Thursday, May 24, 2007

Athletes Gone Mad: Update on Michael Vick

Elijah Dukes:

Tampa Devil Ray's rookie Elijah Dukes was held out of the lineup Wednesday night following a report that his estranged wife sought a restraining order after being threatened by the 22-year-old outfielder. (Once again allegations of abuse, allienation and custody are in dispute.)
NiShea Gilbert filed for a protective order after receiving a threatening message on her cell phone as well as a text message with a picture of a handgun. Manager Joe Maddon benched Dukes Wednesday night. (Dukes representing America's favorite past time, was arrested back in January on a marijuana possession charge. In 2006 at Triple-A Durham he was suspended for the final 30 games.)

Michael Vick:

In football
, Michael Vick continues to be a role model for reform school boys across the country. Prosecutor investigating whether property owned by Atlanta quarterback Michael Vick was part of a dog fighting operation admitted Wednesday he doesn't have solid evidence linking Vick to dog fighting. There are no eyewitnesses who saw dog fighting at the home. But, 66 dogs were seized along with equipment that could be associated with dog fighting. The discoveries were made during a drug raid at the home on April 25. Police found treadmills, a "pry bar" used to pry apart dog's jaws, bloodied carpet and blood splatters on the floor. Vick is a registered dog breeder. His cousin, Davon Boddie, was apparently living at the house at the time of the warrant.
Earlier Vick was stopped at the airport for having a container which allegedly had transported marijuana.
Update 7-18-07 Vick was indicted today. He faces possibly 6 years in prison if convicted.

Update 8-14-09: Vick having served his time in jail has been given a second chance by the NFL. Vick has signed to play for the Philadelphia Eagles for 1.6 million dollars this year. Next year he will receive in excess of 5 million dollars. Perhaps crime does not pay: but the NFL sure does!

Zab Judah:

And in boxing...
Welterweight Zab Judah fooled promoters and the media Wednesday, by having his father, Yoel, replace him on a media conference call. Judah was suppose to hype his June 9th fight with WBA champ Miguel Cotto. For 30 minutes the elder Judah pretending to be his son promised fans they will see "blood, guts and sweat." (Kind of hard to believe the hype when the boxer isn't even brave enough to do his own press conference. Is this actionable fraud?)

And when it comes to sports between the sheets...

Two twin brothers, had sex with the same girl. Who is the father and who is the uncle? It is an expensive question in Missouri. Raymon and Richard Miller don't know who fathered the child. The identical twins say they were unknowingly having sex with the same woman, Holly Marie Adams. According to Holly, she had sex with each man on the same day within hours of each other. (Sharing, how nice.) When the woman got pregnant, she named Raymon the father, but he contested and in the spririt of brotherly love, he demanded that both he and his brother be tested. Guess what, identical dna... Can you say talk show?


  1. Iron Mike said:

    Now, in my college days we used to joke about wanting to date twins at the same time, but this was not what us guys had in mind.

    Iron Mike

    Oh yeah, the ball players today just aren't as good of people now days. In my day, players would bite your finger off if you stuck it through their face mask but at least you always knew where they stood.

  2. Note to Clinton Portis: "Lots of good guys in the NFL, Vick is not one of them"


  3. Legal Pub, you must be a cook...

    you wrote about a fruitcake for everyone.

    I especially enjoy the twins. Bet they could be added as a chapter in God is a Woman, dating disasters!


  4. What is the latest on Armstrong and the other biker who was acused of being on drugs?


  5. Speaking of twins, the A.P. has reported that in Trenton N.J. A 60-year-old woman delivered a pair of boys Tuesday. Frieda Birnbaum gave birth to "Baby A" at 12:44 p.m. and "Baby B" a minute later at Hackensack University Medical Center. The twins each weighed 4 pounds, 11 ounces.

  6. My goodness. At age 60 that is double trouble.

    This could be in God is a Woman book too. If Ian reads this, add some chapters on paternity and paternity after 60!


  7. Dog fighting is real cruel. Now that ought to get a severe penalty.


  8. Dog fighting is not as cruel as cock fighting, which used to be common in the south...

    Suddenly I am getting an image of two southern gentlemen with long hair swooshed back like roosters partially dressed in white tuxedo's beginning to fence in the mansion ball room. Scarlett O'hare sits anxiously awaiting the duel's outcome in order to finalize her plans for the evening.


  9. Hey now, we like our Ozzie here in Chi-Town... (I think that's how you'll spell it.)


    while men dueling over a woman is ok, leave the beastology out.


  11. I laughed so hard about brotherly love.
    Well mom always did say to share.


  12. Mike Ditka, the Hall of Fame tight end and former Bears and Saints head coach, recently accused Gene Upshaw, NFL Players Association chief of taking "illegal" loans from the players association in excess of the $4000 limit. Ditka alleged that the U.S. Senate plans to launch an investigation.

    It is no secret that Ditka doesn't think Upshaw adequately supports retired players who suffered injuries during their careers. But the recent allegations against Upshaw go beyond a personal dislike...

  13. ESPN is reporting that Michael Vick was at a dog fight in 2000 and is "one of the heavyweights" in the sport. The network Sunday cited a police informant who was referred to as an "extremely reliable" source.

  14. Michael Vick is a dog! A bad dog who is a horrible role model.He needs some time behind bars.

    Dog Catcher

  15. Judiah may not be real funny, but he is a heck of a boxer.

    Maybe he should also be a comedian- fighter like Pauly Shore. Certainly can take a punch better than Pauly.

  16. Vick gets what he deserves. Cruelty to animals is inexcusable. Not to suggest that cruelty to humans is ok.

    The words role model and athlete are seldom used in the same sentence with the word good.

  17. Vick, it is a long fall from the top. I hope you enjoyed your ride up.

  18. Wrestle Benoit, who apparently murdered his wife and son should probably be added to the thread as well.

  19. Vick, what a huge P.R. Blunder!
