Saturday, June 30, 2007

Criminal Parental Judgment by Michelle Wright or Taking the Law into Your Own Hands? Update

A 37 year old Palmdale, California mom faces firearms charges after she allegedly drove her son's friends to a rival gang member's house prior to a gang shooting. She plead not guilty to three counts of assault with a firearm and one count of shooting a firearm at a dwelling.Bond is set at $250,000. Michelle Wright is accused of driving her son's two friends to a rival gang member's house in Palmdale. One of the cars occupants got out and fired a shotgun at a bedroom window. Three people were in the room, but no one was injured.Wright's son and the gunman were also arrested. Wright drove her son's friends to the shooting because she believed police were not doing enough to stop gang members from harassing her children.

Update 7-4-07: A little more background information. Michelle Wright is a mother of eight children. The shooting was captured on videotape by a neighbor. The neighbor was suspicious because the car allegedly driven by Wright drove up with its lights off. Word on the street is that this shooting in retaliation for an earlier shooting. According to officer Gillis, "She was tired of the rival gang messing with her kids." Keep in mind accusations are not proof!

Update 7-14-07:  Legal Pub has received a tip that Michelle Wright may not have been the driver of the car that actually contained the shooters. She may have come on to the scene after the shooting and taken the responsibility for the alleged crime. If actual evidence comes out on the topic, Legal Pub will try to post an update.


  1. Wow, this is bad parenting. I know what she meant to do, to protect her kids but this is just wrong.


  2. Blonde Bombshel said...

    My first reaction was here is a woman as dumb as the typical man. But when you read the story, you want to know more. There is part of every mother that says, you must do what you must do to protect your children. Bad judgment yes. Was her heart in the right place? I really want to hear more.

  3. Iron Mike said...

    Shell, I presume that was you? Solid post. Unusual for you. Especially since you are not a mother and have little maternal instincts from what I have read.

    I can understand a parents desire to protect her children. But driving gang members to a house to fire a shot gun can never be right.

    Martin Luther King gave the best advice ... advice of a nonviolent nature.

    Iron Mike

  4. Sounds like the makings of a movie. Or at least a Bruce Springstein, this is my home town song.


  5. Gangs are a problem. Violence is never the answer.


  6. Kind of makes the mother who served beer to minors at her son's 16th birthday party, look like Mother of the Year.

    It's NOT a good idea to take your kids out to shoot up a house - If the police weren't doing enough, then maybe she could buy / rent a video camera (or her cell phone!) and get evidence of threats - Press charges take it to the judge - Teach your kids how to solve problems legally.

    (I'm with Shel - I'd love more details.)

  7. Let's get more details. But come on, man. Sometimes a mom has got to kick a little buttie to protect her youngens.


  8. Violence begets violence. I agree with Blonde Bombshell, there's probably a lot more to this story than meets the eye. . .

  9. I'm thinking her youngens are teens... When Mama steps in to fight her kid's battles, it leaves a teen waaaay open to even more ridicule and abuse.

  10. I have heard that the mom had asked the police to protect her child and they failed to do anything. She was desperate and asked for protection from friends of her son. Let's see what else comes up on this one...

  11. Maybe we will hear from Michelle Wright on hear? A great place to get her message across if she has one?

  12. I doubt that Wright's public defender will let her post here or anywhere until the case is concluded. But, sometimes, it does help to have someone on her behalf get her story out to the public, as public opinion can be a factor in the defense.

  13. I agree with Ms. calabaza, violence is never the answer.

    Let's all hold hands and sing kumba ya...

  14. Did Michelle Wright really think this would end the violence?

  15. This is what i heard over in that Neighbor Hood is that her Older Daughter Nae Nae or Rashalle Wright (that is 2 Month Pregnant)was the driver of the car she was asked to take the Brothers Friends Home and they asked her to Go over there to the Rival gangmembers house. Not knowing that he was going to get out of the car to shoot at the house. then she drove off. The next Day or following day the Police got a tip that the Shooter was in the Vacant house. The Daughter Nae Nae /Rashalle Wright was over there and she ran home to Tell her Mother that they were arresting Her son and she jumped in the a White Car that's she had been renting and Pull up in front of the Police.. Come on now.. IF she did drive the Shooters to do a Drive By.. Why would you pull up in front of the Police.. People know that if you shoot at a house they will see you and call the Police.. So anyway she pulled up to see what was going on and the Officer told her that her car fit the Description of the Drive by car that was on a video tape. They Threaten Michelle to take her Daughter to jail and so that's were she just went along with what they were telling her. She's Protecting her Daughter which is not cool she has 7 other kids that she needs to think about. Several People Know that it was not Michelle driving that car that Night and that it was her Daughter. And also the Daughters Boy Friend was suppose to have gaven the Shot Gun to the Boys.. So they need to check up on that. I hate for Michelle to go down for her Daughter wrong doing..

  16. Parents need to be smart. Do not take the law into your own hands. Do not give false information to the police. Let the police do their job.

    How many of the above did Michelle Wright violate, even if what you say is accurate.

    King Rich

  17. Not true about her Daughter Driving the car.. It was niether the Mother or the Daughters

  18. For an alebei defense to work, Michelle Wright will need to name names. She can't just deny it without witnesses to the contrary.

    Scholar of the Courts

  19. Maybe she did it for the el of it to demonstrate cops need to get off their butts?

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  21. Thanks for the big time insight into this mom and her family.

    No wonder society is so messed up. Seems like Mom needs some intense training in parenting!

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  23. Another family in paradise.

  24. No interest in your spam what so ever other than to charge you for advertising.

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  26. trouble tends to run in families...

  27. ANon: there are tight margins on this blog.
