Friday, January 11, 2008

Judith Law Finds Out It Is Contempt of Court to tell Judge Diane Goodstein to Kiss her Anatomy- story idea by Ms. Calabaza

Ms. Calabaza has good advice to all defendants: Don't tell the judge to kiss a body part that you sit on. While one assumes this to be a given, an idiot in South Carolina did not quite get it! Judith Law has a scholarly name but not a brain to match. The St. Matthews woman signed a court document with an instruction for the judge to kiss her @@@ and told a probation officer give it to the judge.

Circuit Judge Diane Goodstein promptly held Judith Law in contempt and sentenced her to an additional 90 days. Law challenged appealed the ruling, saying the contemptuous behavior happened outside the presence of the judge. The South Carolina Court of Appeals upheld the judge’s order.

Law is simply no stranger to the court room. In 2003, she pleaded guilty to grand larceny and burglary charges. She was sentenced to five years but the sentence was suspended to time served. She also received three years' probation and paid $300 in restitution.

In September 2005, Law admittedly violated her probation. This caused Judge Goodstein to reinstate the five-year sentence. Law should get three meals and a warm safe bed behind bars, all courtesy of the state.


  1. Good story, Ms. C. The South knows how to do it right!


  2. That lady is a real dumb a##!

  3. Thanks Shell! Years ago, when I lived in the big city, a friend of mine called a female police sargeant an a^^hole.

    See, my friend's brand-new car was being towed and the sergeant didn't really care that it was "brand new", because it was illegally double-parked. So, I was left to explain to the kind sargeant that my friend was going through a difficult divorce; not herself lately; and she really, really didn't mean to call her an a^^hole. It didn't work. My girl friend spent the night in jail with hookers, drunks and the rest. I ended up picking her up at the county jail at 7 am the next morning.

    I can laugh at it now, but it taught me a lesson. From then on, anytime I deal with authority it's yes sir and yes m'aam.

  4. Well, Ms. C and Shell,
    this is a classic example of a judge with black robe itis. The comment was not made in the judge's presence. It was written on the defendant's copy of the order.

    The court personnel took it to the judge who decided to go back into court and make an example of the lady.

    Yes, the lady, Judith Law, was a disrespectful criminal who used bad judgment. But the written remark, by itself was not threatening, nor did it hurt any one.

    Now Judith is doing time...

  5. Incredible bad judgment on the part of Judith Law. She deserved what she got... a cold hard lesson.

  6. Good job Ms. C.


  7. Here come "da judge."

  8. Tough lesson for Judge Judy... oh ya, your name is Judith Law but you have no legal education and not a lick of commonsense. And no, you are not the judge judy!
