Thursday, July 26, 2007

Braddy Solution to Reduce American Troop Mortality in Iraq

Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno, the top day-to-day U.S. commander in Iraq, blames Iran for the improvement in the resistance in Iraz. There was a slight decline in the number of American troops killed this month. (60+ U.S. troops have died so far in July.)

Odierno apparently thinks fresh U.S. troops will reduce the casualties. I want to improve and refine his suggestion as follows:

Bring home all of our fine men and women and replace them with a crack unit made up of all U.S. murderers and rapists under the command of Harrel Franklin Braddy. His first assistant officers should be Steven Hayes and Joshua Komiserjevky (in charge of door to door home invasions in search of terrorists) Zhenli Ye Gon (in charger of international transport logistics- smuggling) James Madison (Mad Hatter in charge of finance and currency. Also packing of supplies, since he has a fondness of suit cases) and Mark Goudeau the Baseline killer in charge of base security.

Everyone wins. Our great military comes back home to their families and loved ones. The U.S. rids itself of the burden to house, feed, educate and reform these "animals." The convicts escape the death penalty and will get a new perspective on freedom. The terrorists will examine criminals who share their "love of violence" and will be forced to become preoccupied with confronting these individuals on their own soil. Few people will grieve when 100 such murders or rapists lose their lives over in the middle east.

I bet some would even be willing to send Lindsay Lohan over with their to provide the entertainment.

It is a win, win situation for all involved. Please write your congressman.


  1. Great idea! I will write immediately my Congressman

  2. Lohan would start drinking big time if she had to experience less than silver spoon life style...


  3. My Mr. Braddy is going to look real fine in uniform.


  4. Legalpubmeister,

    This is one of your most fantastic ideas in a long time. Simply brilliant!

    The fighting criminal special forces could even be provided with lesser sentences if they can tame the terrorists!

    Go for it.

  5. The Braddy solution to the Iraq war really is a great idea. Reminds me of the Dirty Dozen. Only this will be the Dirty 100,000. We don't even need to pay to train them, they already are experts on killing.


  6. Pubmeister, I am calling you out! While I may or may not be your biggest fan on the left coast, I got to tell you that you are wrong about our friend Lindsay. The coke was not hers! She may have had a drink, but I am not convinced they will prove she was drunk. Even if they do, Lindsay does not deserve to be placed into the same category as Harrel Braddy.

    Lindsay is misunderstood and just going through a hard time right now.

    Your Secret L.A. Reader

  7. I like the Braddy solution!

  8. The Braddy solution is win win for all involved.

  9. Legal Pub for President in 09!

  10. The Braddy solution is not only brilliant, it could actually work!

  11. Write your congressman, y'all.

  12. The plan may have hit a snag. As updated on another thread:

    Update 10-24 07 : To no one's surprise, Harrell Franklin Braddy, who was convicted of murder for leaving a 5-year-old girl to be eaten alive by alligators in the Everglades, was sentenced to death last week by Judge Leonard Glick. Potential appeals will be exhausted before any exectution is carried out.
