Saturday, September 1, 2007

Jonathon Edington, J.d. Sentenced to 12 Years for Stabbing Barry James Who He Thought Molested His Two Year Old Daughter

Jonathon Edington, a patent attorney, is now serving 12 years in jail because he stabbed his neighbor, Barry James to death. Based on what his wife Christina had told him, Edington was under the impression that James had molested his 2-year-old daughter. Edington "lost it" went over to his neighbors house, cut the screen to gain access, and stabbed James to death. Edington, despite being temporarily insane, was convicted of first-degree manslaughter. "It's a Shakespearean tragedy brought into the real world. Something was set into motion in this man's mind - real or perceived. It was very real to him," said Superior Court Judge, Richard F. Comerford, Jr. Jonathon Edington is 30 years old. Barry James was 58. Christina Edington had told her husband that she thought James had molested their daughter. Fairfield police investigated the molestation allegation and said they found no evidence it occurred. Christina Edington refused to cooperate with the investigation of the slaying. Prosecutor Jonathan Benedict indicated a defense psychiatrist was of the opinion that Christina suffers from postpartum depression. Jonathon Edington was represented by Andrew Bowman. Bowman said of his client, "He is a good and decent man who suffered such a traumatic event in his life that he lost control. He is extremely remorseful and takes responsibility for his actions as he has always done."
After the sentence was announced, Christina Edington fell to her knees. The sentence is 20-year per a plea bargain, with eight years suspended. He must serve 12 years and then be on probation for five years. Rita and Charlie James' victims' statement called their son's death "a terrible tragedy that happened for nothing, but it has destroyed all that we have." Friday, Christina Edington was served with a wrongful death lawsuit, accusing her of triggering the stabbing and making up the abuse claim. A similar lawsuit has also been filed against her husband.
Soap Box: First off, even a patent lawyer should know that every suspect is entitled to due process. A lawyer should know that he can not be judge, juror and executioner. I suspect however, it was a true crime of passion.
Second, allegations of child abuse are never pretty. In fact, even untrue allegations are devastating to the suspect and to the family. How did Christina Edington think her husband would react when she told him of her thoughts.
Finally, parents, let's keep watch over our children and minimize the possibility of young children being put in situations where they can be molested.


  1. Pub man, you gave me some food for thought on this case. I hope your soap box section of the articles becomes regular.

    Jim C.

  2. I am cynical enough that I questioned the wife's motivation in telling him her unfounded thoughts about molestation.

  3. Poor man, I may have done the same thing!

  4. men need to control their temper.

  5. People need to control their temper.


  6. Good to have you back L.S. Gender equality is something posters sometimes forget.

    Did you read the sentencing update story on Braddy? Interested in your comments as well as J.J. who has been silent since the sentencing hearing started.

  7. I also question wife's motivation or common sense in calling this man at work with such information. I think this sentence is overkill.

  8. I think the wife intentionally inflamed the husband into action. Ridiculous not to punish her instead.

  9. This is too harsh of a sentence. He should have went to trial. He may have been temp insane.

  10. I think Chirs Edington needs to share in the responsibility.

  11. So much like a man to blame a woman.


  12. Brenda, if the shoe fits...

    This man was bated!


  13. I think he was tricked into doing something he would not otherwise do...

  14. Poor Jon.... first lawyer I have ever felt sorry for...


  15. Jon, you will need to be disbarred. Can't kill some one and still practice law. Perhaps you will get your license back when you get out...

  16. Why Harry, is your brain fuzzy? Men commit 90% of the violent crimes in America. Get the facts and then admit I am right.


  17. Brenda may be right, but This dude was set up. Egg any one on and they are capable of doing a crime!!

  18. we watched how the whole thing went down the wife was so wrong she inflamed her husband my heart goes to barrys parents in this bad tradgady i wish them well they were good people it would not have bothered me about barry if i lived next store i would have understood and took the time to get to no them good bless barrys parents

  19. Sad story for all involved.
