Thursday, December 3, 2015

Just Call It What It Is! Murdering Lunatics ~by Legal Pub

assault rifle [Credit: National War College]

It would have been nice to have had a guest post by Donald Trump.  Not for the entertainment value, but for direct blunt thoughts about the stupidity occurring at a holiday banquet for the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health in California.

Does a label need to be put on Syed Rizwan Farook or his wife Tashfeen Malik other than murdering lunatics?  The couple conducted what appears to be a well thought out murder of 14 people with approximately 17 others being wounded. Whether it's labeled as workplace violence or terrorism is pure crap!  It is murder.  Let's declare war on murders and make sure of the following:
One:   No more glorification of the murders with so much media coverage.
Two:   Punish each murderer to the full extent of the law.
Questions?  Repeat step one and two!

Farook was apparently born in Chicago but raised in California.  His internet bride apparently is from Pakistan but lived in the Middle East.  The two were both apparently in Saudi Arabia within the last two years. They attended the banquet, then they suddenly left.  They then returned with a plan to murder at a facility designed to help the developmentally disabled. Farook had been a public employee for about five years.  Since returning to the U.S., he was reported as being "reserved."

Both Farook and his bride were killed in a gun fight less than four hours after the mass murder. The couple had fled in a rented SUV. Given the rental vehicle, amount of ammunition and explosives, this was a planned massacre.  Unfortunately, there was a great deal of media coverage of the shootout and unfortunately, publicity is the last thing lunatics deserve.  Furthermore, extensive media coverage appears to spawn further attacks.

Farook's brother in law, Farhan Khan, spoke to the media and condemned the violence. Farook and Malik had assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons in their SUV at the time of their death.  The motive of the shooting is debatable.  Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Los Angeles, said not to jump to conclusions.  Muzammil Siddiqi, chairman of the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, publicized his “sadness and sorrow” for the victims.  “We are in solidarity with them," Siddiqi said, while condemning the “horrible violence," and urged people not to condemn Islam.

Legal Pub takes the position that there is indeed no need to condemn any religion.  What needs to be condemned is anyone who promotes acts of violence and that condemnation needs to consist of punishing crimes to the maximum extent of the law.

Farook and Malik are survived by a six month child who was staying with relatives at the time of the shooting.

The couple apparently met in 2014 on a dating site.  Malik came to the U.S. on a "Fiance Visa." Random dating site and social media photos below

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  1. Think it is being investigated as a terrorism

  2. It looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck.

    In my view it is probably a duck!

  3. It does not matter if it was coordinated with DASH or ISIS or any other group. It is at least two individuals who conspired to murder a lot of people. It seems like terrorism and needs to be used as an example of what is not to be tolerated.

  4. Gun control is not necessarily the answer. France has strict gun control laws and look what happened in Paris!

  5. I do not think the religious component can be ignored. The brotherinlaw refused to comment as to the extent of Farook's beliefs in Islam. All religious leaders who do not condemn violence need to be held accountable.

  6. seems like we need to ban guns to mentally ill and religious zealots

  7. Round up the bad boys and girls and buy them a 100% paid for vacation to the prison island of their choice.

  8. 100% of shootings involve guns. Less guns = less shooting

  9. Less guns in the hands of law abiding citizens just means its easier for bad people with guns to kill others.

  10. The so called wife was Pakistani according to a federal source. Tashfeen Malik’s background is now being investigated.

  11. "We don't know at this point the extent of their plans, we do not know their motivations," President Obama

  12. A third person was detained but might not be connected to the shooting.

  13. Julie Paez was there! She worked with the male shooter. She was shot. She couldn't believe it was her co worker. She said, "That doesn't make sense," she replied. "They were congratulating him for having a baby."

  14. Farook went to the middle east from the U.S. He came back with Malik, who he met online. She is believed to be Pakistani.

  15. CNN is reporting that suspect Syed Farook appears to have been radicalised. He is known to have traveled to the Middle East, but it is not yet clear how the radicalisation may have taken place.

  16. Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik have been married for perhaps two years. Farook recently returned from the Middle East. He reportedly spent about one month in Saudi Arabia. The Redlands home of Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook was suspected of being an “IED factory” or “IED facility.”

    Syed Farook, 28, was a devout Muslim. He stopped to pray during the work day. He began growing a beard since last year. WYFF 4 News is a good source.

  17. Malik originally entered the US on a KI visa, also known as the fiancé(e) visa.

  18. At the Redlands home there were 12 pipe bomb type devices found, hundreds of tools, many of which could be used to construct IEDs or pipe bombs. Another 2,000 9mm rounds, over 2,500 223 rounds, and several hundred 22 long rifle rounds were all discovered.

  19. Were the shooters and any militant group abroad connected? Officials are checking electronics found at a townhouse used by the couple to see if they browsed jihadist websites. In the meantime, it has been reported that the couples computers and cell phones had been deleted prior to the shooting to cover their tracks.

  20. Explosives left at the scene of the shooting were from a design found in Inspire magazine, the online publication of Al Qaeda.

  21. Farook and Malik met online in 2014. Both are Muslim. She was living in Saudi Arabia but is a native of Pakistan. Farook was born in Chicago but raised in California. Farook visited Saudi Arabia at least twice, including in 2014 when he returned with Malik.

    Malik entered the U.S. on a K-1, or "fiancée," Visa. The couple had to wed within 90 days.
    In his online dating profile, Farook was seeking a Muslim girl who wears a hijab. Malik A co-worker of Farook's said Malik was a pharmacist. Farook's co-workers threw him a baby shower before the couple's child was born.

  22. Terror Ties?

    Both dressed in black while firing their weapons.Investigators have been in touch with at least one international terrorism suspect concerning the shootings. Furthermore, law enforcement is searching for the individual who purchased at least two of the guns used in the shooting.

    In sum, one simply cannot ignore the amount of ammunition and guns located at the home. Planed yes. Influenced by Terror, you bet.

  23. "Legal Pub takes the position that there is indeed no need to condemn any religion."

    "For good people to do the most horrible things...that takes religion" Christopher Hitchens

    Been reading much about Charles Manson lately, much more info on the net now days, Leslie Von Houton's audio interview with her lawyers in Dec of 1969 is most disturbing, especially when she repeats, "It had to be done". She thought that Charley was Jesus and bought the "Helter Skelter" bit... hook, line, and sinker. What is not well known amongst the general public is that after the Aug 16th raid at the ranch Charlie's followers were leaving in droves....they were down to maybe 12 members by the time of the Tate arrests.

    What Van Houten also points out is the day she is asked to go on another murdering spree for charlie, Charlie had asked her, "Are you crazy?". She implys by this statement and her comment afterwards is that other members of less religious beliefs thought that "Helter Skelter" was a crazy idea, and so was Charlie. Only the truly religious bought Charlies story and some thought it was OK to slaughter innocent human beings because their god said so... "It had to be done!"

    Than we have Jim goes on and on

    The facts about Islam is that anyone that is not a part of that belief should be killed....that is fact.

    "Religion poisons everything"

  24. Religious extremism definitely can lead to violence as video dude suggests.
