Thursday, April 26, 2007

Welcome 5th Grade Social Studies Class

Legal Pub welcomes the 5th Grade Social Studies Class!

Here is your opportunity to post under comments your legal questions about our Constitution, Legislature, Executive Branch and Judiciary. Just click on comments below and select anonymous. At the end of your post use your first name or initials. Do not post your full name.

Legal Pub Recognizes 2007
Teaching Excellence


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Teachers are great. I hope they teach students to not only be smart, but also to be good respectable people.


  3. Why can't President Bush run for reelection?

  4. The 22nd Amendment to the constitution prevents a President from being elected to more than two terms in a row.

    This ammendment came as a reaction to President Roosevelt serving several terms in the Whitehouse.

    Great question.

  5. Wouldn't it be great if all teachers could project this value through-out the U.S.A.?


  6. Legal Publication has been proud to provide probono services to school age children. This particular teacher has been very active in getting quality speakers for her class room.

  7. Must you always post photos of all the pretty teachers?


  8. Why do people get to have juries decide their cases when judges could do it instead?

  9. The 6th amendment to the constitution gives you the right to a jury trial (trial by your peers ) in criminal cases.

    The 7th Amendment gives you the right to a jury trial in civil cases (cases about money.)

    While you have the right to a trial by jury, the defendant can waive (give up) that right and stipulate to trial by the Judge.

  10. California Surfer Dude:

    Hey, the Constitution Rocks! But can you give us some info on the gorgeous
    woman in the photo?

    Surfer Dude

  11. Can I sue my mom if I get hurt in a car accident and it is her fault?

  12. In most states, including Indiana, parental immunity prevents you from getting a judgment against your mom for negligence. In addition, some states, have guest statutes which also prevent a passenger from suing the driver if the driver is a parent or other close relative.

    Good Question...

    P.S. as to Surfer Dude, I think you are out of luck the teacher is apparently taken.

  13. Hey Legal Pub,
    is that you in the picture?
    If it is, you are quite a handsome whippersnapper!

  14. It's the babe teacher we are interested in. How about a name and number for us legal eagles?


  15. Could we fire a president?

  16. Article Two of the Constitution outlines the procedure for impeaching (removing) the President by office. The impeachment begins in the House of Representatives and then involves the whole Congress.

  17. I have a qwestion for legl pub?

    How amny presidnets have been impreached, what were their names and were they fired?



  18. Legal Pub,
    I tried to post the toon, but couldn't. You are most welcome to cut and paste.

  19. So, lets keep this thread open, in case the babe in the photo wants to post her name and number, and in the mean time, pubmeister, serve us up another story

  20. Try this story on size until I create a new topic.

    Students Heckle Gonzales at Harvard
    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (April 29) - A small group of student protesters, including one wearing a black hood and an orange jumpsuit, heckled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as he posed with old classmates Saturday during their 25-year Harvard Law School reunion.

    "When the photographer was getting everybody set up and having people say 'cheese,' the protesters yelled: 'say torture, instead,' 'resign' and 'I don't recall,'" said Nate Ela, a protester and third-year student.

  21. California Surfer Dude said: All these photos of hot teachers reminds me of a story...

    One afternoon a rich teacher was riding in her limousine when she saw two men along the roadside eating grass. Disturbed, she ordered his driver to stop and investigate.

    The men explained that they had to eat grass because they had no money for food.
    Being a kind teacher, she invited them to come back to her house and she would feed them and their families.

    They all entered the teacher's limousine. One of the poor
    fellows turned to the teacher and said, "Mam, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you."

    The rich teacher replied, "Glad to do it. You'll really love my place.
    The grass is almost a foot high."

  22. Indiana Supreme Court decided the Naugle v. Beech Grove City Schools case. The Court held: 1) the term "days" as used in the Wage Payment Statute refers to business days and not calendar days; 2) School Corporations are subject to the Wage Payment Statute; 3) there is no generic good faith defense to the Wage Payment Statute; and 4) within the ten-day rule, there is no requirement that employees must make a request or demand. This decision is consistent with the law just passed on April 25, 2007, by the Indiana Legislature (SB 276). It is the intent of the general assembly that the ten (10) day period referenced in IC 22-2-5-1, before its amendment by this act, be construed as ten (10) business days (as defined in IC 22-2-5-0.5, as added by this act).

  23. Viper dude,

    That was a bunch of legal words that meant nothing to the rest of us.


  24. ok, add me to the list. I want the teacher's name and number. Come on, don't hold out. At least give us an email address...


  25. Add me to the list too. I want both the teacher and Miss America's number!


  26. This was a very educational thread. I really learned a lot about the constitution. I also found out that a lot of men out in internet land think my teacher is hot!

  27. Legal Pub, you made the constitution fun. Thanks again for sharing this stuff with us.

  28. Wish I could go back to this teacher's 5th grade class. We will all miss you even though we are excited about junior high!
