Thursday, May 10, 2007

Blatant Malpractice

A misdiagnosed man spent his life savings because his doctor told him that he was dieing. According to the AP, he was told he had only a few months to live. Now he is seeking compensation after doctors conceded they misdiagnosised his problem. John Brandrick, 62, was told two years ago that he had terminal pancreatic cancer. He then spent his remaining time in style. He quit his job and spent his savings on hotels, restaurants and holidays. A year later, doctors at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in England revised their diagnosis to pancreatitis, a nonfatal ailment. " I got rid of everything - my car, my clothes, everything."
Update 5-17: If a man wrongfully imprisoned gets Five million dollars, what should this poor man sentenced to death by his doctor get? The Connecticut legislature voted unanimously Wednesday to give $5 million to a man imprisoned for more than 18 years for a rape he didn't commit. Moved by James C. Tillman 's humbleness and lack of bitterness, lawmakers hoped the money will let him live the rest of his life in relative comfort. Tillman was 26 when he was sentenced to 45 years in prison after being convicted of raping a woman in Hartford in 1988. The victim identified him, but Tillman was exonerated after DNA tests showed he could not have been the attacker. Tillman believes the $5 million is fair compensation.


  1. Blond bombshell said:

    What a typical whiny man! This man should be paying his doctors for letting him in the words of Mr. McGraw "live like you are dying."


  2. Well, at least lawsuits are better than death threats. After receiving death threats, Jlo is living like she is dying... sort of!

    (May 10) -- Death threats from animal rights activists have reportedly forced Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony to hire security guards after the famed actress received startling letters.

    A friend of Lopez says an pro-animal extremist has recently been sending letters to Lopez, threatening "to kill her in public, just like the slaughtered animals whose fur she wears."

    Jon David Mills

  3. This case is not surprising given the problems with UK's NHS. The US will be the same way if President H. R. Clinton puts the government in charge of healthcare.

  4. Blond Bombshell said:

    Ron, once again you are showing your ultra conservative back ground. We need reform. All people need to be able to afford health care not just elitist pigs!This man should just be appreciative that he got to live it up!

    And Jon, how can you compare dying to death threats. Ar you really suggesting that J Lo should live like she is dying too?


  5. Shell you ever figure you are just a man hating radical? Just a thought.

    Iron Mike

  6. Call in the big gun ambulance chasers! The doctor should pay! Spending all of your money on wine women and good times is total punishment. This dude's pain and suffering is too great! Give him money.


  7. I know he lost his home (stopped paying the mortgage). I'm wondering if, after he went through his savings, he took out a few credit cards and maxed them, thinking that he wouldn't be around for the payments.

    Sounds like he spent the year living like there's no tomorrow, and then was woken by the alarm clock.

  8. Coleency, you are so right. But it is hard to feel sorry for the dude. He had a great year which is priceless. He now can sell his story to the t.v. shows, magazines and books! His financial gain, if played right, will outweigh any of his credit card debts.

    George P

  9. Choices, choices, we all have choices. If this guy had spent the last year of his life putting things in order and perhaps helping a few people along the way, I might sympathize with him. It was his choice to blow it all, he should take this as a "learning experience" and thank his lucky for JLo and her hubby, time to EVOLVE and stop wearing furs. Faux furs are just as gawdy and over-the-top for you to show off...

  10. Collency, Right ON! If this man had spent the last year of his life being a good Christian, he would have improved his life and enhanced his position in the next world.


  11. It's his own fault for surviving. You need to blog everyday. I'm starting to come here for all my news... the items here are far more interesting and I haven't seen anything about Paris Hilton or Anna Nicole Smith.

  12. YOU ARE RIGHT! The guy incurred the risk of his economic flight by surviving. He really needs to get a clue and reach the conclusion that he should have died.


  13. Guy, get a life. A real life. You are alive enjoy it and drop this frivolous suit.


  14. So he got a little longer to live. We are all dieing. Enjoy your time on Oprah and the other talk shows. Work is overrated anyway.
