Saturday, January 5, 2008

Flash in the Pan Amy Fisher Cashes in by Flashing in Sex Video- by Bob P. Update 1-8-08

When Amy Fisher was a teenager, she made headlines because she shot Mary Jo Buttafuoco. Amy spent seven years in jail and became know as the "Long Island Lolita." Apparently in an attempt to cash in on her infamous act and publicity, Fisher and her current husband (Louis Bellera) are marketing a sex tape. Amy said, "I always wanted to be No. 1 at something, but I didn't think it would be something like this."
(Photo of Amy is Courtesy of the A.P.)

They apparently have sold the sex tape to Red Light District video of Los Angeles. While the couple were divorcing in August, they have since reconciled. Fisher reportedly took a six-figure payout for the video available on the Internet. The 'Amy Fisher: Caught on Tape,' was released in August.

Misunderstood, Joey Buttafuoco served time for statutory rape for his part in having sex with then 16-year-old, Amy Fisher. Since Fisher was released from jail she has done more than just lie around. Fisher has written two books. She has also been employed as a columnist for the Long Island Press. More recently, the 33 year old Fisher has appeared at clubs as a celebrity guest. Fisher has a 6-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter. Like Britney, will some question her parenting skills or will the masses treat her as a rock star like celebrate?

Update 1-8-08: The same company may have a sex tape of Joey Buttafuoco and his wife having sex at some party. See LINK.

(story by Bob P. edited by Legal Pub)


  1. Thanks for publishing my story. Gives readers a chance to comment on either Britney Spears or Amy Fisher.

    Bob P.

  2. Amy Fisher got better looking with age!

  3. Geeeeez, Amy's hubby sounds like a prince. My advice to Amy is to open a "psychotherapy account" for her kids; they'll need it in a few years.

  4. Another 'fame through shame' celebrity.

    Something is waaaay wrong when these slimeballs profit from their notoriety.

  5. This must be ANOTHER proud moment for Ms Fishers family...


  6. Actually, what makes you think the family isn't proud of how little Amy has bounced back from a bad situation?

  7. Update 1-8-08: The same company may have a sex tape of Joey Buttafuoco and his wife having sex at some party. See LINK.

  8. Pure Praire League: Oh Amy what you want to do. I could stay with you for a while maybe longer if I do...

  9. Amy continues to get more mileage out of her 16 year old mistake...

  10. Amy is a phoenix who rises from the ashes to cash in on fame and misfortune...
