Thursday, February 28, 2008

Machete Crime In Australia Backfires! ~ Legal Pub

Stupid criminals who attempt stupid crimes are a world wide phenomena. In the U.S., we have had two recent incidents with Machete attacks: the Dr. Faugley murder LINK and the Tommy Flores murder of his grandma LINK . But in Australia, this machete attack is beyond stupidity. Two masked, machete-wielding men attempted to rob a club in Sydney, Australia. Unfortunately for them, it was during a monthly meeting of bikers. About 50 bikers more than adequately defended themselves with tables and chairs. The end result? One would-be robber was tied up and the other sent to the hospital. Both were arrested by police.

Jerry Vancornewal, leader of the bikers, told CNN, "these guys were absolutely dumb as bricks. I can't believe they saw all the bikes parked up front and they were so stupid that they walked past in."


  1. Idiots are world wide. Glad to see they got their @ss kicked!


  2. I love it! All those bikes . . . and they still walked in. Would have loved to have seen this.

  3. It was an ass kicking indeed, mate!

  4. #2 son spent a year in Sydney. American friend came over to visit. They were sitting outdoors at a pub, enjoying the evening, when an intoxicated local heard them talking, recognized the accent as American, and set about verbally abusing and insulting them.

    Visiting friend finally had enough; leapt over the railing; and started pummeling the guy. Police were called. The drunk was arrested.
    #2 son and friend got free beers the rest of the night.

    Gotta love those Aussies!!!

  5. Good to see the bad guys get their butts kicked!

  6. Major victory, Mate!
