Monday, January 25, 2016

Ex-Florida State Quarterback, Jameis Winston Needs to Dodge More Than Defensive Linemen? ~by Legal Pub

Bill Cosby knows about law suits at a ripe old age.  LINK.  Young Jameis Winston apparently has learned at a much younger age.  The former quarterback's University, Florida State University, is apparently settling a lawsuit with a woman who claims she was raped by former star quarterback.   John Thrasher, FSU President, told the press that the university would pay Erica Kinsman $250,000 and her attorney another $700,000!  Now that is effective negotiating by Plaintiff's counsel.  FSU nor Winston have admitted guilt; however, in the interest of saving legal fees, the FSU settled the claim against the university.   A separate suit remains pending against Jameis Winston who is now a quarterback with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Winston denies liability.  During his tenure at FSU, the university allegedly cleared Winston of the allegations.
Criminal charges were not pursed by the prosecutor because of alleged gaps in Ms. Kinsman's story. 

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