Friday, January 4, 2008

Charles Chatman, Hillary Clinton and Alcides Moreno Have All Experienced Different Falls- by Legal Pub

Charles Chatman fell from grace about as far as a man can fall 26 years ago when he was convicted of rape. Chatman is now a free man. Charles Chatman, at age 47, has been released on the basis of new DNA testing. Texas' Dallas County's has an alarming number of wrongfully convicted inmates. Chatman is the 15th prisoner from Texas' Dallas County to be freed after DNA testing. The county is one of the few in the nation that retains biological evidence for decades-old crimes. How does Charles Chatman feel after 26 years behind bars? "I'm bitter. I'm angry," he says. "But I'm not angry or bitter to the point where I want to hurt anyone or get revenge."

Has Hillary Clinton fallen from grace? Iowa has spoken. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mike Huckabee claimed victory in the Iowa caucus. Now they head to New Hampshire for the next presidential battleground. While they each wear Iowa's presidential championship belts, it may mean little. Both the Democrat and the Republican face serious challenges. Obama is even in the New Hampshire polls with Hillary Clinton. While Hillary finished third in Iowa, she is expected to run strong on the east coast. Huckabee has a different problem. He has not done much campaigning in New Hampshire. His campaign is low on cash. While he prides himself as the people's candidate, that may not get him too far since many people do not know who he is...

Falls from grace are not always fatal. Alcides Moreno was a window washer. He fell 47 stories. After the fall he was treated at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center for serious injuries. After falling 500 feet, he was bleeding, his arms and legs were broken. He has serious injuries to his spine, chest, head and stomach. A month later, Moreno is conscious and talking. In all, Moreno has had at least nine orthopedic surgeries. He will apparently undergo another spinal surgery on Friday. He will also need another operation to reconstruct his abdominal wall. Moreno is expected to regain the ability to walk. His brother, Edgar Moreno (age 30), died instantly in the same fall.


  1. Finally some stories I can sink my teeth into.

    Where to start. Obama rocks. He is our next president. With biological evidence, does it remain preserved indefinitely? If so why not test all the rape convictions for DNA?

    Falling 47 stories? A tribute to modern medicine. They opened him up until the swelling went down. One can only hope he recovers to be the father to his children that every kid needs. Thank God but don't forget about the Drs. and nurses!


  2. Politics are too heavy!
    Weather sucks, no surfing. Too early for the bars to open. So lets ponder:

    Q. It is considered bad taste to discuss two subjects at nudist camps. One is politics, what is the other?
    A. Tape measures.

    Q. Can boys join the Camp Fire Girls?
    A. Only after lights out.

    Q. When you pat a dog on its head he will wag his tail. What will a
    goose do?
    A. Make him bark?

    Q. According to Ann Landers, is there anything wrong with getting into the habit of kissing a lot of people?
    A. Well, it gets alot of young men out of the army.

    Q. Back in the old days, when men put horseradish on their heads, whatwere they trying to do?
    A. Trying to eat.

    Surfer Dude

  3. My the world is changing. As a kid I remember my neighbor, Donny falling off our porch while he was messing around. Instead of his mom suing us, he got spanked.

    Back then not a single person I knew had ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family. How could we possibly have known that we needed group therapy and anger management classes? We were obviously so duped by so many societal ills, that we didn't even notice that the entire country wasn't taking Prozac! How did we ever survive?

    Now we need caucuses and the press to tell us who to vote for...


  4. "I'm bitter. I'm angry," . . . and someone will pay . . ."
    ~ Hillary

  5. Hillary Clinton's loss in Hawaii and Wisconsin mean that if she loses Ohio and Texas, it is over!

  6. But Hillary won Ohio and Texas and is very much in the race!

