one must admit the Governor has good taste in women. Legal Pub projects that Ashley will go on to profit from this exposure while the ex- Governor (he has officially resigned) will struggle to keep his family.


  1. .

    I would tell him to hit the bricks.


  2. You beat me to it. I would not put up with this man's crap. Of course I would not put up with any man, but that is beside the point.


  3. Doesn't he look like a guilty weasel?


  4. Maybe he just used Kristen for emotional support.

  5. The Governor of New York, once a hardassed, vice-prosecuting attorney general, may have been doing some high-class whoring. He gets what he has coming to him!


  6. Prostitution is a victimless crime (except for sometimes, the prostitute). Our society would be better managed if it was legalized. If the Eliot Spitzer affair involves the misappropriation of funds thats different;otherwise, I think it's the man's own business. (And of course his wife's business.)

  7. Why should the governor be in trouble for partaking in the oldest profession on earth?

  8. This poor woman looked sedated to me. I think it was CRUEL for this guy to have her stand there next to him.

    Does anyone remember NJ Governor McGreevey's poor wife standing by her man and smiling as he confessed to being a "gay American"? That poor woman was doing the Haldol Shuffle for weeks before she realized what was going on . . .

    Methinks, castration is a viable alternative.

  9. Ms C.

    What do you think when you see a woman standing beside her husband in public in the face of severe personal humilation and betrayal by his deeds? Be it Jim McGreevy's wife when he announced he was a "Gay American", or Elliot Spitzer's wife yesterday, they seem to be genuinely supportive. But with Or, Hillary Clinton, I find no admiration or craziness. She simply had larger plans.

    The first two were probably pretty "shell shocked" at the time. Its either that or true love and support. But I think Hillary could smell bigger plans for herself in the future trade winds.

  10. anonymous,

    TOTALLY agree with you!

  11. In a interview two years ago, Spitzer, then-attorney general, told ABC News he had some advice for people who break the law.

    "Never talk when you can nod, and never nod when you can wink, and never write an e-mail because it's death. You're giving prosecutors all the evidence we need," he said.

    I guess he didn't follow his own advice. . .

  12. Ms C. you are the bomb!

  13. Speculation is that Spitzer may have spent between $4500 and $40,000 for services rendered. That had to put a hurt on the family budget!

  14. So much for a cushy send off to retirement party.

  15. I would respect Spitzer and all men who stand up and admit, "yes, I wanted sex from another woman." Simple and to the point. Spitzer is no different than any other man, he just got caught.

  16. Lady, you are a fake!

  17. Lady, I suspect that some of what you are getting at is that some women might not care if their husband cheated as long as they were honest about it.

    The Government has published statistics about how common the sexless marriage has become. If theoretically a man and wife still love one another but are no longer having sex, does one really care if the the other is meeting their needs else where?

    From a moral stand point, I disagree with such conduct. From an objective stand point, I can see where this might happen in certain relationships.

  18. Update 3-13-08: An affidavit states "Client 9" paid $4,300 for 2½ hours and arranged to meet at Washington's Mayflower Hotel, with some of that a deposit on a future session. He also paid for train tickets, cab fare, mini-bar and room service charges for "Kristen." Kristen is apparently 5' 4", 109 pound brunette who appears to be Ashley Youmans a.k.a. Ashley Alexandra Dupre. The Governor may have used the Empire Club services as many as 8 times. While the alleged breach of trust and violation of his marriage vows are inexcusable, one must admit the Governor has good taste in women. Legal Pub projects that Ashley will go on to profit from this exposure while the ex- Governor (he has officially resigned) will struggle to keep his family. (Looking at how his wife's body language has changed, my bet is that marriage may be in trouble.)

  19. Here comes the judge!

  20. Ashley is gorgious! She does not need to do this line of work. She could be a movie star.

  21. Stand by your man...

  22. Hillary, no I'm not fake. I'm 100% real. People only seem to say sorry when they've gotten caught. He might as well admit to his desires and move on. It doesn't help anyone that he's lying to himself, his wife, his children, the communities he governing.

    Hillary, get real.

    Leg Pub, yes, that' what I'm getting at.


  24. Spitzer spat on his wife, children and the public when he sleazed around with professional tramps!

    If he used campaign money for his desires of the flesh, then Spitzer should be chewed up and spat out in to a prison cell.


  25. Maybe she's staying for the money. I heard he comes from a very wealthy family.

    This reminds me of Koby Byrant and his wife, and all the other celebs who cheat and get caught. The man is always very apologetic with their wives right by their side. It has to be for the money. I think McGreevys wife would have stayed too if he wasn’t gay.

    Crime seems to pay. This chick has over 6 million hits on her myspace page and they're playing her song on the radio. I also heard playboy approached her. There’s also talk of her own reality show. http://www.myspace.com/ninavenetta


  26. Ashley has hit a homer on this one!

  27. Ashley is not worth a penny more than $3,999 for a good time!

  28. Spitzer apparently comes from a wealthy family. His wife was apparently a sucessful Wall Street lawyer before the marriage. I suspect they had a prenuptial agreement before the marriage. Depending on what such an agreement said, she could stand to lose some cash in the event of divorce. On the other hand, she may not care...

  29. Even if Spitzer had a prenuptual agreement, it is no reason for him to hock on his family.

  30. Dr. Laura blames Spitzer's fall on his wife!

    VIEIRA: Do you think women play any role in this, Dr. Laura?

    SCHLESSINGER: It's interesting. what you said about what men need -- men do need validation. When they come into the world they're born of a woman. Getting the validation from mommy is the beginning of needing it from a woman. When the wife does not focus in on the needs and the feelings sexually, personally, to make him feel like a man, to make him feel like a success, to make him feel like our hero, he's very susceptible to the charm of some other woman making him feel what he needs. These days, women don't spend a lot of time thinking about how they can give their men what they need.

    VIEIRA: Are you saying women should feel guilty, like they somehow drove the man to cheat?

    SCHLESSINGER: You know what, the cheating was his decision to repair what's damaged, and to feed himself where he's starving. But, yes, I hold women accountable for tossing out perfectly good men by not treating them with the love and kindness and respect and attention they need.
