Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Royalty, Even a Prince, is not Exempt From Death ~by Legal Pub

The rich and famous are not exempt from death, No one is, not even royalty.  Prince is dead.  The music icon showed his mortality as he apparently succumbed to the grim reaper. The Minneapolis Star Tribune suggests that the cause of death may be abuse of pain medication.  Report. Keep in mind that Prince's plane ride was aborted to Moline, Illinois and the singer hospitalized only a few days before his death.  Did the pain pills prematurely end Prince's life? 

Opiods are killers.  Legal Pub first published a warning article back in 2007 long before most folks knew what Oxycontin and Oxycodone were all about.  LINK.  Keep in mind, the drugs addictive properties resulted in executives being fined. The role of opiod medication in Prince's death is more than just rank speculation.  Reports out of Moline suggest that Prince took too many pills on the plane and received an opiod antidote during his hospital visit.  Report. Attorney Mike Padden who represented two of Prince's half-siblings in the past suggested that Prince abused Percocet in the past Pain killers have been linked to numerous deaths.  In 2010, the New England Journal of Medicine documented 17,000 fatalities in 2010. Article  

Opiods include Hydrocodone (Vicodin) and oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet, Percodan).   Other drugs with similar characteristics include codeine, fentanyl (Duragesic patch), hydromorphone (Dilaudid), meperidine (Demerol), morphine (MS Contin), and tramadol (Ultram). Opiods are designed to block pain perception in the brain. The Annals of Internal Medicine, Publication and a 2014 position statement by the National Institute of Health  Position Statement all suggest that the harms of opioids often outweigh the benefits for patents who are not terminally ill. 

Prince supporters deny that drugs played any role in his death.  L. Londell McMillan, an attorney for the estate, said medication might have been used to treat pain, but none "that would be any cause for concern... Everybody who knows Prince knows he wasn't walking around drugged up." Source.  Sheila E. also disputed alleged drug abuse by Prince. Sheila.   Nevertheless, it seems undisputed that Prince did have pain. Whether he took too much medication to relieve the pain is up to the Carver County authorities to decide after reviewing toxicology studies.   What is clear is that there were no signs of trauma or intent to commit suicide. Thus the world is left to mourn the fall of another pop star, no matter what the cause of death, the music world lost a great one.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot about your 2007 award winning article on Opiods!
