Friday, August 31, 2007

Astronauts Are Not Drinking Alcohol But Rich People Like Sumner Redstone Are Drinking MonaVie (Acai Berry)

Eighty four year old Sumner Redstone, the majority owner of Viacom, has been drinking like a fish lately. But what he has been drinking is MonaVie an antioxidant-rich drink containing Brazilian acai berry, pomegranate, blueberry and other juices. Some formulas of the juice add Celadrin and Glucosamine apparently for anti-inflammatory benefits. Sumner boasts the drink as a miracle and says, "I feel great." Redstone claims that since he has started drinking the juice, he no longer needs to take sleeping pills. The down side of this "miracle drink" is that it is $40 a bottle. Furthermore, you can not buy it in a store. It is sold by people out of their homes and over the internet.

MonaVie is based out of Utah and their CEO, Dallin Larsen, is quick to point out that it is not a drug. Redstone is quick to point out that he has recommended the drink to Bill Clinton, Wolfgang Puck, and Michael Miliken (king of junk bonds.)

So does it work? At $40 a bottle, a good red table wine can be bought and shared among friends. On the other hand, one would never be questioned about flying the space shuttle after a few drinks of MonaVie. Any readers drink MonaVie that want to comment?

Update 10-5-10: The new fad is drinking beetroot juice. It supposedly gives one more energy. "It is not going to turn a recreational runner into an Olympic champion, but it might make tolerating more exercise easier so you can train more," said Dr. Andy Franklyn-Miller, a sports medicine expert in London.


  1. Well, Pubmeister, I actually drink this stuff. I am 59. It gives me a good pick me up. I drink it with the glucosamine. My joints don't ache as much. I buy mine from a friend. I don't sell it nor do I advertise it, but since you asked, I am telling...

    It may be the reason old President Clinton was (and probably still is) so frisky.

    Ralph B.

  2. Ralph, just what the world needs, more frisky men! I can just envision the extra security and staffing that will be needed in the nursing homes as they fill up with old men with young libidos.


  3. you can get 8 bottles for $240 which is $30 a bottle. Still not cheap. But good stuff.


  4. I also am interested in those who have tried it.


  5. Question: does this have aloohol in it? . . . or is it just juice? And, do we really need Bill Clinton to be friskier?
    Does it work for women too?
    (Tee-hee, just askin')

  6. 19 different berries, no fermentation. It does have an option to add some supplements.

    I personally have never tried it.

  7. This stuff is getting popular here in Australia too.

    A consumer organisation called 'Choice' did some testing. Regarding the antioxidant value of these type of drinks - eat an apple! cheaper and fresher. But it may have additional nutritional value...


  8. This stuff is great!

  9. It may be the elixir of life!

    James T.

  10. YOu can basically buy it at walmart now. It makes me feel pretty energetic.

  11. Monavie helps my sex life ask my partner Bill. He now says I am the stud I always wanted to be.

  12. Any one still drinking this stuff?
