Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hardened Criminals like Harrell Franklin Braddy, Mad Hatter and Lindsay Lohan Do Not Deserve All of the Headlines

Not another story about hardened criminals Harrell Franklin Braddy, the Madder Hatter, or even Lindsay Lohan. This story comes out of New Jersey where victim, Daisy Valdivia, has reported that someone stole her backyard pool. The pool held 1000 gallons of water. It was stolen without leaving behind a splash, drip or trace. Valdivia discovered that her family's hip-high, inflatable, 10-foot (3.05-meter) diameter swimming pool was stolen Wednesday.

The theft occurred between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. If anyone saw the thief, please contact the New Jersey State Police or the FBI. For that matter also sign him or her up to a contract because anyone that can make 1000 gallons of water disappear without a trace has a David Copperfield like career ahead of them.


  1. Maybe it was David Copperfield?

    Surfer Dude

  2. Iron Mike said...

    Hmm, I saw my neighbor yesterday. His shirt was wet. Perhaps we should interrogate him?

    No, on second thought, I think he was being a good dad and playing with his kids in the sprinkler.

    Iron Mike.

  3. Mike, what a surprise. I thought you were going to name as a suspect the woman you saw last night in the wet t-shirt contest.

    Perhaps you are growing up. Nah


  4. Refreshing story (even though it was a crime)compared to the Petit murder...

  5. Terrific story. But how could someone do that? They must have been real thirsty.


  6. Maybe a circus went by, with some very thirsty elephants.

    On second thought, they would have left behind some evidence.

  7. This is a true story. I checked it out. Totally amazing. The ground was not wet. Perhaps it was the water they were trying to steal. Drought in the area?

  8. where was Copperfield that night?
