Wednesday, April 25, 2007

So Much for Miss America Being a Hero

Miss America Goes Undercover in Sting


AP OKLAHOMA CITY (April 25) - Miss America can add crime fighter to her resume. Lauren Nelson recently went undercover with police in New York for a sting targeting predators. Officers created an online profile of a 14-year-old girl that included photographs of Nelson as a teenager. "I got to chat online with the predators and made phone calls, too," "The Suffolk County Police Department was there the whole time."
The operation was filmed for a segment of "America's Most Wanted." Nelson, 20, posed as a young teen in chat rooms, where she said men would begin sending her instant messages.

UPDATE: Updated:2007-05-01 11:44:29
The undercover sex sting that used Miss America as bait may be in trouble after the beauty queen told prosecutors that she does not plan to testify against the men she helped arrest.

Lauren Nelson, 20, of Lawton, Okla., posed as a teenager and lured men into chatting online and meeting her at a home, where police and crews were waiting. Eleven men were arrested in the sting. But one or all of the cases could be in jeopardy after Nelson told prosecutors she did not plan on returning to Long Island to testify, said Suffolk District Attorney Thomas Spota.


  1. Now that is a cape crusader!

    Iron Mike

  2. Blonde Bombshell said:

    Now, true to form. You are just looking at the outside package. Here is an example of a woman role model doing something with her mind to improve the world. For once disregard the package and look at the content.


  3. Pubmeister, now that is the type of patrons we need in here. Looks, brains and philanthropy.

  4. Pubmeister Legalman:

    In the photo you posted, she looks around 14 years old, is that Miss America in the shot, or some gal they used to lure the criminals into the show?

  5. That is Miss America dressed to look young. She participated in a real life sting. It will be shown on T.V.

  6. Is this really working or do people not beleive it? Also do you think she get scared or does she know that the police will be there if there is an emergency? Just I really think that sould scary and pretty interesting!


  7. Tina, Miss America really helped capture some bad people. The sting will be shown on T.V. soon.

    The offenders thought they were dealing with a 14 year old. Miss America was never in danger, but she was "live bait" both on the internet and in person.

  8. When I was 14, there were not 14 year olds who looked like Miss America


  9. Does this type of case encourage entrapment? I mean, Miss America in essence entices weak sick individuals to cross the line and attempt the crime? Don't get me wrong, these are criminals who need to be punished, but come on Miss America isn't she a little too much of a temptation


  10. No, Rob it has been ruled to not be entrapment. And yes, these individuals are sick deviants.

    Don't do the crime unless you are prepared to do the time.

  11. I say round up all these criminals and throw them into the Castle Prison in Indiana with all the rioters. I have no sympathy for those who prey on children.

    Ralph M.

  12. Blonde Bombshell said:

    Face it Pubmeister, the only reason you ran the Miss America Story is because she was good looking!


  13. I dunno, I found it interesting and I am female.


  14. I would like to be a hero like Miss America.


  15. I no longer want to be like miss america because she won't do what is right.


  16. Fear not. In another press release, she now says she will cooperate with the prosecution.
