Monday, July 9, 2007

Role Models Urlacher and Goran Headed in Wrong Direction: Updated 11-28-08

Brian Urlacher

The Chicago Bears linebacker is accused of texting abusive messages to the mother of his two-year-old son. Urlacher's ex-girlfriend, Tyna Robertson, has said in court pleadings that text messages sent by Urlacher include the following:
"Go to hell you f------ ----." "Grow the f--- up and quit praying and get a job."
"You're a f------ fruit cake." "Your raising a little p---y."Robertson claims Urlacher has sent her more than 30 text messages this year, calling her a "hooker" and "jealous b----." Urlacher's lawyer has replied, "it is our past experience that much of what she claims is self-serving fiction," and there's certainly plenty of evidence for that. In court, Urlacher testified that he di not recall if he sent the text messages. Robertson once accused "Lord of the Dance" Michael Flatley of raping her and sued him for $35 million. That case was thrown out of court. Flatley has sued Robertson for extortion and defamation.

Come on Brian and Tyna. For the sake of your son read about Parental Alienation and then avoid doing it! A child needs to respect and love both parents.
Update: In a recent court battle between Brian and Tyrna concerning visitation, a hint of maturity emerged. Tyna acknowledged that her son needs to be parented by Brian just as much as he needs her. Legal Pub commends Tyna for a step in the right direction.

Goran Visnjic is a Daddy?

Speaking of children, in what should have been the head line story, 'ER' Star, Goran Visnjic is denying that he is the father of a 4 month old girl. Mirela Rupic, 36, has filed a lawsuit after Visnjic refused to recognize the child as his. A paternity test will likely be filed. Her lawyer is Nenad Skare. Goran is leaving ER at the end of the season.

Update 7-16-07: Goran has recently admitted to the affair and is stepping up to the plate and taking a paternity test.
He has agreed to "accept all consequences of my act."

Update 11-28-08: Brian Urlacher dresses his son in pink Cinderella diapers and paints the 3-year-old's toenails blue according to the child's mother, Tyna Robertson. The nail polish is one reason Tyna has sought to stop Brian Urlacher from seeing his son. Urlacher is represented by attorney, Anita Ventrelli. Robertson is represented by Alice Wilson. Urlacher filed a motion to stop Robertson from keeping Kennedy away from him. Wilson backed up Robertson's allegations that Kennedy was being dressed in Cinderella diapers and getting his toenails painted. "It's Brian and Brian's girlfriend... It's happened on five consecutive visits," accused Tyna.


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  2. Joshua, good luck with your site. Legal Pub does not accept paid ads. The stories we write our for education and for entertainment. I do wish you the best of luck now and in the future.

  3. Urlacher's child support battles with his ex girl friend are well documented. I suspect he is not the only one who has sent an ex a text or email that constituted less than good judgment.

  4. I would have expected better from Goran Visnjic. Be a man. If the child is yours, then be a father.

  5. Michael Flatley raped her, hmmm . . . sounds like a flake...unfortunately the kids are the ones who ultimately suffer from adults acting like morons.

  6. Not a very credible woman, but Urlacher probably did send some text messages in bad taste...

  7. Welcome Bear Fans. Let's get Urlacher under control and over this bad mistake of a woman.

    Iron Mike

  8. A 2 year old boy reading e-mail, wow that is some child. Do you think he is answering all those? A future Bear genius!

  9. My guess is that only good old mom gets the texts.

    Now the proper punishment is to take a way Bryan texting abilities for one whole month.

  10. Goran has a promising career on TV this means money...

    This means Paternity suit...

    this leads to denial...

    which leads to DNA paternity test.

    Its elementary my dear...

  11. Why is Goran a second paragraph to a football player? Don't you appreciate Hollywood star appeal?

    Your secret L.A. Reader

  12. Goran needs to be careful about spreading his DNA too quickly or wealth can evaporate just as quickly as his rise to stardom.

  13. Urlacher and his ex girl friend need to get their acts together and get out of the public eye. This is one battle that no one wants to wage in public for the sake of their son. Yes he may be 2 now, but the constant bombardment of negative comments toward the other parent will have its effect on his future.

    A child needs both an active mom and dad...

  14. Tyna Robertson has quite a following. I am not sure if it is become Urlacher is so popular in Chicago or because he is so unpopular in other cities.

  15. Get a clue. You both are parents. Treat one another nicely and respectfully for the sake of us kids.


  16. Finally a lawyer who can make sense about these cases.

  17. Urlacher needs to get his head straight!

  18. Urlacher needs to be a bigger better person about this and move on for the sake of his children.


  19. Athletes and entertainers are targets for those wanting to profit through fertility! Child support can be a real b@tch!


  20. Update 11-28-08: Brian Urlacher dresses his son in pink Cinderella diapers and paints the 3-year-old's toenails blue according to the child's mother, Tyna Robertson. The nail polish is one reason Tyna has sought to stop Brian Urlacher from seeing his son. Urlacher is represented by attorney, Anita Ventrelli. Robertson is represented by Alice Wilson. Urlacher filed a motion to stop Robertson from keeping Kennedy away from him. Wilson backed up Robertson's allegations that Kennedy was being dressed in Cinderella diapers and getting his toenails painted. "It's Brian and Brian's girlfriend... It's happened on five consecutive visits," accused Tyna.

  21. This immature saga will never end.

  22. But Urlacher is playing better this season after sitting out most of last year with an injury.

  23. URLACHER is finally having a decent season. Is the drama finally behind him?

  24. URLACHER is finally having a decent season. Is the drama finally behind him?

  25. cheer up and enjou a good season.

  26. cheer up and enjou a good season.

  27. I would like to see more discussion of parental responsibility.

  28. Urlacher and the rest of the bears seemed distracted when they should have been concentrating on the Patriots Sunday.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. #54 is having a probowl type season. The drama with Goran seems to have calmed down. Maybe everyone can benefit from the new peace including Bear fans.

  31. Great play off game for Urlacher.

  32. Bears are home for another super bowl. Let's hope Urlacher and Goran both stay home in their respective homes and out of the courts.
