Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Life is Short! Get a Divorce!

A Chicago Lawyer is raising scrutiny with his Billboard. It states: Life is Short! Get Divorced! Is this ethical?
Update 5-11: In light of recent statistics showing a decline in the divorce rate, perhaps it is necessary marketing!
Despite claims that America is plagued by a divorce epidemic, the national per capita divorce rate has declined since its peak in 1981. It is now at its lowest level since 1970. The divorce rate peaked at 5.3 divorces per 1,000 people in 1981, but since then it's dropped to 3.6. But scholars can't decide whether the trend is grounds for celebration. Some say divorces are down primarily because more couples live together without marrying. America's divorce rate began climbing in the late 1960s and skyrocketed during the '70s and early '80s. The number of couples who live together without marrying has increased tenfold since 1960. The marriage rate has dropped by nearly 30 percent in past 25 years. Americans are waiting about five years longer to marry than they did in 1970.


  1. Blonde Bombshell said:

    Woman file 70+% of the divorces for a reason. That is because even if it is expensive, it is worth it!


  2. Divorce is the screwing that you get for the screwing that you got!

    Iron Mike

  3. It takes two things to be a distinguished divorce attorney:
    Gray hair and hemorrhoids.
    The gray hair makes you look distinguished-
    The hemorrhoids make you look concerned.


  4. Religion discourages divorce. Marriage should be a sacred bond. I don't understand why a lawyer would openly encourage such behavior. How does he sleep at night?


  5. Hey Max, I resemble that description

  6. An older man walked into a jewelry store one Friday evening with a beautiful young gal. He told the jeweler he was looking for a special engagement ring for his
    The jeweler brought out a $5000 ring. The older man said, "No, I'd like to see something more special."
    So, the jeweler brought out a special $50,000 ring. The young lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled. The older man said "We'll take it."
    The man said, I will pay by check. I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I'll write it
    now and you can call the bank Monday to verify the funds. Then I'll pick up the ring in the afternoon."
    Monday the jeweler phoned the man. "There's no money in that
    "I know," said the old man, "But let me tell you about my weekend!

    Surfer dude

  7. Hey there,
    I just heard that due to local residents' complaints the billboard has been removed. . .

    Ethical? Why not? I've seem much worse. . . besides I agree with Blonde Bombshell. . .

  8. Ms. Calabaza, great minds think alike. Why would it be unethical. Life is too short. If you are thinking about a divorce, you should go see a lawyer. Why wait?


  9. Just don't get married to a battle ax in the first place!

    Will from Cleveland

  10. Are men so stupid that they think it will always be the same after marriage? After the alter, things get busy. Career, children, parents health! How can any husband really expect his wife will still have time for regular intimacy?


  11. Maybe there is hope for marriage, if divorce rates are down.


  12. Get a job/profession! Make your own money. Keep your autonomy and if you feel the need to 'mother'--adopt. There are a lot of kids out there that need a home.


  13. I myself have been married 5 times, all cheated lied and carried on and were emotionally horrible to me. I prefer to be single. I can now be who I want to be. I am no longer a slave and therfore do not have to worry about baby sitting and an adult man. Cooking for him, cleaning, sex, etc, a woman usually gets very little out of it. Most womane give 1000% and get 10% back.


  14. The sole goal of many modern WO-men is to dominate, control and destroy a man's confidence, finances, mental health, and self-esteem. If it is not a goal it is still often the effect. The end result is to destroy any hope for happiness in life.

    Say what you will , but if the shoe fits (and it is a universal size that fits most) wear it. You KNOW it is true for most of you.

    Men have finally woke up & realized what WILL happen if they get married. The 50% thing was fair back in the 30's 40's 50's when women stayed home and took care of the children and house. Most women didn't work outside of the house, so they needed the money to survive. Now, because of Susan "Be" Anthony and like minded Amazonians, modern day women can work, keep their money and take a man "to the cleaners" at will. That leaves the guy minus half of his hard-earned life savings. Totally unfair in a world where both men and women are capable of working.

    Because society has changed, I think the laws need to change. In a divorce, you should only get what YOU personally made. Anything that was CO-bought in a marriage will be sold immediately and divided in half. There should be no spousial support after the divorce (because modern day woman are now "empowered" and can now supposedly fend for themselves)

    To keep the current system perpetuates the sterotype that modern women are VULTURES.

    It's a shame that all marriages these days MUST come with a Pre-Nup
    but any man or woman who marries without one is just asking for trouble.


  15. Wow, Laura and Brad. Two real extremes. You kids ever think of hooking up? If opposites attract, you both are in for one heck of a collision.

  16. Divorce sucks! Marriage sucks even worse.


  17. Marriage is a beautiful bond between, man woman and God.


  18. Non verbal communication by a mime... opens bath room door, walks over to stool, lifts lid, bends at waste, places head near rim...

    Mr. Mime

  19. Clever advertising. Beats Keller and Keller, "tell the insurance company that you mean business"

  20. Just don't get married in the first place. Then you don't need to give up half your assets.

    Marriage Strike Advocate

  21. What has 4 arms, 4 legs and never works out?


    Surfer Dude

  22. Make a woman wealthy, marry her.

    In turn she will divorce your @ss and collect half of your assets!


  23. Christine, statements like that are what turn men away from marriage.


  24. But men can not resist us. A fool and his money are soon parted. Us women just want to make the process a little quicker by using the divorce courts.


  25. Check out the billboard below!

  26. Divorce is so expensive because it is worth it!

  27. Okay kids, here is what you pay for, knowledge:

    What is the shortest sentence?

    I am.

    What is the longest sentence?
    I do!

    It can be a death sentence folks!

    Surfer dude
