Friday, January 11, 2008

Was Lam Luong Swept Into the Domestic Dispute Trap as His Children Were Swept Underwater or Chalk This One Up to Crack? Update 1-14-08

On the surface this is the type of violence Legal Pub's Proposal to Reduce Domestic Violence is designed to curb. LINK. Police claim that Lam Luong (37) confessed to killing his children ( Hannah, 2, Lindsey, 1, Danny, 4 months; and 3-year-old Ryan Phan, who was is not his biological child.) Joe Kulakowski, said his client falsely confessed under pressure after being questioned Monday night and all day Tuesday. Luong had had a fight with his wife. He subsequently went with his wife, Kieu Ngoc Phan (23) to the police station to report that the children were missing. He claimed a woman named Kim had taken them. This woman named "Kim" allegedly claimed to know their mother and would get them food and clothes. Luong said the children left with a second woman in a van and were not returned later Monday as promised.

Luong's wife, Kieu Ngoc Phan discovered her four children missing Monday. According to Prosecutors, Luong reportedly confessed after investigators pressed him on holes in his story. "We believe he killed the kids by tossing them off the bridge," said District Attorney John Tyson Jr. No bodies have been discovered and neither have many facts.

Investigators believe that the four children were thrown from Dauphin Island bridge Monday morning into the Intracoastal Waterway. A search near the bridge and into the Gulf of Mexico has failed to discover any bodies.

Prosecutors have charged Luong with four counts of capital murder. He is being held without bond in Mobile. District Judge Charles McKnight described the allegations as "heinous."
Luong, is originally from Vietnam. He came to the U.S. in 1984 and until recently had been living in Hinesville, Georgia. His record appears to be clear except for a crack cocaine possession charge pending in Hinesville which leads one to wonder if drugs or drug related debt is somehow involved in the case?
Update 1-14-08: Two of the children's bodies have been found.
The body was found by a search team near where a duck hunter found the body of an infant on Saturday, said Mobile County sheriff's Sgt. Jerry Taylor. "The inevitable nightmare we have feared has now been confirmed," Mobile County Sheriff Sam Cochran said. The mother, Kieu Ngoc Phan, wept, and asked, "Why didn't he kill me instead of the children? It's too much hurting."
The answer? LINK.


  1. My vote is crack!

    Either this is pay back for a drug debt or a crack crazy man who went over the edge.

    Facts? None. Opinion? Yes.I got a hunch on this one...

    Bob P.

  2. IF he did this, then he is a true pig!


  3. Enjoyed looking at the LaFave update much more than looking at this guy's mug.


  4. This is a face on Crack :(

  5. This is becoming way too common. Four children were found dead in the District yesterday. It appears mom killed them because she felt they were possessed by the devil. An imbalanced person under the influence of crack or meth is very dangerous. What can be done?

    Oh Pete,
    all you guys go for Deb LaFave!

  6. Yup, domestic killings are not just about pending divorce or custody, but I suspect this one was!


    P.S. Pete, get a life. Several of the women who post here are better looking then Debra Lafave.

  7. This is your brain on crack...

  8. What(if anything) is or will be done to help this woman. I can not imagine living with such pain after such a horrific and disgusting ordeal. The focus should be on supporting this woman. Why are w talking about him? My prayers are with her.

  9. Update 1-14-08: Two of the children's bodies have been found. The body was found by a search team near where a duck hunter found the body of an infant on Saturday, said Mobile County sheriff's Sgt. Jerry Taylor. "The inevitable nightmare we have feared has now been confirmed," Mobile County Sheriff Sam Cochran said. The mother, Kieu Ngoc Phan, wept, and asked, "Why didn't he kill me instead of the children? It's too much hurting."
    The answer? Read Legal Pub article on domestic violence!

  10. Lam Luong was just plain wrong!

