Monday, April 16, 2007

Law and Internet: Free Speech

MySpace Rant "Political Speech," Appeals Court Rules
A judge violated a juvenile's free-speech rights when he placed her on probation for posting an expletive-laden entry on MySpace criticizing a school principal, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled. The three-judge panel ordered the Putnam Circuit Court to set aside its penalty against the girl, referred to only as A.B. in court records.

MySpace Bans Photobucket Videos in Ad Flap
Social-networking giant began preventing Photobucket videos and mashups from being uploaded to its pages. MySpace said Photobucket had violated MySpace's terms by encouraging users to post advertisements in their videos.


  1. Just spoke with the Putnam Circuit Court Judge this morning. While we did not discuss this case, I can assure you Judge Hedley is an excellent Judge who tries to do the right thing.

  2. Blonde Bombshell said:

    Ok, freedom of speech. I get it. But parents ought to make sure their kids get it... a good back hand or spanking where appropriate.


  3. No substitute for good parenting.

