Thursday, October 4, 2007

State Rep. Matthew Barrett Show's Naked Woman's Image to Norwalk High School Students

Google stock keeps going through the roof! Here at Legal Pub, we like to think we are doing our part to keep the company successful by reporting interesting news. In that line, here is another "political fumble" by State Rep. Matthew Barrett. The high school class lecture became a little more interesting when Rep. Barrett projected a photo of a nude woman during a lecture on how a bill becomes a law.

State Rep. Matthew Barrett claims that the memory stick containing the naked women had been given to him several weeks ago from a legislative liaison for the State Library of Ohio. State Rep. Matthew Barrett civics lesson livened up the class of 20 students at Norwalk High when he inserted the memory stick into the school computer and the projected image of a topless woman. Police interviewed Barrett and and seized the data memory stick to determine the image's origin.

Barrett finished his lecture using printouts and then met with the school's principal and technology staff. The school's technology director apparently determined that the memory stick contained a directory of nude images.

"I have no idea where these came from," the Democrat exclaimed. However, Barrett then revealed that the memory stick was a gift from a legislative liaison from the state Library of Ohio. The topic of the lecture was how a bill becomes a law. Legal Pub wonders if this will spawn the birth of a law against State Representatives showing naked pictures to teenagers.

UPdate 10-4: Here is a link to Matt Barrett's blog. LINK. Apparently no posts yet!
UPdate 12-26-08: The investigation of Matt Barrett apparently ended and no action was taken against Barrett. Barrett (D-Amherst) resigned as state representative of the Ohio House 58th District.


  1. Yes, blame it on the memory stick you received as a gift. Certainly no one would expect someone to check the contents of a memory stick before they show it to a class room of teen agers.

    Give us a break and admit you are a pervert.


  2. Folks like this should lose their office. If he is not smart enough not to put naked ladies on his memory stick with his civics class, he does not deserve to remain in office.


  3. I wonder how many shades of red he turned when the image came up on the screen? Any chance this was captured on video? Sounds like a classic embarrassing moment. Maybe the image was put on the stick by his Republican rival....

  4. Could be Ron, or it could be he is just a male pig!


  5. Apparently a link to Rep. Matthew Barrett's blog is posted as an update. The site is:

  6. He has weird eyes, I don't trust him.

  7. Might be from staring at naked ladies on his computer!

  8. I think Shell is right, I suspect swine...

  9. Shell, please tell us, please do tell us, what was State Rep. Matthew Barrett doing with your photo on his memory stick?

  10. If it had been my photo, Ron, he would have been accused of more than just being crude. He would have been brought up for terrorizing the children, child abuse and cruel and unusual punishment.


  11. True, but that sure is an awful photo of him, makes him look like a strange dude.

  12. This is an idiot. This is an idiot on steroids!

    Perhaps Barrett was confused as to his topic. Perhaps he thought he was giving a lecture on anatomy?

  13. Wipe the smile off your face Matt, was the chick at least Hot?

  14. Get off his back. It was an accident!

  15. Good gosh, at least he is probably not gay! Give the guy a break. It was a memory stick that he did not create himself...
