Monday, April 16, 2007

Campus Massacre

What has happened to our society?
Gunman Kills 32 People at Virginia Tech- Deadliest in U.S. History
BLACKSBURG, Va. (April 16) - A gunman opened fire in a dorm and classroom at Virginia Tech on Monday, killing 32 people in the deadliest campus shooting rampage in U.S. history. The gunman was killed, bringing to death toll to 33.
4-17 Shooter has been identified as Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old English major from Korea. but a permanent resident of this country.

4-19 In his video Cho attacks Christianity. Some consider the murders as classic "terrorism."
4-24 BOSTON (April 24) - A professor at Emmanuel College was fired after leading a classroom discussion about the Virginia Tech shootings in which he pointed a marker and said "pow." The discussion included topics of gun control, whether to respond to violence with violence, and the public's "celebration of victimhood," said Professor Nicholas Winset. During the demonstration, Winset pretended to shoot some students and one student pretended to shoot Winset to illustrate that the gunman might have been stopped had another student or faculty member been armed. " Administrators who had asked the faculty to engage students on the issue fired him on Friday.


  1. Iron Mike said:

    Between pediphile teachers and gun wielding idiots, school reform needs to make things more safe.

    Now all the anti gun nuts will be promoting tighter gun control.

    Iron Mike

  2. Blonde Bombshell said:

    It is too easy to get guns. In Virginia you can get a gun without a background check. That is insane! If you are going to give people unlimited freedom to access guns, it will inhibit the freedom of open doors to public places.


  3. If the gunman had wanted to get a gun badly enough, he would have found a way to do it. I hardly feel it is fair to blame gun control for this horrible tragedy.
    As a college student, it certainly puts things in perspective... Studying for tomorrow's calc test and finishing up my chem portfolio no longer seems to be the disaster it did last night in light of this event...


  4. Iron Mike:

    Kim, so right you are! Guns save lives. Idiots take lives. Speaking of idiots, better study for your chem test. Even at Pitt, we studied once in a awhile in between football games.

    Iron Mike

  5. Blonde Bombshell said:

    Well, if we made it more difficult for bad people to get guns, it would be harder for people to kill someone else. That's not rocket science, Mike and it's not even chemistry Kim. We shall see when it's publicized when and where this man got his guns and ammunition.

    This man could not have killed all of these students without a gun!

  6. Within minutes of this tragedy unfolding the press were looking for someone to blame. It's our way, isn't it - who we gonna blame? I'm not here in defense of VTU but my point is why are we always looking for someone to fire, execute or sue? Maybe, sometimes S--- just does happen . . .

  7. It's also not rocket science - or even chemistry - to see that passing tougher laws on gun control wouldn't get guns out of the hands of those who are most driven to get them (and therefore are probably the biggest threat to society.)
    It is my contention that this man would have found a way to get a gun regardless of the legalistics surrounding his purchase. This seems to suggest that harsher gun control would, in fact, not be the solution as it would simply hinder those who are looking to protect themselves from people like this man from legally obtaining that protection.

  8. I am a strong supporter of the
    Bill of Rights which gives a citizen the right to bear arms.
    (High Fives to Iron Mike and Kim)

    I have no problem with it being illegal for noncitizens to own fire arms.(Shell you got your green card?)

    Now, I don't know if this Asian man was a citizen or not. But I ask you this, If the other students had their fire arms, just how many fewer students would have died? The NRA says that guns save lives, and in this tragic case, I would have to agree.

    Think about it. It is easy to kill unarmed students who can't fight back. It is a lot harder to kill them when they can shoot back to protect themselves.

    I say folks need to start "shooting back." Either with an armed officer in each building (preferable method) or allow the students to bring their own fire arms to class (not a preferred option.)

    Before you laugh, we did a similar thing with airplanes. Now you have armed federal marshalls on each flight.

    Just where is Marshall Dillon when we need him?

    J.D. Mills

  9. A question to me is whether he acted alone. I saw a picture on of an oriental wrestled to to the ground by police. I wonder if he is a suspect or simply an innocent bystander.

  10. I believe the shooter was a Korean.
    Not real sure what he was doing in this country, but he apparently had been granted permanent visitor status.

    J.D. Mills

  11. Shooter ID:Profile of a Killer!

    Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old English major at Virginia Tech was identified as the killer. He was a South Korean immigrant who had been in the U.S. since 1992. He held a green card (status of a legal permanent U.S. resident).

    Immigration records maintained by the Department of Homeland Security show that Cho was born in South Korea on Jan. 18, 1984. He entered the U.S. through Detroit on Sept. 2, 1992. He last renewed his green card on Oct. 27, 2003.

    The motive for the shooting spree that left 33 dead is still unknown.

    Cho was found with a backpack containing a Glock 9mm pistol. He legally purchased the gun in March. Ballistics tests confirm that one gun was used in Monday's two separate campus attacks. Cho's fingerprints were found on the two handguns used in both shootings.

    The serial numbers on the two weapons had been filed off. A legal resident of the United States is eligible to buy a handgun unless convicted of any felony criminal charges.

  12. Gun control is the immediate thought on anyone's mind after this tragedy, but realistically it would not have prevented this.

    I am not an advocate of gun control, but I would support restrictions on guns so that only US citizens with a clean background check and appropriate training could legally obtain them.

    The story behind the shooting will come out, and it is very sad that it could not be stopped.

    I don't think the administration should be blamed, but they will take some heat for the incident.

  13. Blonde Bombshell said:

    Look, this student was in counseling. He had been labeled as "troubled." Nevertheless, he was able to buy a gun in March that he used in April to kill over 30 people.

    Wake up! Guns do kill.


  14. Whoa, Shelly! I'm out here on the west coast, and you woke me up at 4:57am my time....cut that out please.

    People kill, and guns are only one way that people are killed. Legal pubmeister is correct in pointing out that one armed student could have saved many lives by shooting this guy. Similarly, 9/11 could have been avoided if we had armed federal marshalls on all flights before that tragedy occurred.

  15. Blonde Bombshell said:

    Ron, I figured you for a left coast liberal. Bet you are not real popular among most Californians.

    Our gun laws don't work. This guy had voluntary mental treatment and wrote violent screen plays. Maybe in California that is not unusual, but to the rest of the country it screams red flag!

    It is too easy for idiots to get guns.

  16. Iron Mike said:

    Shell, you are naive to believe that gun control will keep guns out of the hands of idiots, terrorist and criminals.

    You can't stop violence. The best you can do is punish the wrong doer when it happens. Besides the courts and prison, a very effective deterrent is knowing that your victim may very well shoot back.

    Iron Mike

    see: ???

  17. Thats really shocking thing...

    I think there should not be this much FREEDOM ..that anyone can get Guns.

    and then they will shot anyone in anger for sure.

    Here's my little site I'm gonna blog about Vehicles

  18. Blonde Bombsell said:

    Punheet: Finally someone with some sence. Yes, the gun laws need to be tightened. Enough of this nonsense!


  19. Check out this for an East Coast liberal story! Do state governors really need someone to tell them to wear a seatbelt when going 91 mph with flashing lights on?

    But that story, relayed hours after Gov. Jon S. Corzine was critically injured, has been debunked by a new state police report detailing how his driver was dashing with emergency lights flashing at 91 mph in a 65 mph zone. The alleged erratic driver wasn't a villain but a young man trying to get out of the way of the governor's onrushing SUV.

    Corzine's driver, State Trooper Robert Rasinski, 34, has also come under scrutiny for allowing the governor to ride without a seat belt, a violation of state law. Corzine remained in critical condition on a ventilator Wednesday with 11 broken ribs and a severely broken leg; Rasinski wore a seat belt and walked away from the crash.
    State Police Capt. Al Della Fave said he didn't know if Rasinski requested Corzine fasten his seat belt, but said a state police review board will decide the trooper's responsibility for both his driving speed and Corzine's failure to wear a seat belt.

  20. Ax Ishmall is a Biblical character who was against the world. He is referenced in Islam, Christianity and Judism.

    This name was written on the shooters arm. His video degraded christian beliefs...

    This kid was more than a freak.

  21. This fellow waited one month to buy his second gun. He followed the rules, and jumped through the hoops. Sadly, I do not believe that more gun control laws would have made a difference. As someone who was born in a Communist country, I believe in the right to bear arms . . . I am a very sad Virginian.

  22. Iron Mike said: VT had a no guns on campus rule. So much for gun control!

    Iron Mike

  23. Memorial service today. 32 seconds of silence.

    Ammunition was bought on ebay.

    I remain,

    J.D. Mills

  24. Was this guy crazy?! Well I mean does he have a mental problem? Who would want to do something like that? I just fell bad for the people that had to sufer through that tradgedy. If I went there I would never want to go to school again. How about you?

  25. The one above this one was by: Tina............
