Thursday, December 20, 2007

Joseph Spencer Discovers That A Serial Killer Is On The Loose

Joseph Spencer was a healthy, athletic 18 -year old. He was attacked last April by killer. He has survived to tell his story. It started with vomiting, chills, fever, he reasoned that "It must be the flu." Spencer's fever elevated to 104 degrees. Within days, he was in the intensive care unit at Providence Portland Medical Center in Oregon. The diagnosis was thought to be pneumonia. Spencer's life was in jeopardy. "His lungs had filled up with water, it was hard to get oxygen into him," said Dr. David Gilbert. The physicians apparently thought Joseph Spencer was going to die.

But this was no ordinary flu! He had been attacked by a adenovirus, the virus that usually causes nothing worse than a nasty cold.

Adenovirus was considered minor according to Dr. Dean Erdman, leader of the respiratory diagnostics at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. "But adenovirus is causing severe disease and, in some cases, death in normal, healthy people."

Over1,000 people in Oregon have been infected by adenovirus so far this year. In Oregon, seven patients have died. This has prompted the warning to be aware of the serial killer.

Dr Gilbert opines that 20 percent of the patients have not survived the attack of the killer known as "adenovirus 14." The killer is one of a gang of 51-odd strains of adenovirus that cause mischief resulting in anything from colds to conjunctivitis to gastroenteritis to murder. The adenovirus is believed to have mutated from a petty nuisance to a murder. Be on the lookout for traces of the killer. Shortness of breath, cough and fever are all symptoms you should not ignore.
This is not the first warning of this killer. The Russian Dooms day cult predicted a huge masacer. LINK. Approach the suspect with caution, armed with a bottle of bleach and a can of Lysol disinfectant.


  1. There is a killer on the run!

  2. I am now looking suspiciously at each snotty nose kid that I see...


  3. Yes, and there so darn many of them . . .

  4. Come on, now every time someone sneezes I am running in the opposite direction.

    Bob P.

  5. Not enough blood and guts to entertain the masses on this story.

    Give us a serial killer who gets DNA all over without sneezing.


  6. Handwashing is key!

  7. CW is dead on right!

  8. wouldn't believe how many people i see leaving the restrom without completing this importantat task (ewwwwwwwwww)


  9. CW, nice blog and web page. Always good to see writers visiting the Pub. BUT please wash your hands before you return from the bathroom. Hope you become a regular. Any time you have ideas for a Legal Pub story, please feel free to email them to:

  10. People need to wash their hands after they sneeze and not touch their eyes or shake other peoples hands...

    And kissing is out too. In fact, any exchange of bodily fluids is strictly forbidden unless done in the confines of a sterile lab.

    Merry Mary
