Friday, February 22, 2008

Mark Jensen Convicted Of Murdering His Wife; Drew Peterson Scrutinized for Death of Kathleen Savio Update 4-24-08

A seven women and five men jury deliberated for three days., ultimately resulting in the conviction of Mark Jensen. The trial lasted six weeks. Post verdict, bail was immediately revoked. Watch the drama in the courtroom »
The conviction carries a mandatory life sentence. Whether parole will ever be possible will be decided at the sentencing hearing. Julie Jensen, 40, was found dead in her bed nearly 10 years ago. Prosecutor Robert Jamois was pleased with the decision. According to the prosecution, Julie Jensen was poisoned by ethylene glycol, the main ingredient in antifreeze.

A key piece of evidence was a letter from Julie Jensen in the possession of a neighbor which in essence implicated her husband should anything ever happen to her. Her son's teacher also testified as to Julie saying she thought her husband was trying to kill her. Mark Jensen, 48, was charged in 2002 with first-degree murder because of the December 1998 death of his wife. Jensen was allegedly having an affair at the time he supposedly poisoned his wife. Expect Mark to file an appeal!
Update 4-24-08 Mark Jensen has been sentenced to life. YOUTUBE VIDEO LINK

In an unrelated case, a new autopsy has apparently concluded that Drew Peterson's third wife died because of a homicide. Guess a homicide investigation will now begin which as we all know, usually starts with questioning the husband. The second report on Kathleen Savio’s 2004 death included photos and reports from the initial investigation. It also includes results from microscopic examinations and toxicological tests. Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow said, “We have been investigating this as a murder since reopening the case in November of last year. We now have a scientific basis to formally and publicly classify it as such.” Savio was found dead in her bathtub shortly before her divorce settlement with Peterson was final. A coroner’s jury ruled after the first autopsy that her death was accidental. Peterson is a possible suspect in the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson. Drew Peterson said she ran off with another man. Peterson denies all wrong doing! Exclusive interview with Joel Brodsky HERE

12-3-10: Jensen's conviction has been upheld on appeal.


  1. LP,
    I've some trouble commenting on blogger today . . . this is my third try.

  2. wonder whats wrong Ms.C


  3. Glad I wasn't on the Jensen jury - what a tough case.

    Do you think Drew Peterson will cop a plea, try for some leniency, if he finally 'fesses up about what happened to Staci?? (I guess it boils down to - can he use to his advantage the fact that he *may have* murdered two women?)

  4. I do not think Drew will ever admit that he murdered any one.

  5. Ta-daaa! I'm able to comment . . .
    Does anyone have any idea was ANTI-FREEZE is so popular in these type of crimes these days? Is it because it's tasteless, maybe? Not that I plan to poison anyone . . . tee-hee!

    I agree with LP on Peterson, I don't think he will ever admit to a thing regarding any of his wives.

  6. Cool Ms. C. I missed you. For a while I thought you might have hooked up with Drew P.

  7. Jill - I think that's why Ms. C. was asking about antifreeze ;>)

  8. Savio's death will be the fall of D.P. in my opinion.

  9. All of these guys may be so busted before it is over...

  10. Just how many clues before some one gets caught?

  11. On the other hand, he may have grounds for appeal! How fair is it to not be able to cross examine a witness' statement that is used against the defendant?

  12. Mark Jensen is a Kenosha WI. man who sits in jail, facing life in prison with no chance for parole. Jensen, 48 was found guilty on February 21, 2008 for the 1998 poisoning death of Julie Jensen, 40. Prosecutors sold the idea that Jensen was having an affair and poisoned his wife so he could be free of her. The defense claims that Julie Jensen was despondent about the affair, killed herself and tried to frame her husband.

    An appeal is pending on some evidentiary issues. Hopefully KATFISH will keep us updated,

  13. I wasn't sure if you had seen my blog on the Jensen case about a Supreme Court ruling(in June 2008), Giles vs. California, that may enable Mark Jensen to have his conviction thrown out.The Supreme Court ruled that defendants must be able to cross-examine the person who is accusing them of a crime even in cases where the defendant killed that person. That means the letter Julie wrote to police, in which she said Mark was trying to kill her, and her statements to friends about the same thing, could not be used as evidence in court.

    This ruling does not guarantee Mark Jensen’s freedom, or even a new trial. The judge in his case ruled that Julie’s letter and statements were a dying declaration, evidence of her state of mind at the time of her death. The state appeals court is reviewing that. If they rule the statements were a dying declaration, the Supreme Court decision will not apply and Mark will remain in prison. Otherwise, he might become a free man.

    I recently came across this memorandum written by Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder to further explain his decision to admit Julie Jensen's letter as her Dying Declaration and put it on docstoc, here is the link:

    As you know, I am keeping an eye on this case in the WSCA. At this point all motions filed are pre-appeal motions.


  14. Good job Katfish. My bet is a new trial based on the case law. States keep trying to legislate rules to allow such evidence but it creates a big danger of potential misuse of such documents. Keep us posted.

  15. More activity on the Jensen appeal. Entry up.

  16. Just an update on Mark Jensen's appeal....the case is in Briefing, Appellant has filed their Brief and Respondent's Briefing is due July 30. As of July 3 the case is on Hold status pending a Petition to Bypass by the Appellant and the Responses back and forth.(both parties have filed Motion Responses)

  17. Thanks KAtfish. Keep us posted.


  18. Link to Respondant's Brief in the Mark Jensen Appeal on katfishponders.

  19. Update 4-30-10: Lawyering up. Drew Peterson has added Chicago defense attorneys Steven Greenberg, Ralph Meczyk and Darryl Goldberg to his defense team. The three join Joel Brodsky, his partner Reem Odeh and attorney Joseph Lopez. Peterson will be tried in June for the alleged murder of his third wife Kathleen Savio in 2004.

  20. Just wanted to drop by and let you know the Wisconsin Court of Appeal upheld Mark Jensen's conviction today.
