Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Psychopathic Killer Dies: Why You Should Care ~by Legal Pub

So there is one less psychopathic killer in the world.  Why should anyone give the time of day to dwell on the subject?  Perhaps there is no other reason besides Winston Moseley was notorious for killing Kitty Genovese in 1964 at a time when apathy allowed such psychopaths to perform nasty deeds in a vacuum of apathy.  Details of the grizzly killing of Moseley were highly publicized because the murder took place while Genovese's neighbors ignored her cries for help.  Genovese was only 28 years-old at the time of her murder.  The refusal of her neighbors to get involved was highly publicized and studied.  Such ridiculous behavior is now labelled as "bystander effect."  Does the presence of other people witnessing the crime discourage others from intervening in an emergency?  Psychological genius suggest yes.  Other's claim it was a generation of apathetic indifference with a genuine desire to avoid "a hassle."

The New York Times reported that as many as 38 people observed the stabbing murder.  Kew Garden residents were labeled as having "diffusion of responsibility."  Other historians argue that the number who actually saw the stabbing was substantially less and that perhaps as many as two people did call the police.  What is clear is that no one seemed to want to get involved by explaining to the police how serious the situation sounded.  Similarly no one attempted to physically intervene over the course of several minutes of Genovese screaming.  Some reports indicate that one neighbor screamed from a window to "leave that girl alone" and perhaps that temporarily provided some relief as Winston Moseley apparently drove off and Genovese sought the safety of her apartment building. Unfortunately, Mosely returned to the scene and finished the job inside of the apartment complex.

Regardless of how many actually heard and ignored the victim, the Genovese murder inspired the use of 911 to report crimes and other emergencies.  Mosely was 81 at the time of his recent death.  Let him forever be the symbol of why good people need to get involved so as to prevent evil.

1 comment:

  1. People are smarter now. They film beatings on their cell phones...
